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i lost 5/6 days.. i will get MS refund? and where is the download link? -.-

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153560 PRO Username:

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: None


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i lost 5/6 days.. i will get MS refund? and where is the download link? -.-


I would assume not since the game is still in development and that the ms is merely a bonus for donating. The android version is still not finished from my understanding as the person who normally works on it is busy at the moment.


Games like these do not do refunds or resets as ones you start you will have a endless stream of requests going.

Hmm...i think he should get a refund, what else would be his reason for donating 5 bucks?? Thats is why i think all the other versions together with android should.be under maintenance til everything is settled...and hey its really been almost a week and android version is still not downloadable....and hey locking the forums is just for running away from the problem...fix this mess instead :Angry:

You guys do realize what the meaning of a donation is?? His reason for a donation could be to help the PRO team to keep the game alive. Without these donations its just not possible for them to keep the game alive. And stop bitching about loosing 5-7 days of a month long membership u "bought" for 5dollars. You "lost" 0.8 dollars. You really think thats worth the effort of refunding every android palyers membership? It says on the forums and on their website that this game is still under development and you have to expect crashes and server instability and in that case the android version being delayed. It's not that they do this on purpose they do their best so just apreciate that FREE game.


I know that the developers are busy.. But why release a new version in pc without on android updated version? Can th pc update cant wait that long? I know the android version always fall behind a day or two .. But now... Tss

This is just my two cent.. Its better to release a new client version in pc and android on the same time because PRO is life :)


153607 Its better to release a new client version in pc and android on the same time because PRO is life :)

I must say i kind of agree on this point :Shy:

But i can understand why the android client may be harder to develop and therefore take more time :Nervous:

The best [glow=gold]shiney[/glow] I caught so far


153613 First of all, it's not a donation, but a payment, I also support this project, I just want to play again

Actually it is a donation not a payment ... All the money you give to PRO is considered as a donation

"Donations towards PRO are going towards server maintenance and its future development. All staff members and developers are unpaid fans and volunteers. "

And if you want a refund .. I suggest you visit this page https://pokemonrevolution.net/refunds.php


But if you used your coins already I suppose you won't be eligible for refund

The best [glow=gold]shiney[/glow] I caught so far


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