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Encourage Shiny Hunting


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Shiny hunting is a big part of any pokemon games, giving ways for players to realistically hunt shiny will definitely increase playtime and engagement, because lets be honest, hunting a shiny Ralts when the spawn rate is about 4-5/hours is not feasible

Proposes solution:

- Let us exchange rare (not common/uncommon) pokemon into shards  (maybe only those with 100+IV)

- Turns shards ==> Shiny Charm (1-3 days)

- Shiny charm increase the shiny rate for that specific type


For example: Drillbur with 100+ IV can be exchanged for Ground-shards, and 20 shards = Ground Shiny Charm (3 days)

I think this system will do a few things:

- Enable a pokemon sink that makes catching mons more exciting and profitable. Without a sink, most of the time you would just throw away pokemon if it's not 24+ IV

- High-end players can spend money to buy shards and hunt for specific shiny that would be too rare to realistically hunt 

- New players have more ways to earn money, which rebalance the ridiculous wealth distribution

- Hunting shiny will be a new ways to play the game, which can and will make the game more fun (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT)


You can even let players reroll IV and natures of shiny with shiny shards, but that's another can of worm.


Edited by Duyh91
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