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Umbreon. This eeveeloution is very unlike the rest, in the anime as well. It's the most confident, sure of itself form. Gary's Umbreon is a perfect example. A pokemon that knows it is small, limber and tough enough to withstand any hit. Yeah... Umbreon is a beast

156535 Ditto. Why? Cuz it can be anything



Haha ditto ;3

156549 Umbreon. This eeveeloution is very unlike the rest, in the anime as well. It's the most confident, sure of itself form. Gary's Umbreon is a perfect example. A pokemon that knows it is small, limber and tough enough to withstand any hit. Yeah... Umbreon is a beast

Umbreon is my favourite Eeveelution too. Dark type Pokes are probably my fave, and I just love shiny Umbreon.


I've noticed a trend of a lot of fire types, definitely seems to be popular.


Ampharos :Heart-eyes: .... Why?



1- he is part of the jotho story

2- his mega is just sooooo cool (so flufy :Heart: )

3- he is not bad in pvp (doesn't mean he is good thaught)

4- I love mareep (so flufy :Heart-eyes: )

5- in my opinion jotho pokemons are the best

6- he is number 181 in the pokedex and 181 is just a cool number

7- he can power a Lighthouse

8- electric type .... (Yes that's totaly a valid argument )

That´s all (for now...)

The best [glow=gold]shiney[/glow] I caught so far




He evolves from the cutest ghost out there, Shuppet. Shuppet used to be the most eye catching pokemon to me, when I was a kid, then a few years later when I got to understand pokemon a bit more I discovered Banette and fell in love with him. Last year when I found out Mega evolutions where a thing I freaked out when I saw Mega Banette, That was the moment I started to like mega evolutions, before that I didnt like it. So yeah.

156508 This guy :


ofc, he is your final pokemon we face fighting you in game :Grin:

My favorite pokemon is Charizard, when I first saw charmleon evolving in the episode to fight Aerodyctle, growing wings and becoming like a Dragon. love from first sight as they say :Heart-eyes:


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