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Trade Improvement: Loan System


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136859 i guess its just me but that doesnt sound fun. I find pokemon fun when i get to pick my team and play with them and have some hard times. If you would like to skip all of it i really dont care but it just doesnt sound fun to me...


exactly, this loaning idea breaks the meaning/gameplay of the game. ppl who tend to do that better off play some other games.





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136859 i guess its just me but that doesnt sound fun. I find pokemon fun when i get to pick my team and play with them and have some hard times. If you would like to skip all of it i really dont care but it just doesnt sound fun to me...


exactly, this loaning idea breaks the meaning/gameplay of the game. ppl who tend to do that better off play some other games.


I guess this is true =) but ppl will still loaning some pokes to friends to make their life easier ingame, so this idea would no change much in this aspect. But in other day, with this sytem being implemented, the chance of getting robbed would be 0. And if the person who got the poke gets banned, the poke will always go to his own user. For these reasons i approve this topic ^^ But i completely understand what you are saying, and i also dont find it funny to pass the whole story with someone else poke, but there are ppl who find it more fun this way. Its all about opinions i guess.

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I support this "Loan System" that your suggesting BUT the CURRENT trading system should change, trainer should only receive (from trading) equivalent to his/her highest own-self leveling pokemon, for example a new Trainer who's the highest level of pokemon is level 40 by his/her own-self training should NOT receive a level 100 pokemon but rather equivalent only in level 40 or below, so basically you should level first (at least one) a level 100 pokemon in your own way before you can receive level 100 pokemon from other training. Pokemon is supposed to be adventure and growing up with youre pokemon, atleast thats what i saw in the movie :Ambivalent:

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exactly, this loaning idea breaks the meaning/gameplay of the game. ppl who tend to do that better off play some other games.


I totally agree with you. what's the point in getting easy wins on the gym leaders, they are already easy enough, just training any super effective pokemons to them will get you the win. regardless of IV and good nature. there is no point in wasting time coding this


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Guys you are forgetting the aspect on this isn't relating to the fun aspect. This is mainly a system to combatting people stealings user Pokemon when being lend to them.


Also with competitive scene kinda already killed Pokemon in the "happiness" aspect (my opinion, thank god PRO didn't add breeding), so let's just throw that out of this thread right now.

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nah this should not happen, you should be smart enough to get avoided by scams instead of changing the whole damn system. Also what you suggested is a very complex coding mechanism and this game needs the coding regarding bugged moves, absent abilities and tm/hm first and more pve content, as for scams, done plenty of trade, didn't happen to me and i am not the smartest out there.

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140675 nah this should not happen, you should be smart enough to get avoided by scams instead of changing the whole [Censored] system. Also what you suggested is a very complex coding mechanism and this game needs the coding regarding bugged moves, absent abilities and tm/hm first and more pve content, as for scams, done plenty of trade, didn't happen to me and i am not the smartest out there.


To start out, watch your language. Profanity, even censored, isn't allowed on our board. If you state that people should be smart to not be scammed, then you should obviously know the rules by the back of your hand.


I obviously agree with this suggestion because it for the people who don't know and as a fail safe. I have seen enough people have their Pokemon stolen and even lost from simple trades in which one person with the Pokemon in question was banned.


It's already known that coding the foundation for this system would be a bit difficult, but it doesn't mean this idea should be dropped completely. How about everyone stop thinking about the ridiculous cons (which there isn't by the way), and think about the positive idea that people won't continue to complain about complicated cases of losing their "lovable Pokemon".


Also stop thinking one suggestion would stop the work force for fixing bugs and glitches, they would obviously be fixed so stop being selfish.

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140675 nah this should not happen, you should be smart enough to get avoided by scams instead of changing the whole [Censored] system. Also what you suggested is a very complex coding mechanism and this game needs the coding regarding bugged moves, absent abilities and tm/hm first and more pve content, as for scams, done plenty of trade, didn't happen to me and i am not the smartest out there.


To start out, watch your language. Profanity, even censored, isn't allowed on our board. If you state that people should be smart to not be scammed, then you should obviously know the rules by the back of your hand.


I obviously agree with this suggestion because it for the people who don't know and as a fail safe. I have seen enough people have their Pokemon stolen and even lost from simple trades in which one person with the Pokemon in question was banned.


It's already known that coding the foundation for this system would be a bit difficult, but it doesn't mean this idea should be dropped completely. How about everyone stop thinking about the ridiculous cons (which there isn't by the way), and think about the positive idea that people won't continue to complain about complicated cases of losing their "lovable Pokemon".


Also stop thinking one suggestion would stop the work force for fixing bugs and glitches, they would obviously be fixed so stop being selfish.


I tried to tell them, but u did much better ^^ This would only bring benefits and about making the game easier for others well, ppl already loan pokes to friend. With this system there will be prob more loans cuz there is no risk. But there again its the players option... And on my opinion there are more disadvantages in doing the story with someones else poke, the guy gets help and then wat? he will have to grind his pokes to proceed and he wont get to that stage with the same money than a player who did it with no help... I completely agree, lets call it goodbye scammers

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