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    Gen 1:

    • Bide
    • Mirror Move
    • Mimic
    • Mist
    • Rage


    Gen 2:

    • Foresight
    • Flail
    • Lock-On
    • Mind Reader
    • Nightmare
    • Present
    • Spite
    • Spider Web
    • Snatch
    • Uproar


    Gen 3:

    • Assist
    • Camouflage
    • Follow Me
    • Grudge
    • Helping Hand
    • Ingrain
    • Mud Sport
    • Nature Power
    • Odor Sleuth
    • Torment
    • Water Sport


    Gen 4:

    • Copycat
    • Captivate
    • Embargo
    • Heal Block
    • Heart Swap
    • Judgment
    • Me First
    • Miracle Eye
    • Payback
    • Power Trick
    • Trump Card
    • Wring Out


    Gen 5:

    • After You
    • Ally switch
    • Bestow
    • Echoed Voice
    • Guard Split
    • Heat Crash
    • Power Split
    • Quash
    • Quick Guard
    • Rage Powder
    • Sky Drop
    • Techno Blast
    • Telekinesis
    • Wide Guard


    Gen 6:

    • Aromatic Mist
    • Crafty Shield
    • Electrify
    • Fairy Lock
    • Flower Shield
    • Flying Press
    • Forest's Curse
    • Geomancy
    • Hold Hands
    • Ion Deluge
    • Light of Ruin
    • Mat Block
    • Powder
    • Rototiller
    • Thousand Waves
    • Topsy-Turvy
    • Trick-or-Treat


    Gen 7:

    • Double Iron Bash
    • Floaty Fall
    • Floral Healing
    • Freezy Frost
    • Gear Up
    • Glitzy Glow
    • Instruct
    • Laser Focus
    • Mind Blown
    • Moongeist Beam
    • Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom
    • Searing Sunraze Smash
    • Photon Geyser
    • Pika Papow
    • Plasma Fists
    • Purify
    • Revelation Dance
    • Sappy Seed
    • Shell Trap
    • Sizzly Slide
    • Sparkly Swirl
    • Speed Swap
    • Splishy Splash
    • Spotlight
    • Strength Sap
    • Sunsteel Strike
    • Veevee Volley
    • Zippy Zap




    Gen 1:

    • Barrage: There is a 35% chance that it will hit 2 times, a 35% chance it will hit 3 times, a 15% chance it will hit 4 times, and a 15% chance it will hit 5 times. In PRO this move hits too many times and the RNG is not correct.
    • Minimize: Certain moves should deal 2x damage and bypass accuracy checks.


    Gen 2:

    • Encore: Should fail against status Z-Moves.
    • Psych Up:  Psych Up should copy the target's critical hit ratio.
    • Triple Kick:  The base power should be 10 instead of 20. Each of Triple Kick's strikes should have a separate accuracy check. The base power should increment by 10 BP on each hit.


    Gen 3:

    • Crush Grip: Crush Grip now always deals max damage instead of following opponent HP.
    • Fire Fang: Fire Fang does not have separate chance for each additional effect.
    • Ice Fang: Ice Fang does not have separate chance for each additional effect
    • Sheer Cold: If Sheer Cold targets an Ice-type Pokémon, that Pokémon should be immune to the move.
    • Thunder Fang: Thunder Fang does not have separate chance for each additional effect.


    Gen 4:

    • Fling: The base power should depend on the item being flung. Currently it is power 70 for all items. Flinging a light ball should paralyze the target. Incorrect interaction with Sitrus Berry.
    • Feint: Feint always strikes first and always hits, even if the opponent did not use a protecting move (protect,detect, spiky shield etc.).


    Gen 5:

    • Incinerate: Incinerate is currently unable to destroy berries or gems.
    • Magic Room: Magic Room is not working correctly with a few items such as Choice items and Macho Brace. Pickpocket is not working with Magic Room correctly.
    • Retaliate: The base power does not double if an ally has fainted the previous turn.
    • Round: The base power does not double if another Pokemon has previosuly used Round within the same turn.


    Gen 6:

    • Hyperspace HoleHyperspace Hole should not remove the effects of protecting moves if it does not affect the target.  


    Gen 7:

    • Baneful Bunker: Baneful Bunker should protect the user from all effects and damage from moves that target it during the turn is used. It does not currently function as a Protection move in PRO.
    • Core Enforcer: Currently Core Enforcer is unable to suppress the targets ability in PRO.
    • Multi-Attack: Multi-Attack still says it is Normal type in the UI when Silvally is affected by memory disc.
    • Solar Blade: Power should be halved if used during rain, hail, or sandstorm.
    • Spectral Thief: Does not steal stat changes.








    Gen 3:

    • Illuminate
    • Stench


    Gen 4:

    • Anticipation
    • Flower Gift
    • Forewarn
    • Honey Gather
    • Ice Body
    • Multitype


    Gen 5:

    • Friend Guard
    • Healer
    • Telepathy


    Gen 6:

    • Delta Stream
    • Desolate Land
    • Flower Veil
    • Grass Pelt
    • Primordial Sea
    • Symbiosis


    Gen 7:

    • Battery
    • Berserk
    • Corrosion
    • Dancer
    • Dazzling
    • Emergency Exit
    • Innards Out
    • Neuroforce
    • Power of Alchemy
    • Queenly Majesty
    • Receiver
    • Shields Down
    • Stakeout
    • Wimp Out




    Gen 7:

    • Illusion: Should wear off if ability is suppressed. Gender is not updated after illusion wears off. Does not wear off if the ability is lost.
    • Water Bubble: The ability prevent burn but doesn't halve fire type damage / Doesn't double water type attack damage.







