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I am sure that I am not the first person with this question, but I am quite aggravated and would appreciate a direct answer as I have spent countless hours and pokedollars trying to build the perfect team to wipe out the gosh dang (pardon my italian) Kanto elite four - including whoever is the leader; Jackson?


Just so I don't spend another 100 hours of in-game time getting nowhere, what is best pokemon, levels, moves, strategy, to beat the E4? Please do not link me to a guide. Use your own reply, if you truly want to help. Chances are, I have seen it anyways.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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145521 I am sure that I am not the first person with this question, but I am quite aggravated and would appreciate a direct answer as I have spent countless hours and pokedollars trying to build the perfect team to wipe out the gosh dang (pardon my italian) Kanto elite four - including whoever is the leader; Jackson?


Just so I don't spend another 100 hours of in-game time getting nowhere, what is best pokemon, levels, moves, strategy, to beat the E4? Please do not link me to a guide. Use your own reply, if you truly want to help. Chances are, I have seen it anyways.

Sei italiano? Per la lega di Kanto ti basta una squadra di 6 pokemon di tipo misto al livello 75 (io ho fatto così), ma c'è chi dice che sia sufficiente avere due pokemon: Gyarados e Gengar, magari al livello 80, e li accoppi tutti.

Prima della lega è necessario grindare un po' alleando i tuoi pokemon, non puoi semplicemente andare lì e batterli dopo l'ottava medaglia.

Il campione è sempre Blue (Gary), non Jackson.

From 2015: I'm still here

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145603 despite the fact that I didn't understand [Censored] of what riccatt says, he's right gyarados and gengar are the two pokemon that makes E4 a piece of cake, I'd highly recommend gyarados over gengar since gengar isn't really useful for johto's E4

He wrote "Italian", so I answered in Italian :Crazy:

From 2015: I'm still here

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