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Can't find a Big MS in Backpack


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Hi mods, 

if you are seeing this message then i would ask you to check My trade status and Big MS bought from coin shop Status 

I have been missing my Big MS, so i asked a Mod and he told me that i didn't traded any Big MS excpet 3 small Ms 

So, please also check for my buying Big MS from coin shop for you to make it confirm that i have bought it.

Thanks for looking in this topic and please let me know after you guys are done from checking 🙂 

Thnx again...

My Username : Gaurav0307 

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Hello @Gaurav0307. My apologies for the inconvenience.


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:

  • Can you provide a date of when you purchased the Big MS? If you do not recall, an approximation will suffice.
  • When did you first notice it was missing?
  • Can you provide a screenshot of your inventory when you try to search for the missing MS?


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Instead of privately contacting Staff, make a thread, it may help other players.

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