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Super Shiny Contest !


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Hello guys,


In this topic, I intend to present to your attention a theme already known and addressed, but (in my opinion) presented in a hasty and unclear way. I'm talking about Shinies Pokemon.

Pro is becoming an increasingly complete and organic game, many new features are introduced and many old dynamics are constantly updated. Regarding this, I want to make the warmest congratulations to all the staff working on this project. In any case, I would like to bring to your attention this problem, which does not seem to have been adequately taken into consideration.

In the game today many people have Shinies, but with the current game system, 95% of these are totally unused and abandoned in the PC. This is especially due to the low tier and the fact that they have very bad characteristics for PVP. In fact, even many high-tier pokemon find it very difficult to be sold on the market due to their bad characteristics. Let's face it, having a shiny even rare but not suitable for PVP does not bring any advantage, it remains abandoned in the pc. I aim to reactivate Shiny's importance, so that they have a practical utility in the game. Therefore, make sure that the player perceives the usefulness of finding a shiny and can benefit from it, using it, and not just hoping to sell him for a small change. To do this, I thought of a competition that can give them back this importance and give new life to the game: the SUPER SHINY CONTEST! The contest could present these features:


- It will be an annual competition, in which all players can participate, and whose purpose will be to obtain the highest score determined by the capture, or purchase, of Shinies during that year.

- Each shiny, based on the Pokemon represented, will have its own score, so that the one with a higher tier allows you to have a higher score. The points obtained by the Shiny caught or purchased during the year will be added together to obtain a total score.

- There will be an NPC in the map port cities (as for the NPCs of the World Quest) that will record the captured or purchased Shiny, and will keep in memory the total score obtained. Only properly registered Shinies will be considered in the competition.

- Shinies can be captured or purchased, and either way will earn points for beneficiaries, albeit to varying degrees. By way of example, I present an overview of how I thought about the attribution of value:


               . common shiny: 3 points   /    common shiny purchased: 1 point

               . uncommon shiny: 8 points   /    uncommon shiny purchased: 3 points

               . rare shiny: 15 points   /    rare shiny purchased: 7 points



As can be seen from the prospectus, greater importance is given in points to the shiny captured rather than to those purchased, to avoid the millionaires of the game having the monopoly of the situation on the market. I will explain this in detail later.

- The player, who trades or sells on the market, shinies registered by the NPC, will automatically lose the registration of the same and the corresponding score. On the other hand, the player who buys a shiny and registers it at the NPC, will get the score as indicated in the table described above. A further sale of the same shiny will follow the same rules mentioned above.

- Being annual, only shinies caught during the considered year will be admitted. Shinies already owned or that have been captured or purchased in previous years will be valued in the manner that will be explained later.

- The object of the competition will be only the shinies, and not alternative or event forms.

- For those who reach the first 3 places in the ranking, the prize(s) will be awarded. by way of example, the prizes taken into consideration will be: PVE, Pokedollars, a common or uncommon shiny with best IVs and nature, the improvement of the shiny encounter equal to 1/6000 (or 1/5000) for 3 months, transform one of your legendaries in shiny, get an amazing and unique form of your legendaries (for example a golden version!) and so on (for the prizes just have imagination, the important thing is that they are rightly precious for the importance that this contest will play in the game!)


- PARTICULAR ATTENTION (1): It is important to value both the shinies caught and those purchased, with the necessary differences. This is because the market balance will give a new value to all Shinies, and even those of low tier will acquire greater importance, both on the market and for the personal objective of the player. The buying and selling of Shiny according to this model will generate a new and more dynamic flow of money, but in a more balanced way, so that not only the Charmander or the Froakie Shinies will gain importance, but all the shinies will be more appetible for everyone. The richest may have an initial advantage in the market, but with the new value being attributed TO ALL SHINIES, they will be forced to bestow large sums, and wealth will be redistributed in a more balanced way on the market. There will be much more trading on the market in this area. 


- PARTICULAR ATTENTION (2): I was hoping to be able to describe here the other half of the project, which includes the use and enhancement of all shinies, including those already owned or years prior to the competition, but the topic is becoming very long. I'm sure I've forgotten some details about the first part explained here but I'll add it if it comes in mind. I would particularly like to see, however, your reaction to this project, if you like it and may be interested. In that case, I will explain the second part immediately. However, I would like to emphasize that, if it is not to your liking, something must still be done to move the current situation. In the current state of affairs, having shinies is not engaging at all! This idea, which is still the basis, can be implemented and improved in any way with suggestions and observations.


To conclude, I sincerely hope you can embrace and support this project. Again, it is only the basis, and any support with suggestions and observations will be more than appreciated. I thank everyone in advance for reading, and I hope that together we can contribute constantly to the enrichment of this fantastic game! 


Edited by Fildc
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Hello, I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to consider and write this post. I can completely understand how it might feel for you and others that we're neglecting Shiny Pokémon.


