Evildave Posted June 17, 2024 Share Posted June 17, 2024 (edited) Dave's Corner shop Payment methods I accept: Pokedollar IV Reroll: 500k Nature Reroll: 200k Coin Capsule: 400k Rare Candy: 5k 30 Day MS: 600k Shop is closed as I have stopped playing the game You are also welcome to offer rare event/shiny Pokemon for trade if you also provide a valuation of its price. I am welcome to reject any offer without reason. This is a collection of many of the Pokemon I have caught whilst hunting events. I have organised them by name but they are randomly organised within the names, so you will need to hunt through the boxes to find what you might be looking for - like in any good corner shop! In game name: Evildave If you comment that you want to buy something I will hold onto it for 3 days. Please make sure you are available during the above times if you want to buy. ######################################################################## I am happy to EV train any Pokemon you purchase for an extra 70k each, just let me know what you would like Items Spoiler Consumables Spoiler 167 left 2k each 35 left 6k each 20 left 750 each Evolution Items Spoiler 21 left 10k each 15 left 10k each 19 left 15k each 2 left 15k each 10 left 10k each 26 left 10k each 4 left 20k each 3 left 30k each 2 left 30k each Out of stock 0 left 30k each 5 left 10k each 3 left 15k each Held Items Spoiler 29 left 1.5k each 130 left 2k each 25 left 2k each 2 left 30k each 2 left 30k each 9 left 10k each 16 left 10k each 33 left 10k each 15 left 15k each 10 left 10k each Out of stock 0 left 30k each 9 left 25k each 6 left 20k each 8 left 10k each 2 left 10k each 6 left 10k each 7 left 15k each 12 left 10k each 2 left 30k each 2 left 150k each Berries Spoiler 240 left 500 each 595 left 500 each 900 left 200 each 61 left 1.5k each 46 left 1.5k each 7 left 1.5k each 63 left 1.5k each 2 left 1.5k each 9 left 1.5k each Note: If there is anything not listed here that you're after feel free to ask. Some of the items I don't list on this shop as they sell too quickly to bother listing or I only have 1 or 2 of them. Cosmetics Spoiler 4 left 25k each 1 left 380k 1 left 25k each 1 left (in red) 35k each (with a helmet for 50k) 1 left 100k each 1 left 30k each Out of stock 0 set 50k Mounts - Out of Stock Spoiler Out of stock Misc Event Forms Spoiler 0 - 100k Spoiler 70k 90k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 50k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 70k 50k 60k 40k 60k 70k 70k 70k 80k 40k 40k 50k 50k 70k 70k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 70k 40k 100k - 500k Spoiler 100k 100k 100k 120k 120k 150k 150k 150k 150k 200k 200k 200k 500k - 1m Spoiler 600k 600k 1m 1m - 3m Spoiler 2m Guest Shop 1 Spoiler These pokemon are owned by a friend, but I have them on me for trading. 50k 310k 50k 50k 650k 600k Guest Shop 2 Spoiler These pokemon are owned by a friend, but I have them on me for trading. 150k 250k 250k 640k 70k 100k 150k 120k 120k 500k Assorted Syncs (10k each) Spoiler Bold Spoiler 3 in stock 5 in stock Calm Spoiler 5 in stock Modest Spoiler 1 in stock Timid Spoiler 5 in stock What's a Sync? Spoiler The nature of a Pokemon is very important as it determines which stats gain 10% or lose 10% extra. A Timid Pokemon has 'ATK' in Orange which means it loses 10% of the attack stat, whilst 'SPD' is green which means it gains 10% extra speed stats. Having a sync pokemon (even if it's knocked out at 0HP!) in the first slot of your team means that you will have a much greater chance of encountering wild pokemon with the same nature as your sync. Different Pokemon prioritise different natures - if you're not sure what you need feel free to ask! Alolan Marowak Spoiler 420k 40k 90k 110k 110k 130k 130k 130k 130k 170k 170k 170k 170k 170k 170k 360k 360k 50k 80k 130k 130k 170k 170k 170k 170k 170k 220k 220k 220k 280k 320k 320k 320k 520k 180k Aron Spoiler 40k 40k 40k 80k 150k 220k 420k 500k Baltoy Spoiler 100k Beldum Spoiler 50k 50k 50k 50k Blacephalon Spoiler 120k 230k 80k 80k 120k 150k 80k 80k 100k 100k 100k 80k 100k 60k 100k Chansey Spoiler 120k 50k 50k Spoiler Chinchou Spoiler 250k 3 x 31 Clamperl Spoiler 70k 60k 60k 120k 