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Rework PvP


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since when is prestige mount a mile stone... it can be bought with only 12-20m ... what milestone is that xD pvp was never a good way not even a decent way to earn money super weak argument and its not like everyone would autmatically use full cool team and get 10000 coins..... Oh No! the possiblity to be rewarded for creativity! -1 bro xDD

finn.gif.d450244a79435b8983a25a5b72cff0b1.gif                 Youtube Channel xD                 cruci.gif.0344cffa73dea39fea2bd65a11f291ef.gif  

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5 hours ago, Fafouney said:

For all your other tier propositions + this quote, you can't blame people who want to win and therefore bring solid teams full of OU that will win more easily against your Wish team version. Also, will you have fun when encountering good opponents with meta teams facing your troll teams that will obliterate you 5 or more times in a row to finally get a noob in your 6th game ? I don't think so.

u can bring 100 ou pokes and dont win vs my easiest "wish team" trust me ... 5 is the number of games i max. play in a week because thats exactly what it takes to get my weekly coin. 5 games 5 wins always the same 100% winrate on people like u who think cool pokes are ez to beat just because somerandom guy put them in some random tier list on some website



5 hours ago, Fafouney said:

"1 win with 6 poke from tier 1 (weakest/ like 1st evos) = 5 PvP coins" so you can farm noobs like you previously did in your videos with 6 pre-evo Pokemon. Those kind of team will only work against them, you will waste your time if you're against decent opponents with meta teams who actually know how to put Stealth Rock on your field.

 really ......... ? these videos were just random shadowplay moments for my friends.... i never said they were anything special i  mastered my own style since 2015 if u wanna check my replays i beat u all clowns with my little left finger i am the god of pokemonshowdown before pro existed the only one who ever laddered in pro with full nu pokes like kecleon and never tanks ask all of your weird "known people" who beat their 3 letters in pvp anytime with any team...

why u change the topic now from this epic suggestion to your weird jealousy... i dont even know you and you spend so much time and effort making up lies about me below my brothers post xD what the freak have i done to u ?

Edited by Crucifixuz

finn.gif.d450244a79435b8983a25a5b72cff0b1.gif                 Youtube Channel xD                 cruci.gif.0344cffa73dea39fea2bd65a11f291ef.gif  

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If you have your own opinion and we can have ours too, we can give - 1 if we dont like your idea. But we dont actually need why. I hate why you guys always mention showdown anyway  i dont play showdown i play pro, and i enjoy it.

And to players who really think they are skillful dont talk about that here just play as you like. I see Frozen play with some undderated mons for months he still win it. If you hate the meta and thought some mond are really too op just mention those pokemon so that may be staff can adjust for us or banned. 

In every pvp game there always will be a meta

I understand why you want the change but u cant just call us fool if ww dont like it

Edited by Matea07
spelling mistakes
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"we dont like your idea. But we dont actually need why. I hate why you guys always mention showdown anywa  i dont play showdown i play pro"

if u had read and understand my post u wouldve realized that this is 1 step away not 1 step closer to the weird smogon/ showdown fake system we are having right now.

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It's not that I don't like the idea, but this can give rises to unwanted toxicity from players who now can give excuse when they lose: "Oh, I'm just farming coins, you would lose to me at my full power", or go full toxic when they win: "Haha, lost to 5 PU Mon, how trashy are you." It's unnecessary to give extra benefits to someone for playing low tier mon just because they are bored of the current meta.

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