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PRO Username: avivi1234

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

sorry wont be enough its wont give me back 200k i have spent because of this and work so hard to get it

i knowits beta and all of this shit but u cant just ignore players who lost so much and u just say sorry sorry

3 times i got stuck in the league

and the last time when i could finaly end it i got stuck after e4

at least put me back to challenge the champion i dont have anymore money to survive in the league


What have you already tried to solve the problem?



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149947 PRO Username: avivi1234

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

sorry wont be enough its wont give me back 200k i have spent because of this and work so hard to get it

i knowits beta and all of this [Censored] but u cant just ignore players who lost so much and u just say sorry sorry

3 times i got stuck in the league

and the last time when i could finaly end it i got stuck after e4

at least put me back to challenge the champion i dont have anymore money to survive in the league


What have you already tried to solve the problem?



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You don't need to create a new post every time btw, just reply from your old one.

Anyway, as you said it's a beta and bad things happen in a beta. Your job as a beta tester is to find bugs and test things that could go wrong. Crashes, rollbacks, etc are common and expected; I'm sorry to hear you lost some in-game money but this stuff happens. If you are really conscious of your stuff I suggest waiting until the full release. However I do hope you can find the time to continue to play and make the game better.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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149947 PRO Username: avivi1234

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?

sorry wont be enough its wont give me back 200k i have spent because of this and work so hard to get it

i knowits beta and all of this [Censored] but u cant just ignore players who lost so much and u just say sorry sorry

3 times i got stuck in the league

and the last time when i could finaly end it i got stuck after e4

at least put me back to challenge the champion i dont have anymore money to survive in the league


What have you already tried to solve the problem?



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Hi, like I said in previous post, in Beta any crash expected to happen. You have the responsibility for any spending for process story, any how come it spend to 200k for backup items (revives and potions), it is not reasonable for beat E4. For the E4 beat, you can see in my sign for the best advice, it only need a little bit money for some backup items.

And I will recommend you only beat E4 when you see the server stable (look around chat for seeing anyone call stuck or not). You will have the responsibility for beat E4 in the lag issues time, I am so sorry but nothing can do...

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first i cant reply in my pervious post when 1 of the management locked it lol

and second im done im quit from this game u all dont know to management

it its beta u shouldnt open the game for public

me and my friends quit from this game and u just lost 4 players goodbye

its not about threat u but if u dont give me back my money i cant continue playing

farewell PRO its so disgrace

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149958 first i cant reply in my pervious post when 1 of the management locked it lol

and second im done im quit from this game u all dont know to management

it its beta u shouldnt open the game for public

me and my friends quit from this game and u just lost 4 players goodbye

its not about threat u but if u dont give me back my money i cant continue playing

farewell PRO its so disgrace


ok now, bye bye then :)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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149958it its beta u shouldnt open the game for public


As i said in my previous post - PRO will always remain as beta version. You should have realised that by now.

They simply can't release this as a finished game without permission from Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. Permission, which they will never get.

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149958 first i cant reply in my pervious post when 1 of the management locked it lol

and second im done im quit from this game u all dont know to management

it its beta u shouldnt open the game for public

me and my friends quit from this game and u just lost 4 players goodbye

its not about threat u but if u dont give me back my money i cant continue playing

farewell PRO its so disgrace

Sorry to hear that you feel this way, hopefully you will comeback later. Perhaps when the game is more stable. In the mean time, cya.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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