120k 100k 120k 140k 100k 140k 100k 120k 120k 180k 100k 100k 180k 40k Cottonee Spoiler 30k 30k 30k 30k 50k 50k 80k 80k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 20k Cutiefly Spoiler 50k 70k 100k 30k 100k Darumaka Spoiler 130k 60k 60k 40k 60k 40k 50k 130k Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon Spoiler 180k 100k Dratini Spoiler 50k 110k 130k Duskull/Dusclops/Dusknoir Spoiler 80k 80k 100k 90k 70k Eevee Spoiler 80k 70k 110k 70k 90k 120k 90k 60k Fennekin Spoiler 90k 70k 90k 80k 80k 80k Ferroseed Spoiler 180k 90k Geodude/Graveler/Golem Spoiler 350k Gible/Gabite/Garchomp Spoiler 50k 60k 70k Gligar Spoiler 70k 40k 70k 100k Goomy Spoiler 50k 100k 100k 70k 50k 40k 40k 40k 40k 120k 120k 70k Hawlucha Spoiler 170k 120k Heracross Spoiler 30k 220k Honedge Spoiler 150k 150k 650k Illumise Spoiler 220k Jangmo-o / Hakamo-o Spoiler 20k 20k 90k 450k Offers only Karrablast Spoiler 30k 450k Krabby Spoiler HA 60k 30k 3 x 31 175k Larvesta Spoiler 40k 30k 120k Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar Spoiler Offer 50k 30k 30k 20k 20k 70k Litwick Spoiler 180k 60k 90k 90k 90k 100k 100k 90k 90k 100k 180k 500k Magikarp/Gyarados Spoiler 30k 30k 30k Mimikyu Spoiler 50k 100k 80k 200k 50k 280k 130k 230k 100k 50k 50k 90k 50k 280k 180k 90k 90k 100k 160k 180k 150k 280k 180k 280k 550k Nincada Spoiler 20k 20k 20k 30k 50k 50k 80k Oshawott Spoiler 20k Pawniard Spoiler 50k 70k 50k Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu Spoiler 60k 70k 100k 50k 110k 50k 60k 80k 70k 80k 70k HA 80k 90k Pinsir Spoiler 50k 70k 100k Piplup Spoiler 20k Poliwag Spoiler 20k 40k Psyduck Spoiler 40k 60k 40k 60k Relicanth Spoiler 60k Riolu Spoiler 70k 70k 40k 40k 40k Rotom Spoiler 80k 70k 70k 100k 80k 40k 50k 70k 40k 60k 50k 60k Rufflet Spoiler 180k 120k 120k 80k Scyther Spoiler 120k 50k 220k Seedot Spoiler 30k 20k Shellder Spoiler 30k 30k 40k 30k 30k 60k 50k 30k 30k 30k 40k 30k Shroomish/Breloom Spoiler 40k 60k 70k 70k 40k 110k HA Shuckle Spoiler 70k 70k 30k 40k 60k 900k 110k 120k 90k 140k 140k 140k 160k 170k 140k 140k 190k 190k 190k 480k H.A. 70k H.A. 130k Shuppet/Banette Spoiler 50k 70k 50k 40k 80k 50k 60k 70k 30k 30k 90k 40k 60k 110k Sneasel Spoiler 150k Solosis Spoiler 80k 100k 130k 60k 60k 80k 70k 60k 60k 40k 30k Spiritomb Spoiler 90k 90k 110k 110k 140k 140k 140k 180k 180k 180k 180k 230k 280k 470k Swinub/Piloswine Spoiler 50k 30k Taillow Spoiler 30k 40k 20k 30k Tepig Spoiler 30k Timburr Spoiler 90k 90k Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken Spoiler 40k Totodile/Croconaw/Ferraligator Spoiler 30k 40k 90k HA 90k 100k 110k 70k Trapinch Spoiler 30k 40k Vanillite Spoiler 90k 80k Venonat Spoiler 20k Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill Spoiler 20k 20k 40k 30k 110k Wurmple Spoiler 20k Yamask Spoiler 70k Rent-a-Mon (5k per day, any mon) Spoiler Note: If you would like a specific move being added/changed then I am happy to change the move. If your request requires a TM, Egg-Move, etc. then you will be asked to pay the cost prior to the move change Rent any 6 for 25k per day! Bossing Team Spoiler w Dave's Wishlist Spoiler Here are Pokemon i'm currently looking for. I tend to buy trash forms so my budget isn't particularly high. If you have one for sale then feel free to send me a message. Please note that I don't always have liquid cash on me to buy straight away. Some forms I don't like, so I will name the specific evolution of the form I want I typically pay 20 - 40k for common forms, 100 - 150k for uncommon forms, and 700k - 1m for rares. If yours is particularly good then it may be worth more. Clone Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise Valentines Alomomola Alolan Vulpix/Ninetails Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath + Politoed Drifloon/Drifblim Goomy/Gliggoo Goodra Happiny/Chansey/Blissey Eevee (and all evolutions) Phanpy/Donphan Smeargle Hippopotas/Hippowdon Sewaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny Solosis/Duosion/Reuniclus Rufflet/Braviary Swirlix/Slurpuff Dedenne (male) Easter Bunnelby/Diggersby Mantyke/Mantine Turtwig/Grotle/Torterra Rotom/Rotom Wash Sableye Mawile Zangoose Pangoro Star Wars Pawniard/Bisharp Alolan Marowak