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Items, boost creation suggestions


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item : Missões PvP Diárias 


Descrição  : Melhora o npc PvP, pede para você vencer um certo número de batalhas, usa um certo pokémon em batalhas de ranqueadas, leva um certo rank.


Recompensa: Faixa Focus, moedas Pve, berry, masterball e após 7 dias seguidos obrigatórios chance de Shiny da semana ser feito os 7 dias sem falhas.


Edited by PookeBR
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This has probably been suggested before but:

Name: Black Medallion(in-game hours)


Description: BMS that expires after a certain amount of in-game hours(12-16?) have passed.


How to obtain: Coin shop

People that work a lot and have families can hardly ever find a 3 day span where buying a BMS is worth it so hunting for HA Pokes isn't an option for them. 

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Name: forms anihilizer


Description: Once activated in settings, all pokemons with special skins/forms are seen as usuals by the player. 


How to obtain: unlock by deleting 10 OT  special/event form pokemons. 

Edited by Luohan

discord: luohan#1745

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Name: xd-haxprotector999



Description: Once activated (ie for a 24h) all your moves becomes 100% acc in PvE battles, you never get flinched (except 100% chance moves like fake out) , paralyzed, burn, and never gain a critical hit.



How to obtain: rare boss reward


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discord: luohan#1745

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Name: blessing aura



Description: if using a legendary mount and having the same one in your party you will have an extremely small chance to meet the legendary as a wild encounter. If mount is shiny, the appearing pokémon would be shiny too. 

Single time use for each mount. (allows to collect extra regular and shiny form). 



How to obtain: just collect a pvp mount + keep the right pokémon in party.

Edited by Luohan

discord: luohan#1745

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Teleport scroll / mysterious scroll



Teleport to any pokecenter of all regions, event islands (one use or 3 recharges)


How to obtain:
Teleport scroll from pokeshop - 5.000 pokedollars?

Teleport scroll from pokestops

Mysterious scroll from mysterious cultist - chance to drop from compliting wq



Edited by Zimba
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name:hunters medalion

repel is great item in pro because of repel trick  it is a great way to invest money it is high risk high reward u  either get a apic poke and make  a big profit of it or invest millions and get nothing which is completely fine.but there are some pokes not repellable like charmander or there are some maps people want to hunt more than one poke one of them is repellable other is not so repel trick is not so good we need another way to hunt and invest for these situations. make an item that increases chances to encounter rare pokemon  for x amount of steps  like %50(not sure about it maybe less or more) or make it opposite way that item lower the chances of encountering common pokemon(maybe  remove common pokemon from spawn pool) for x amount of steps. this items would be great for multiple reasons it will add a new way to invest for high risk high reward way and it would add a new way for money sink which this game really needs.u can also make an item like this for excavations for x amount of time(maybe 30mins) players have more chances to encounter rare excavation pokemon, excavations are so bad and needs rework this item maybe makes excavations great again 

how to obtain :pokemarts or coin shop item 

Edited by Precipitous
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  Name : For exemple "Permanent Focus Sash"


Concerned items :

  1. Berries
  • Restorative berries

Sitrus Berry

Enigma Berry (honestly it's never used)

Aguav Berry

Figy Berry

Iapapa Berry

Mago Berry

Wiki Berry


  • Weakening berries

Priority given to :


Yache Berry

Chople Berry

Colbur Berry

Shuca Berry

Passho Berry

Babiri Berry


others :


Charti Berry

Coba Berry

Haban Berry

Kasib Berry

Kebia Berry

Occa Berry

Payapa Berry

Rindo Berry

Roseli Berry

Tanga Berry

Wacan Berry


  • Raising berries

Priority given to :


Salac Berry (how many times did we hear someone complaining about those 🤣).


others :


Apicot Berry

Ganlon Berry

Liechi Berry

Petaya Berry

Starf Berry (never used)

Lansat Berry

(The rest is not even worth mentionning)


  • Special Berries

Custap Berry


  • Status healing Berries

Lum Berry

Chesto Berry (for sets with Rest)


      2. Miscellaneous


Focus Sash

Air Balloon

Weakness Policy

Red Card

Electric / Grassy / Misty / Psychic Seed (for the future)

Mental Herb

Power Herb

White Herb


As you surely noticed, those are consumable items used in battles. As a result, Rare Candies, PP Up and PP Max will be ignored.


  Description : "A permanent version of [insert item name] usable anywhere. It has been enchanted with powerful magic beyond our understanding."


How to obtain : Trading to Dark Mage Fafouney Npc a said quantity of your consumeable items in exchange of their permanent version. It would be possible after having done a difficult Quest that I'm gonna tell the story so you could get inspired if you wanted to do one. I'll be putting it at the end as it's not the most important.


