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Hello my game name is Acesongjihyo! I am 31 years old from Virginia, USA. I've played about 460hrs and I usually enjoy hunting for rare pokemon such as shinies or event themed. I haven't really done services, but I don't mind helping out once in a while either. Suidoof definitely looks the cutest but also most fitting in my opinion 🤩. Thank you!

● What's your IGN? Ownaz

● How old are you? 23


● Where are you from? Italy

● What's your total playtime? 302 hrs

● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Boss/farm/evs

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Evs Service (?)


● What's your IGN? Segeking

● How old are you? 22


● Where are you from? Italy

● What's your total playtime? 708+

● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Boss/hunting

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) not really at the Moment 


  • 2 weeks later...

What's your IGN?

● How old are you?


● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

422 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I really enjoy playing pvp I m new but I improve my skills every day. I enjoy to find good pokemons (hunt or buy) and test new teams and combinations
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!)

I dont like to do services

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof?



● What's your IGN?
● How old are you?
26 years old

● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?
164h but i got 1500 hours from an old account from, i played 2016 to 2017 (can connect for prove it if needed)
Started a new account for enjoy the content from start and all the new things.
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?
Almost everything, hunt & farm, PVP, and all the quests are really cool too.
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild ?
Sure if i can help and i got time, why not


Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof?


Actual account (my main) :


Old account (i don't play on, just for prove the 300+ hours) :



● What's your IGN?

My ign is Admirall

● How old are you?


● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

1038 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I enjoy many things at the game, talk with people, search epic pokes, trades, and also PvP.

What i offer to the guild? 

i like to talk and help a lot, even if the english is not my main lenguage, im still improving it.

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

why should this be a question? its not a fact that Endoof is a godly and the best? 


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-01 004718.png

● What's your IGN? Kylenator
● How old are you? 29

● Where are you from? United States
● What's your total playtime? 302 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Bosses, farming good pokemon, eventually pvp when I have a solid team
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!) Possibly some dex service?

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? Raidoof


Trainer card and OT shiny bidoof:


● What's your IGN? - Potatosmjam
● How old are you? - 29

● Where are you from? - Germany
● What's your total playtime? 

● What do you enjoy doing in the game? - probably farming/hunting
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) - lending PVP-Mons, probably EV-Service here and there


Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?


  • 2 weeks later...

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