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Inventory Bag Bug


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22 minutes ago, Heroyla31 said:

I have 150+ rare candy and i use 6 rare candy them all rare candy was gone

Please help


finish the heatran quest and ull get them back






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10 hours ago, Heroyla31 said:

I have 150+ rare candy and i use 6 rare candy them all rare candy was gone

Please help


Greetings @Heroyla31


I am very sorry to hear about your situation. 


Firstly, I would like to thank you for helping them @Lyn1311


Next, I would like to confirm that once you have started the Heatran quest, NPC Buck will take all the Masterballs and Rare Candy and will only give them back upon completion of the quest. If you leave the quest in between, you will not have them back in your bag.


For a detailed guide for the Heatran quest you can check our Wiki Guide(more info here).


I hope this solves your issue and answers your question. As this issue was resolved I would now lock this thread. Feel free to create a new one in case of any other issues or questions in the future.


Kind regards,

Edited by Fus1onflare


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