  For the amount required, how accessible one item is will be taken into account.

By accessibility I mean in which quantity in average can you get the said item in 1 week if you do all PvE content where the item can be possibly dropped on 1 account ?

And why not the average PvP coins earned a week + the ratings rewards on 1 account to satisfy both sides.

The problem with that will be multi-account abusers in PvE (that I am part of) multiplicating by 4 their ressources income and totally breaking the balance between PvE and PvP rewards. I guess the most common items dropped on Bosses such as Focus Sash and Lum Berry  will have a way bigger quantity requirement.


 Focus Sash as a permanent item will be problematic for PvE content such as Bosses and Suspicious Bot. To avoid that, you can restrict the usage of the same permanent item version to 1 for Suspi and 2 for Bosses.


About economy, in a distant future, when 99% of people will have 99% of permanent version items, consumeable items will be a pain to sell. To compensate that, we can sell like 10 Sash or 30 Lum Berries for 2 Pve Coin if you're either impatient or full. Also, permanent items won't be tradable, so the economy will still be running for non permanent consumeables and will still act as a money sink.


Why this suggestion : I've come with this idea mainly because on PRO, you are restricted for teambuilding since consumeable items aren't permanent. It's one of the many reasons we're seeing the same boring teams in PvP. I think the majority of PvP players got into one of those situations : "Either I can't play this team since I need [insert item]on a specific pokemon" or "I have few of those + they're rare". You're basically trapped.




The story :


  The beginning :


  Before getting his "Dark Mage" nickname, Fafouney was a Miner collecting raw materials for Poke Balls, living alone in Laverre City in the Kalos Region . One day, while mining deeply, his pickaxe hit something, making a weird noise. He decided to investigate and found a weird looking item. It looked like it was a quite ancient artefact, probably coming from an old civilization. When Fafouney was walking in a certain corridor deep inside the mine, he could notice the artefact glowing. He immediatly thought of it trying to guide him somewhere.


Without telling anyone, he started mining for few years until he found a large door with a mechanism. Its shape looked like it could match with the artefact's one, so he tried to put it in. Out of nowhere, tremors could be felt caused by the large door opening. When entering, he could see a huge room with a dark book in its middle. Fafouney couldn't hold his curiosity and tried to touch it...


Suddenly, his mind was being filled with visions of the past back at the Kalos War that happened 3000 years ago. With those visions, he learnt that this book was made by the brother of the Kalos King AZ, who used the power left from the Ultimate Weapon he buried to build this book in secret, helping next generations prevent disasters like this War to happen again. Fafouney also learnt its uses, magic formulas restoring materials to their previous state before having been destroyed and a powerful enchantment necessiting to sacrifice a quantity of the same said item you want to make a permanent version.


As the book is not as powerful as the Ultimate Weapon, it cannot interact with humans. Also, this book is exhausting to use and shouldn't be abused too often. Moreover, only Fafouney can wield this power, which will lead to conflits surrounding him when it will be known.


  Moving forward in time :


  It's been 1 year since Fafouney went on an adventure through the Kalos Region to solve people's problems in the deprived areas by restoring their belongings like wrecked houses back to normal. People got used referring to Fafouney with a nickname "the Dark Mage" as a reference to his black book power to go against nature's laws with powerful magic formulas. He always asked to people to keep the secret, as he was sure this book will bring conflits.


  Villains :


  And here come the villains to spice things up, otherwise it isn't funny ! After having learnt about his power by overhearing conversations, what is left of evil organizations will one by one be trying to capture Fafouney, forcing him to restore materials they have lost and once again try to take over the world with potential countless ressources at their disposal. The opposite will happen from the brother's expectations by having created this book, an intense chaos, a conflict for power.


  Due to pursuers, Fafouney was forced to leave Kalos and tried to hide as far away as possible, he ended up in Kanto. This is where we will be meeting him and some of his insistent pursuers. After defeating those, our character will be noticing his book and will try to know more about it, seeing that Fafouney can trust us, he'll be saying why those guys were after him. We accept to help him solving his problems. As we're quadra champion and thus the most powerful trainer, we have contacts we could use to sort out this problem once it for all (Elite 4, Police, Gym champions...)


  At the end :


To thank us of having definitely arrested his pursuers, he agrees to make us permanent items only if we promise to use those to maintain peace worldwide. Great power means great responsability.

=> I can't find a suitable reason for a 10 years old kid to have a permanent version of said items. But I guess we can count on Pokemon's logic that is inexistent anyway 🤣.





Edited by Fafouney
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