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Repel doesn't work?


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I guess I encountered this bug where repel doesn't work for some reason? I'm on the Moon (Hoenn) and I used a repel twice and for some reason I still get encounters every time. I added a screenshot where you can see my repel is activated and I still get encounters.


This is not the first time it happened, it also happened in Johto and I don't know what causes this. I just used my repel whenever I entered a cave, maybe it has to do something with that I don't know.









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Hello @Godsworthy. My apologies for the inconvenience.


The Repel items will make it so that wild Pokémon that are below the level of your lead Pokémon won’t appear. Meaning your first slot has to be equal to or higher level than the wild Pokémon in the area you use Repels at.

Fainted or not does not matter when it comes to repel, just being in the first slot matters.

Is Mudkip the Pokémon in your first slot?


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1 hour ago, Epithet said:

Hello @Godsworthy. My apologies for the inconvenience.


The Repel items will make it so that wild Pokémon that are equal to or below the level of your lead Pokémon won’t appear. Meaning your first slot has to be higher level than the wild Pokémon in the area you use Repels at.

Fainted or not does not matter when it comes to repel, just being in the first slot matters.

Is Mudkip the Pokémon in your first slot?

Mudkip was indeed in my first slot. But I seemed to find a fix. My repel was on a hotkey when the bug occurred so I tried to manually activate my repel from backpack and put it on another key and it worked.







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Great to see that your issue was resolved. Though it is very strange.

Regardless, since it was resolved, this thread will be locked. If you encounter this bug again, or encounter a new one, feel free to create a new thread regarding it. Try to include as much detail as possible so we can identify, replicate, and fix the bug.

Have a great day.


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