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Hello all,


@Tsushima You state that the C.O. was of 1.1m but have never provided evidence of said bid, please provided it here or even stated from whom.


If you meant to say the Start Point was 1.1m you should use the correct terminology, for that I suggest you to read Trade Rules


On 6/21/2016 at 3:35 AM, Yellow said:

 SO, BO & CO.

- SO (Starting Offer) indicates the minimum offer required to begin an auction. BO (Best Offer) & CO (Current Offer) are both used to indicate the current highest offer in an auction.

  Auction use only.
  Evidence of all offers must be made and kept to be made available upon Staff request. Timestamps are preferred.


Also, be more clear on the start point next time, stating 24hours is vague and since nothing said, it counts after thread creation.

On 2/13/2019 at 10:19 PM, Yellow said:

7. Starting price/point must be clearly stated. Once met, the auction has started.

- Forum:

 As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "as of thread creation").

 As of start price, specified by the seller.



Now regarding the winner of this auction, @Pepemelenas you have won with a 1.2m bid please make sure to reach out to @Tsushima

@Tsushima I will also ask you to try to contact the winner of the auction.


Trade Moderators are here to rectify issues that are out of player control, we are not here for the sake of convenience.


Kind Regards,


* Zoruami *



Please do not contact staff members for private support.

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