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Not a Suggestion or a Request Just a Random Discussion


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So, I would like to know how many of you would like "youknowwho" to make a different kind of Pokemon game which is more mature and 'realistic' in a sense?


I wrote up at 3am in the morning (and with english being my second language) a short plot for what this new game could be. And have been informed my original post was a bit too gritty. So here is the candlelight version. Here it goes:



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This forum is no place to discuss other pokemon game ideas.


What would be the point of discussing a game that doesn't exist, nor will most likely ever exist?


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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I failed to see your intention.

I do not know with what you mentioned by "youknowwho" either it could be shane or nintendo or someone else.

You want to "wondering" but tells "story". I suggested fanfic but you denied it.

There are 4 same threads, despite this is "random" yet you really persist on it.


The fact the treads really messy by title nor the content, make all unclear about it could be one of discussion, could be suggestion, could be creativity, could be a forum game.


what i could see at the moment is you want to share your creative story which is could fall under creativity or forum game about telling stories or wondering.

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You know what guys... If you can truly tell me that YOU of all people never just chatted with your friends about a random game idea and didn't have fun in the process.. You can ban me right now.. I won't hold it against you..


The reason I persist so much is because of the unfair treatment that was shown against me by the community managers for no apparent reason.


My first post was dark and in the wrong board so it was understandable that it got deleted and not moved because of its mature nature. The second one I could understand as well that was all because of my own lack of understanding. That does not change the fact that instead of leaving me in the dark you could have given me a reason as to why you did not want it on here but I had to start a whole new topic to find out myself.


Finally the third thread got locked for no other reason but a community manager assumed incorrectly and locked it. If I did not know better it would seem that you are afraid of this or think its a better idea than your own game. And it is simply not because other than it being just an idea it was never there to threaten this game in any way or form.


You guys pulled three excuses out of the air:


1) Too mature content for kids who frequent this site.

2) Then all of a sudden don't suggest things that will change our game.

3) And finally this forum is not a place to discuss other game ideas (really?).


The point is behind discussing a fictional game that would most likely never exist is simply for fun. The enjoyment of reading what other people think and how they would like the game to be. Nowhere in your site rules does it say "do not discuss fictional games in our forum". In fact this Off-Topic board is exactly for something off-topic from PRO so why even have a board like this on the forum if you don't want people to chat and discuss things.


I never would have thought that the people behind this amazing game would have such immature behaviours. I am appalled. I feel ashamed for you because I have never seen behaviour like this especially from someone who is usually the assets of another game and IP to create something enjoyable. You of all people should see the fun and thought behind discussing something that you wished the world had but didn't.

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How is this not suitable for kids, due to its oppressive and abusive characteristics. War, pokemons accepting their fates? Its too dark to be appealing for younger players. And therefore being not suitable. On that note, i have taken the liberty of deleting the story entirely from your post. If you wish to further discuss the issue, you are free to do so in our General Complaint Area. Locked.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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