Likuet Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 Arnie said: 135422 Lance doesnt have a cooldown (or shouldnt have). This wont be changed, due to the whole point of why they were added, the prize pools involved. These bosses will also give out mega stones potentially in the future, so while the cooldown may not make sense now, it is there to stop the economy get over-inflated. Dig spots are getting a revamp soon also, so some of the things may get changed, but bosses will not have a lower cooldown. With hoenn there will be at least 5-6 new bosses included (if i dont add any more, which I will undoubtedly). that is a lot of things to do in 4 days. Hi. Are there any plans on making some Item sinks? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godlv Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 ShadowSkill said: 135469 Arnie said: 135422 it is there to stop the economy get over-inflated. This is what I'm about to say. One week would be too fast and would destroy the economy. When these bosses rewards mega stones later then mega stones would just become an ordinary item. Best to keep it to 2 weeks or even more later after Mega Stones are rewarded and implemented. they wont become a regular item if its a rare drop imo ayylmao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richardg Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 i do understand that 2 weeks is a good amount if you win but i wish the cooldown would be less if you lose. sometimes you get unlucky in battle and just cuz of that, waiting 2 weeks just to try again seems a bit much. for sure keep 2 weeks if you win due to the rewards at stake but losing is another thing. you get nothing and you have to wait another 2 weeks just to try again with another chance to lose. My Youtube Channel --> RichardG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klixzzz Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 Atm most Boss-cds make no sense. For example, Sage and Deathwing, Wargreymon literally give nothing thats even worth the effort to going for / killing them, especially deathwing doesnt. But since its been said that they might have mega stones in the futures, i think 14days is okay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mozser Posted April 7, 2016 Share Posted April 7, 2016 Yeah definitely agree with this. I have to wait another week to fight the pumpkin king due to me challenging him with a relatively week team compared to what I have now (my team has beat every other boss). Would be cool to see a 72 hour cool down, but you had to bring in at least one different pokemon into your team for the battle than what you previously had when you fought the boss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylana Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 I definetly feel like pushing this once again, the longer it keeps up the more interest it might get. Thought about going to the suggestion forum and post a suggestion about the timers beeing reduced, well here we are, glad others share that interest. To be fair on Blue Server right now, besides in the evening (1800 ppl online the que to PvP is still insane) you just don't have anything to do, and when I want to test my level 100 team, even if its just in PvE, I feel like 14 days are way to much. There could be several options to obtain Megastones, even if its for bosses you could just add a question to the bosses or your answer where it's like "I demand your Megastone" and then you fight a worse team then before, still with only a chance to obtain them. And to make that kinda logical the bosses can still say "you fought bravely, but you are not yet ready to obtain the Megastone. But for your effords you will still get a Rewerd". And this Reward could be like the normal rewards, but with higher chance of good drops. But the usual PvE content would improve by reducing the cooldown, since It's really only 1 day of efford to really fight them all. This idea wouldn't also double the amount of times you can fight the bosses, but make atleast some items more attractive, It also wouldn't hurt the economy that much if you just reduce the chance of getting anything good. I'd rather play, fight them, lose, get nothing, try again in less days then fight them, lose, get nothing, try again in 14 days. Or win, be happy about whatever I get because my reaction is just like "meh" but I'm reliefd that I beat them again. I'd highly suggest, like many others, 4 day cooldown. Maybe even a CD tracking NPC somewhere would be great. Explaind by "Did anyone ask for me?" "Ye, Lorelei asked for you, looks like you haven't fought in a while. EVEN going back to that NPC to enable those bosses would be a solution that could work. Plus if its in Kanto, and you have to fight johto bosses, this either kills 5k pds or a long time of traveling back and forth. Hopefully any admin will read this and consider atleast something like this. There are solutions to everything, just don't cut us out of the endgame content everyone enjoys so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thor Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 the whole point of the bosses is that THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HARD. If you lose to them, you take the punishment of waiting the time to battle them again. I didn't add them in just for easy rare items, the reason they are like they are was the whole entire point of them. Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sesshomaru Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 its fine as it is, some of the arguments that are brought up to reduce the time literally made me facepalm -.- Why dont we give them no cooldowns at all, i mean they are only bosses right Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylana Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 Arnie said: 138963 the whole point of the bosses is that THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HARD. If you lose to them, you take the punishment of waiting the time to battle them again. I didn't add them in just for easy rare items, the reason they are like they are was the whole entire point of them. Didn't mean the message to be "the bosses are to hard", if that came through lol - but I guess it's more from other posts before. It's fun and great that they are as hard as they are. Plus it's not about obtaining rare Items easily, which is also not necessary. I guess the whole point of everyone complaining about it is that they just want to fight them more often because it is actually pretty fun to do. Sesshomaru said: 138967 its fine as it is, some of the arguments that are brought up to reduce the time literally made me facepalm -.- Why dont we give them no cooldowns at all, i mean they are only bosses right As mentioned above, sure they are bosses but having late game PvE content you can only access for a small amount of time every 2 weeks is just no fun at all. And those Ideas were more likely suggestions on how it COULD work, there will be a solution to fight them more often, we / they just have to figure something. Maybe 4 days would be to low I'd agree on that but why wouldn't it be possible to reduce the chance of good items and just make them fightable once a week? Right now I'm like "Oh great Dig holes respawnd, here we go 1 hour of dighole grinding" besides grinding Pokemon with trees or whatever, ev training and leveling, but this whole leveling base will end eventually. It's like beeing fully geard in any mmorpg, what do you do afterwards? Dailyquests, Reputation and stuff. Since the bosses ARE the end game content PvE wise it would be just more fun to fight them more often. It's not about the items, not about the difficulty, just pure accessable PvE content with decent times. In the end it is just all about the fun besides grinding up pokemon in the end game. And bosses were a really, really great idea for that! But as they are currently, it is just not entertaining at all (or to be fair, a few hours every 2 weeks). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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