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Remove all my friends


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This is not a service we provide.

It is unfortunate that you’re facing trouble due to this but you’ll have to remove them yourself.

If you can provide more details regarding the issue, we might be able to identify it and fix it.


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If you can't remove all the friends then let me tell you more about this maybe you guys will fix it 




It is like when someone comes online and that notification comes on right top that this user comes online that time my game lag alot for 3-4 secs or sometimes it get stucked for 5-6 secs and this issue is in my account only because when i bought quest services and my friend login my acc then also my acc face this issue and he's account work perfectly on his same device 


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6 hours ago, Epithet said:

This seems more like an issue with your device or connection, rather than the client itself. 

Its not my device and connection issue because when i bought quest service my friend login my acc in his device with his connection and then also when someone comes online it lags in his device too even his account works perfect in same account

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