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Regarding legendaries.


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132976 Guys chill the game will have all the possible legendaries :/ i had a chat with a gm the other day and he did mentioned that they will add more legendaries when they can just need to work on stuff such as "quests, scripting" and things like that, it wont be easy to get them though, Mew quest is not something you can do on the first month playing and i believe it will be the same for the other legendaries but it will be possible to have them in the future... The gm also mentioned to me that once there are a lot more legendaries it wont be possible to use them on pvp and i think that will be great, they will be mostly like rewards from the time you played... Although i dont think this will affect every legendary Pokemon because there are a few legendaries that are not that strong and wont create unbalance when it comes to pvp ^^

Everyone's chill, thanks for clarifiying this though. I think if it'd be made to where the chances of encountering a legendary anywhere in the world would be like shinies (which is what, 1 in 8192 or something?), it wouldn't be that bad. Not many people would have them. Maybe buff the rate to like 1 in 15000, too. But it'd suck if the person didn't have pokeballs to at least attempt to catch the given legendary, so there'd have to be some type of workaround.

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The legendaries which will be catchable in future will be scripted and not some wild encounters.

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I like the idea of having next to no lengendaries. It's how the games should have always been. Don't get me wrong, I love legendaries...well 2 of them at least, but they are legendary for a reason and shpuld stay that way.



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Firstly, I begin to play to PRO because there were no legendaries AND no breeding. Because otherwise everyone will play the same team of legendaries in PvP (I know you see quite the same non-legendaries in PvP anyway). And nobody have the same pokemon with the good nature/ability and 31*6 IVS which is really nice for me. Like that you can have more versatilities in the game.

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I think legendaries should not be added ingame.

Or it can be set as event reward like PVP tournament.


Because if you're fated to encounter every legendary ingame,so most player's team will be full legendary team which is too overpowered.I suggest it can be set as event reward or some donator reward.


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I think that it's wrong to not implement all the legendaries in game. It already sucks that in original games you can't really "catch them all". You always need the other complementary game, trade, or specific events. This game can (and I would say MUST) be different.

You should be able to really capture them all, if you dedicate enough.

For me the solution is to create good, difficult quests for all legendaries, even if it would take much time to create them all, and just for the sake of collection. Ban all legendaries in PVP and you're done.

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Yeah I want a way where we can catch legendaries but with certain limitations and make it rather difficult, no easy ways to catch them. Maybe even more rare than shinies, someone is bound to think of a good solution.

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Yes, make it so difficult that getting mew would seem easy. Like having I don't know 400hours of game play, and having a specific pokemon in your team with specific nature, and doing many chain quests all the way to the point where you can attempt to catch the legendary. If ti takes you a month it wouldn't seem too difficult. After all, even if it is banned from PvP, I wouldn't like seen people with legendaries following them everywhere. It should be rare, unlike mew which I've seen up to 3 different people at the same time. It takes away the magic of seen mew.

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Making legendarys easily obtainable and usable/allowing them in PvP makes it very unbalanced, tedious and stale.

*cough cough* VGC16 *cough* :Cry:


So making them obtainable sooner or later through long quests, grind or luck is nice. But they should end up still bein rare and something special. Besides that I think Cover Legends and Uber-Legends should be banned from competitive play atleast.

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