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Guardian - Boss


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Hello, I tried battling the Guardian boss for the third time after I won for my third time I dont get the raikou option for the third prize win! 


Any help would be appreciated, I still haven't collected my prize.


User: Neternet
Server: Silver

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Hey, did you win 3 times in a row or just 3 times ? It's important.
If you didn't win 3 times in a row, the guaranteed Raikou spawn option won't occur.

Also did you pick the Zap Bell for Raikou ? If yes that's fine.

You have 16,6 % for it to spawn upon defeating the Raikou Guardian each time.


Source: https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net/index.php?title=Legendary_Beasts_(quest)#Defeat_the_Guardian

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Hello @Neternet.


To expand on what Fafouney said, the guaranteed spawn comes after winning three consecutive times while having the respective bell. In other words, beating the Guardian 2 times, getting the bell, then beating it a third time won’t guarantee a spawn.

In order to get the Bell, please follow this guide.

If you have further questions, please let me know.


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You need to defeat the boss after getting the bell so that the legendary beast can spawn. Now, with the bell, you need to beat the boss three consecutive times to get the guaranteed spawn. Each individual win has a 16.6% chance to spawn the legendary beast.


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