Voltorb/Electrode Munchlax/Snorlax Wynaut/Wobbuffet Heracross Carbink Summer Squirtle Darumaka Lapras Pansage Pansear Clauncher/Clawitzer Staryu/Starmie Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox Halloween Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox Gible/Gabite/Garchomp Gligar/Gliscor Larvesta/Volcarona Komala Drilbur/Excadrill 2022 Pikachu (2023) Mime Jr./Mr Mime Nincada/Ninjask Nosepass (female) Mawile (Mario plant variant) Aron/Lairon/Aggron Minun (Angel) Plusle (Devil) Lunatone Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape Riolu (2023) Throh Sawk Sandile/Krokorok/Krookodile Foongus/Amoonguss (Amogus variant) Joltik/Galvantula Golett/Golurk (Buzz Lightyear variant) Hawlucha (2023) Drozee/Hypno Chincou/Lanturn Sableye (2023) Castform (normal/Sunny) Mimikyu (2024 male) Christmas Swablu/Altaria Smoochum/Jynx Elekid/Electabuzz Magby/Magmar/Magmortar Snover/Abomasnow Ferroseed/Ferrothorn Smeargle Pachirisu Emolga Cottonee/Whimsicott 2024 Petilil/Lilligant Espurr Bulbasaur Squirtle Shuckle Chatot Spiritomb Audino Pawniard/Bisharp Dave's Form Collection (Not For Sale) Spoiler All listed Pokemon below are event forms or shinies. I collect any form I think looks cool or cute and aim to have 1 of each form I like. They're usually not PvPable as I only collect. If you have anything that I don't have listed then feel free to shoot me a message with a price! Easter Spoiler Valentine's Day Spoiler Summer Spoiler Halloween Spoiler Christmas Spoiler Star Wars Spoiler April Fools Spoiler Shiny Spoiler Pink Spoiler Other Spoiler Please ignore the folder below - forum bug keeps duplicating images that I can't delete from the forum Spoiler Edited Monday at 05:19 PM by Evildave 5 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gal1leo Posted June 17, 2024 Share Posted June 17, 2024 ill buy this 1 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435614 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gal1leo Posted June 17, 2024 Share Posted June 17, 2024 (edited) and these 3 too Edited June 17, 2024 by Gal1leo 1 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435617 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envymeister Posted June 17, 2024 Share Posted June 17, 2024 (edited) buy Solosis 600k - edit: nvm... Gal1boi already bought ;-; Edited June 17, 2024 by Envymeister 1 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435619 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cattybandit Posted June 17, 2024 Share Posted June 17, 2024 (edited) wtb Let me know your availability. I will be free 11am gmt +1 onwards (as of edit in 10hrs30) Edited June 17, 2024 by Cattybandit 1 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435621 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evildave Posted June 18, 2024 Author Share Posted June 18, 2024 (edited) 21 hours ago, Gal1leo said: and these 3 too Edit: Sold Edited June 18, 2024 by Evildave Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435863 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evildave Posted June 18, 2024 Author Share Posted June 18, 2024 (edited) 17 hours ago, Cattybandit said: wtb Let me know your availability. I will be free 11am gmt +1 onwards (as of edit in 10hrs30) Edit: Sold Edited June 18, 2024 by Evildave Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1435865 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evildave Posted June 29, 2024 Author Share Posted June 29, 2024 Shinies are now out of stock. Will update when I have a few more in stock Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1439074 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evildave Posted July 12, 2024 Author Share Posted July 12, 2024 New Pokemon added and prices dropped across the board Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1442717 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ipad Posted July 12, 2024 Share Posted July 12, 2024 wtb calm eevee 150 k Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238480-closed-daves-corner-shop/#findComment-1442795 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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