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Welcome back @futz. Unfortunately, will have to close this thread as it's developing in a bidding war that puts you on a higher ground in comparison with the ones interested.


In order to handle it properly, you must verbally reject an offer you're not willing to take, as soon as possible. Until you're happy with an offer, which again, you must post as soon as possible to let everyone know. If you sit back and watch buyers battling out, your thread will be closed.

You can also only consider private offers. That way you can have more control over how the sale is being conducted. Without letting the interested know of the best offer, nor adding an ending point, etc. For more information you can read the Trade Rules and Auction Rules. You'll get a better grip of how current trades are being ruled, and perhaps choose to auction some of these Pokemon.


If you have any doubts, you can use the General Support sub-forum where we'd more than happy to clarify. Or use the Complaint Area if you choose to keep those doubts in private. Take care.


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