    • Amaze Mulch
    • Berry Pots
    • Black Apricorn
    • Blue Apricorn
    • Blue Orb
    • Blue Scarf
    • Blue Shard
    • Boost Mulch
    • Burn Drive
    • Chill Drive
    • DNA Splicers
    • Douse Drive
    • Dream Ball
    • Dusk Ball
    • Fluffy Tail
    • Focus Band
    • Full Incense
    • Gooey Mulch
    • Gracidea
    • Green Apricorn
    • Green Scarf
    • Growth Mulch
    • Guard Spec.
    • Casteliacone
    • Full Incense
    • Lax Incense
    • Luminous Moss
    • Lumiose Galette
    • Metal Powder
    • Muscle Wing
    • N-Lunarizer
    • N-Solarizer
    • Old Gateau
    • Park Ball
    • Pink Apricorn
    • Pink Nectar
    • Pink Petal
    • Pink Scarf
    • Plume Fossil
    • Poké Doll
    • Poké Toy
    • Power Anklet
    • Power Band
    • Power Belt
    • Power Bracer
    • Power Lens
    • Power Weight
    • Protective Pads
    • Prison Bottle
    • Quick Powder
    • Rage Candy Bar
    • Rainbow Wing
    • Red Apricorn
    • Red Flute
    • Red Nectar
    • Red Orb
    • Red Scarf
    • Rich Mulch
    • Ring Target
    • Rose Incense
    • Running Shoes
    • Sacred Ash
    • Seal Case
    • Shalour Sable
    • Shock Drive
    • Snowball 
    • Soot Sack
    • Stable Mulch
    • Strange Souvenir
    • Surprise Mulch
    • Sweet Heart
    • Ultranecrozium Z
    • Vs. Seeker
    • Wave Incense
    • White Apricorn
    • X Accuracy
    • X Attack
    • X Defense
    • X Sp. Atk
    • X Sp. Def
    • X Speed
    • Yellow Apricorn
    • Yellow Flute
    • Yellow Nectar
    • Yellow Scarf
    • Zoom Lens
    • Zygarde Cube



    • Shell Bell: A Shell Bell holder should have its HP restored against an opposing Substitute user, whether it is a Multi-Hit or a regular damaging Move. Incorrect order of actions against certain Pickpocket resulting in no healing.





If this list is out of date, for whatever reason, please let me know under this post or on discord: thenikifreak.


How to report properly:

Name of the move/ability/item:
What is missing/bugged:
The generation:
Note: A bugged interaction does not mean the move is not coded or incorrectly coded, it is about their core mechanics not working correctly or not at all.

This list is just a showcase of the current circumstances in regards of uncoded or incorrectly coded moves, abilities and items. As the game is constantly being updated and with it are moves, abilities and items, this list will be updated together with it.
Last updated: 15.04.2024

  • Credits to
    • Patchnotes, Unowned, Magicbounce, Middleground, Saltedcoffee, Toxabest, Shiningluck, Holyowl, Scatterbug, Malamarina.



Edited by Magicbounce
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The game is constantly being updated and with it so are moves abilities and items. The list is just a showcase of the current circumstances in regards of uncoded or incorrectly coded moves, abilities and items. It will be updated together with the release and fixes of moves, abilities and items.

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4 hours ago, Patchnotes said:

The game is constantly being updated and with it so are moves abilities and items. The list is just a showcase of the current circumstances in regards of uncoded or incorrectly coded moves, abilities and items. It will be updated together with the release and fixes of moves, abilities and items.

Please coded powder into the game 😢

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37 minutes ago, Dorade said:

what about this ability ? It's nowhere in the list ? Has it been fixed ?

Ability : Refrigerate


Hello and thank you for your interest in the list. The ability Refrigirate is indeed coded now. The Reborn bot uses its own list in regards of uncoded moves, abilities and items. I will look into it in the near future. Thank you for reaching out about it. 
Do note however that there is currently a wrong interaction with it in regards with Normalium Z.

Edited by Patchnotes
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7 minutes ago, Jackstermac said:

Is the ability "Illuminate" ever going to be coded? @Patchnotes

Hello there, and thank you for your interest in the list. Illuminate is likely not to be coded, at least to the extent it is in the original games. A lot of the outside of battle effects that have an influence on encounter rates would damage the game and would negatively impact the way of hunting. As of now there are no plans of coding Illuminate.

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Hello, "not coded items" means they are all in the game but don't work, or there even are items that are not in the game yet? Because for example I can't find zacian and zamazenta rusted sword and shield anywhere.

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10 hours ago, Lely2043 said:

Hello, "not coded items" means they are all in the game but don't work, or there even are items that are not in the game yet? Because for example I can't find zacian and zamazenta rusted sword and shield anywhere.

Hello, and thank you for your interest in the list. Most of the not coded items are in the game but not available to the players as they mostly just exist as an id with an icon. The rusted sword and rusted shield are from gen 8. As pro still follows gen 7 this list stops at gen 7 and does not included anything from gen 8. Hope this answered your question and you have a nice day.

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