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I want to clear some of my doubts. Will all my alt accounts be deleted? I have 4 alt accounts on silver server (TTlovesMom, Victini777, Watermelonsugar). I use the 2nd one to transfer pokes to my main, i.e., Kanha777. I havent even completed the story in the other two accounts.

  • After the merge, will the characters that I will have, will have my alts name or I can use my alt as a different account just as I do now?
  • Or after the merge I will have two characters in my account, with 1 character from silver and another one from gold?
  • Or all my alts will be deleted and only main account remains?
  • If the alts stay as different accounts, then I can have 4 of them or I can make any more or I have to keep less alts than this?
  • What will happen to my mons in my alts and main account? 

Please explain me the way my alts are going to be after the merge. I don't use gold server. I might have logged into the gold server using my main account once but I don't use it. Please clarify what will happen to my alts and main after the server merge. Thank you. 

Edited by Kanha777
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I think you will log in with one chosen account and all alt accounts will become seperate characters that you choose to play with after log in, i think 🤔 



Also no ETA for now so dont worry, i am sure they will give all details much in advance before merge actually happens 


Edited by Jigglypuffsalot
  • Administrator

Hi there @Kanha777


The merge is broken down into two-halves, both parts will happen at the same time. The first half is a server merge, the second is the multi-account merge.


The server merge will merge all user data across Blue, Red, Silver and Gold (formerly Yellow) into a singular server.


The multi-account merge is a little more complicated. Currently, we define an "account" as a player profile with the ability to have one "character" per server, where you log in with your character name. Players may have 4 accounts currently, with potential for 8 characters. 


The multi-account merge will essentially reverse this, an "account" will be defined as a player profile with the ability to have multiple characters associated, where you log in with your e-mail address. When this is in place, players may have 1 account only, with more characters than you can possible have now (no cap set as of yet, that may change but will be announced if that's the case).


In terms of how that comes into effect, the simplest way I can explain this is to go step by step:

  • The first step, will be to merge all accounts associated with the same e-mail address.
    • If your accounts are all associated with the same e-mail already, there's no action you need to take.
    • If your accounts are currently all associated with different e-mail addresses, they will be treated as different accounts will need to be manually merged.
  • The second step, will be to deal with characters where currently, both characters associated with the account have progress on Gold and Silver.
    • For example, if my Yellow account has 100 hours on Silver, and 100 hours on Gold, both characters will qualify for the merge, so when the merge happens, I will be prompted to change my character names, as the name cannot exist twice on the new server.
  • The third step, will be to deal with characters that are currently not merged, with more than 10 minutes playtime on Red or Blue. These will also qualify for the merge. These will be treated the same as the accounts in the second step, where more than one character is merged.
  • The fourth step, will be to address characters that have less than 10 minutes playtime AND haven't been played in the last 6 months. These will be deleted.
    • So let's say your account, TTlovesMom has 100 hours on Silver, but 5 minutes on Gold, the Gold one will be deleted, but you will keep the Silver one.


My advice for you, and all players would be get ready sooner rather than later.


If your accounts are associated with different e-mail addresses, change the e-mail on them to the same one - you can do this via the Dashboard. What we'll likely see happen is a lot of players leaving this until the last minute, or after the merge has happened, then running into issues with 2FA, and because of this response times will be much slower because Staff'll be dealing with that many more requests. In the near future, a sub-forum will be made to help funnel account change requests where players get stuck, but for now please use the 2FA / Email Recovery sub-forum.


Likewise, if you have an account with less than 10 minutes progress, that you've not logged into in the last 6 months, and you want to keep it - log into it, or play on it until it surpasses 10 minutes.


I hope this gives you some peace of mind. If you have any further questions please feel free to respond, I'm happy to explain more if needed.



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