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Everything posted by Eaty

  1. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  2. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  3. Hello, with the next client update, there will be an option to view currently lent Pokemon, and the remaining time.
  4. Hello, I understand that having a supportive and friendly gaming environment is important, but I’d like to clarify that in the early stages of our game, there are no specific story parts or quests that require assistance from other players. This design allows everyone to progress at their own pace and explore the game independently. I recommend you to visit our Game Guide sub-forum, where you can find detailed guides and tips that might help you as you navigate through the game. Regarding the behavior of other players, while we strive to foster a welcoming community, players do have the option to ignore others if they choose. This feature is intended to give everyone control over their interactions.
  5. We do not plan to unleash the Hoopa but how about the Hoopa mount?
  6. Just a little update. I actively work on the new AI. Currently, I work on a visual representation to make testing and reporting easier for the testers. This is only a debugging tool, but I thought it would be interesting to keep you updated.
  7. Hey, I don't really understand your point. I don't want anyone to feel mistreated. I assumed that feedback on suggestions would be considered helpful. If a suggestion will not be implemented, what kind of response would you prefer? Do you even want feedback then? Should the suggestion be left unanswered?
  8. Hello, Instead of the option to copy the ID, wouldn't an item that gives read-only access to your box be better? Players could use this to link Pokemon in the chat from anywhere. This would be beneficial for sellers, players who like to show off their Pokemon, and to link caught Pokemon fails before deleting them via caught preview. Just to make it clear, players would not be able to move Pokemon, add them to their team, or transfer them to the box. It would be a read-only (view-only) option.
  9. Hello, a significant amount of our players are returning players, both those with high and low playtime. Deleting these accounts would harm us long term. Regarding banned accounts, it is quite common for players to appeal and get unbanned even after years. Additionally, many accounts may appear to have no playtime, but the playtime from Red and Blue servers is not viewable for players. In the future, we may delete accounts that were created but never logged in. However, we do not plan to ban accounts that have played PRO.
  10. Hello, instead of giving players more bonuses and effects for free, I'd like to create a rewarding system that makes activities like bosses, bounties, and repeatable dungeons or quests worthwhile. Unfortunately, your suggestions go in the opposite direction, so I have to deny them.
  11. Hello, we are working on an AI rework for a while now. We tried several approaches, and a version that might eventually make it to the live server is currently being tested. If it makes it to the live server, we will certainly use it for NPCs like bosses. I can offer you to test it by letting you battle it with a proper boss team. Let me know if you are interested. We are always looking for feedback.
  12. Winners 1st Place: Ngdevil (1x Valentine Smeargle** + 1x IV-locked reroll) 2nd Place: Gqbby (1x Valentine Smeargle**) 3rd Place: Akalaz (1x IV-locked reroll) The rewards will be distributed within the next few days.
  13. Hello, if we add a new format in the future then it'd be either UU oder Uber. We do not plan to add a shiny-form pvp format.
  14. Hello, we do not plan to add options to increase the chance to encounter/get shinies and forms.
  15. Hello, we do not plan to make normal Pokemon editable. The only reason it's possible for legendaries is cause you can only catch one.
  16. Eaty

    Update Logs

    Changelog 01.04.2024: Added an idle animation for many mounts. Added mount effects for Valentine and Shadow mounts. Fixed a bug that caused other players who were idling to eventually be displayed facing right in your screen. Fixed bugs that allowed regular players to write colored chat messages and change the text of clickable links. The reconnect code should now be a bit more robust. Fixed exponential scaling of LoS checks with NPC count. Added keybindings for Backpack, Pokedex, and World Map. Adjusted the Christmas in-battle snow effect. Added new Valentine forms and chromas. Added more than 100 new mounts. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.
  17. Hey, that's hard to do cause every single stone has its own cooldown.
  18. The following Mega Mounts have been added or will be added after the next client update: All Charizard-themed Megas Mega Garchomp (plus its forms) Mega Tyranitar (plus its forms) Mega Rayquaza Mega Metagross (plus its forms) Mega Aerodactyl (not yet finished) Mega Mewtwo X (not yet finished) Mega Mewtwo Y (not yet finished) Mega Salamence (not yet finished) Mega Gengar (not yet finished) Furthermore, Arceus, including all 36 variants, plus its Christmas-themed form, has been added.
  19. Implemented in the next client.
  20. I will look into it and try to add it in the next client update. In general, it shouldn't be a problem. It will just be a bit tedious.
  21. We'll keep the campfire burning for your return whenever you're ready to jump back in.
  22. Eaty


    Hello, it is practically impossible for the server to automatically check account connections, making it technically impossible. And even if this were possible, we would reject this suggestion, as it would be pointless to save the OT at all.
  23. Hello, I already added a window that pops up when a player encounters a form or shiny. This needs to be either closed or you have to wait for ten seconds before the battle window responds to input again. If that's not sufficient, you should pay more attention to the game window. I don't intend to take any further measures in this regard. This counts for forms, shinies, and normal Pokemon.
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