There are some Shiny collectors and players who trade in Shiny Pokémon. Particularly rare Shiny Pokémon are constantly being traded. Especially wealthy players trade with these practically every month. They buy them and try to sell them at a higher price or simply add them to their collection.

This market is the reason we've never touched the Shiny chance in the game and don't have any plans to change that. It could end up destroying an important market without any significant benefits for our players.


I like the idea of giving Shiny Pokémon more value for casual players, however I can guarantee you that they already have an enormous value for our players.

Unfortunately this doesn't apply to common Shiny Pokémon, which is why we added Rich Guy Joro, who exchanges them for PvE coins. If it's your own OT, you get 5 PvE coins. If it's a different OT, you still get 3 PvE coins.


Another thing I don't think is well thought out is that such a Shiny contest could be manipulated. Since the Pokémon are not deleted, no OT check is performed and they could have been caught at any time, small groups or even guilds can join forces, submit their Shiny Pokémon through a single person and potentially share the rewards.

With your suggested reward, it's actually not so easy, but it could be possible to create an account that's specifically used by these people for hunting.


I hope I was able to explain why I unfortunately didn't think the idea was that good.

If you see things differently, however, I'm open to being convinced with good arguments.

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Hi Eaty, thank you for your quick reply about this idea.


I'll try to answer in order to your precise observations:


1) THE SHINY COLLECTORS: the idea of the shiny contest was thought to improve the market of shinies, which could actually be significant for all players, rich and poor, collectors or not. I'll try to explain this point of view with examples: giving a value in point for shinies, allows them to have greater demand in the market, even if they are low-tier shinies. From there, all the players will gain benefits, since for example, a low-tier shiny will assume more importance for rich people, and instead to be valued at 10k as always (or even 0k), it can be valued at 100k to gain a +1 point to add for the competition. The rich person gains +1 point, and the poor or disinterested one in the competition gains in return for it a justified amount of money (that is not insignificant like 10k, and not exaggerated). But so, also low-tier shinies will gain importance. With specific regard to collectors, I believe that their market for buying and selling the rarest shinies from this point of view won't be affected too much, since in this case, we are speaking for 90% about shinies that have been caught years before (and not the year of the competition, so they will not be considered for that). indeed, for those who fall within the year of the competition, the very rare and requested shinies will take on much more importance, and there will be large auctions and offers among richest, so that you of the Pro staff do not have to create shiny starters auctions with perfect IVs from 100m upwards to balance wealthy. There will be no need for that anymore. In conclusion, I think all people can benefit from a system structured like this. The idea can be implemented and better evolved, but the basis could be right.


2) RICH GUY JORO: I perfectly know this NPC, and speaking about him you anticipated me about the second part of this project I would have liked to explain (about all the shinies that are already in the game). I believe that the reward of 5 PVE coins is not at all balanced in exchange for a shiny, even if of low tier. for 5 PVE coins, in fact, 95% of people prefer to wait to defeat a boss instead of trading their shiny. At the same time, it is right that a low-tier Shiny does not have an exaggerated reward, or at least it is not so 100%. To explain this concept, I believe that the award of the prize in exchange for a shiny should be by lot, as a model of the NPC in Eumi Island.  By doing so, for example, in exchange for a common shiny, you can have a probability of a basic reward of 80%, an intermediate reward of 15%, and a valuable reward of 5%. This will encourage players to give their shiny of low value, and in addition, for those who buy these shinies on purpose to try their luck, those of low rarity will acquire a slightly higher value on the market, giving them greater importance. Instead, for an uncommon shiny, the probability can be 60% for a common prize (such as PVE coins), 30% for an intermediate prize, and 10% for a rare prize. Needless to talk about rare Shinies, who will never be sacrificed for rewards. And the modification of this NPC is just one of the proposals I had in mind for all the Shinies that are already in play. 


3) SHINY CONTEST MANIPULATION: Your observation about this is very right, but needless to say that made a law, immediately you look for how to get around it (a way of saying of my country). I think anyway that ways are more than possible to prevent this from happening, particularly with regard to the rewards that can be given. At first, if the reward can be attributed to a single player, and not for the benefit of many who make a group, there will certainly be less tendency to unify the score in favor of a single individual. The others would not benefit from it. And if it were to happen, it is assumed that these people get something in return for the shinies they grant in favor of a single individual, and then something very similar to trade would happen. Secondly, I think it's really difficult to talk about hunting groups with reference to shinies. Their rate is so rare as to prevent any kind of organization, it's just a matter of luck. And groups to obtain important and rare pokemon for PVP already exist in guilds after all.


This is a point explanation to the project based on your observations. I would have other ideas on how to enhance, in particular, the shinies that are already present in the game (here I spoke only of the NPC), but I think it is appropriate not to dwell beyond this topic. In case I will open a specific topic for this. I trust that this project can be achievable, perhaps by adjusting points that may create perplexity. 


Thank you for your availability and I look forward to your feedback

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