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Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are curently Closed for now!

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Hey. My name is kabarex82, i got 1,3k hours on the game, i love hunting and selling pokes. Also pvps sometimes. Im a lot online during the day, although sometimes i might be off due to irl responsibilities.  Im 26yo from greece and i would love to join your guild. 🙂


I'm sorry i didn't realised i wrote these things from my another acc please accept me in your guild i will be there from the same acc mentioned below


● What's your IGN?

My IGN is Shaktimaan

● How old are you?

I'm 19 years old.

● Where are you from?

  I'm from Nepal.

● What's your total playtime?

My total playtime js 689 hours

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I enjoy  hunting rare pokemons and doing boss every week

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)

(if not, it's totally alright!)

Sorry, I can't 

And the most important question of them all:

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof?


Raidoof is really very cute for me. ⁹


Edited by Onlyshiny

● What's your IGN? Tylrgaming
● How old are you? 18

● Where are you from? Australia
● What's your total playtime? 530 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? meeting people
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!) At the moment not sure

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? Personally i like Suidoof the most, he is just very majestical and mystical looking.

pro trainer card.png

ShokoYoko. Tylr

● What's your IGN? Kinglak19
● How old are you? 19

● Where are you from? India
● What's your total playtime? 1122hrs
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvP & Dungeon with friends

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof?


hat's your IGN? Katakur1
● How old are you? 18

● Where are you from? India
● What's your total playtime? 1500+ hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? meeting people doing quests dungeon some casual pvp
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)

not rlly

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
SUIDOOF!! looks the most goofy among the three

● What's your IGN?


● How old are you?

29 (soon 30 ;_; )


● Where are you from?

I'm from france

● What's your total playtime?

2826h for now, mostly active the week end or end of the day

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I like to hunt, daily activity, i prefer pve as pvp (cause i'm too bad)

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!)

Any kind of help i can offer 🙂


The best bidoof mount is ... Suidoof

What's your IGN?-Janith


How old are you?-I am 17 years old


Where are you from?-I am from Sri lanka


 What's your total playtime?- 1020 hours


What do you enjoy doing in the game?- I enjoy playing pvp and hunting


Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild?- Im not doing any services but I can help to guildmates 


Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?-Endoof






  • 2 weeks later...
● What's your IGN? Aceavernus
● How old are you? 23
● Where are you from? Hong Kong
● What's your total playtime? 1361 Hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I enjoy hunting epic pvpable poke, and pvp. I just came back from the game and I don't have any guild, i used to play from 2016-2017 and was in chaos and reborn guild if you know them
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I dont know , maybe poke lending(?)
image.png.8314221b34b35641dab99a30436352b8.pngI like Raidoof the most, it looks vicious.
Edited by Aceavernus

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