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Guild Features, Quests & Trainer Level


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Guilds as they are now are pretty much a group of people being in one, group. I believe there should be both PvP and PvE features.

The whole system would be around Guild Achievement Points in which people in the guild accomplish different tasks.


Guild Features:


-Each player in the guild that manages to be a champion of each region earns the guild +8 achievement points.

-Each player completing a quest in the guild earns the guild +3 achievement points.

-Each player reaching maximum trainer level earns the guild +2 achievement points.


Achievement points unlock different perks for the guild.

-At 50 points all guild members earn 10% more exp.

-At 100 points all guild members earn 10% more pokedollars.

-At 200 points the guild gets a guild "fortress".

-At 300 points all guild members get access to guild vendor level 1.

[Guild Vendor Level 1: Sells Full Restores, Full Heals, Ultra Balls, Max Repels]

-At 350 points all guild members get access to guild vendor level 2.

[Guild Vendor Level 2: Sells level 1 items + TMs + 10% discount]

-At 500 points all guild members get 25% discount from the guild vendor.


-Inside the Guild Main Building there would be a guild banker in which you can deposit pokemon,

items and money.

-The guild bank would be accessible mainly from the guild leader and whoever he gives access to.

-Money from the guild bank can be used to upgrade the current guild vendor, add a move relearner,

add a move deleter, add a subway station to be accessible to all cities from any region from

the guild fortress replacing the lake next to the main guild building and add a nurse joy.


A guild fortress would (hopefuly not) look like this.




Guild Quests:


-Inside the Main Guild Building there would be a Quest Giver in which players go to get quests

to complete for their guild. The quests would be like collecting an item, catching a pokemon,

taking down a pokemon, fighting certain players in PvP matchmaking and such.

-Those quests would reward players with pokedollars and trainer exp.

-Based on the Guild Leader taxes, minumum: 1% - maximum: 50%, the pokedollars earned from those

quests go to the guild bank.



Trainer Level:


Each player could reach a maximum of level 50 trainer level.


-One would earn trainer exp by earning 10% of the battle's exp as his own.

Example: If your Pidgeot takes down a Machamp and earns 10,000 exp, your trainer earns 1,000 exp.


Every 15 levels the player gets to unlock one of the different traits for his trainer which are:


Level 15:

-Gets a key item that when active you cannot encounter pokemon in the wild. (Active/Disable on will)

-Gets an item that can be given to any pokemon so that it earns 5% more exp from battles.


Level 30:

-Increases the hp, attack, sp.attack, defense, sp.defense or speed of pokemon in your party by 10%.

-Doubles the EV earned from wild pokemon.


Level 45:

-Your pokemon take 2% reduced damage from poison and burn damage.

-Burn and poison attack and sp.attack reduction is decreased by 15%.

-Speed reduction from paralysis is decreased by 20%.


Level 50:

-You have a 10% chance to encounter a pokemon with at least 2 31 IV stats.

-You are a given a key item with 1 day cooldown in which you can randomly

reroll a pokemon's nature. (Preventing the chances of getting the same nature)

-All the stats of the pokemon in your party are increased by 5%.


And to make an anti-cheat rule for multi-accounts, pokemon that are applied with a nature change

are no longer tradable.


NOTE: The rewards are something I came up with on the moment. My main goal is to inspire the whole system. Balancing it is up to the PRO Staff, if they like the idea.

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I like your ideas, but the reward would be game breaking, and anti-sinkhole, there shouldn't be an item to toggle off wild pokemon spawns.

The reward that doubles EVs, or buff your pokemon stats would unbalance the game, and make the farming way too fast.

the 10% chance to have a pokemon with 2 31 IVs would also be anti sinkhole since you won't have to use much pokeballs before getting an epic pokemon, and even epic pokemon will become worthless.


And all the anti-status buff would unbalance the whole game, and make status worthless.


I like the concept of a trainer level, and a guild level and dungeon.

But not in a way that would totally break the game like your suggestions

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My main goal was to inspire the systems and not the actual stats I put in there, I know most of them would be game breaking. As long as they like the idea they can take the balance in their hands.

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These ideas would actually make joining a guild quite enticing and alot of players would definitely enjoy the thrill of being able to actively participate in Guild quests/objectives to earn more benefits.


As pointed above however, the benefits of some of the things you mentioned would obviously need to be nerfed so that the game doesn't become too easy where exp, money, and wild poke's just fall into out hands. We need something to get players motivated into joining guilds but also something that wouldn't upset the balance so it would still requires alot of hours.

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I don't like this suggestion, so many OP reward and it make player abuse. My personality, I don't want PRO become the silver plate...

You aren't playing a single-player Pokemon game. You're playing a Pokemon game with thousands of other players who are competing against each other. There have to be checks and balances in the game to prevent money inflation.

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Well yeah, as I already said, the rewards were something I came up with on the moment, my intention was to inspire the idea of the system. The reward balancing is up to the development staff to balance, if they like the idea that is.


EDIT: The one below me also posted about rewards, I already my point about rewards.

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157260 -Gets a key item that when active you cannot encounter pokemon in the wild. (Active/Disable on will)


What's the point of playing pokemon then ??

157260 -Increases the hp, attack, sp.attack, defense, sp.defense or speed of pokemon in your party by 10%.

-Doubles the EV earned from wild pokemon.


Clearly PVP advantage for nothing + EV train are part of the game, and it makes work the daycare business.


157260 -Your pokemon take 2% reduced damage from poison and burn damage.

-Burn and poison attack and sp.attack reduction is decreased by 15%.

-Speed reduction from paralysis is decreased by 20%.


Same, what's the point, you want the game to be easier ? And PvP will have no sense too

157260 -You have a 10% chance to encounter a pokemon with at least 2 31 IV stats.

Sure, and why not encounter a shiny at 5% chance :D:

157260 -You are a given a key item with 1 day cooldown in which you can randomly

reroll a pokemon's nature. (Preventing the chances of getting the same nature)

-All the stats of the pokemon in your party are increased by 5%.

Synchronize ability is already a nice help on nature's pokes

And stats boost, once again :Angry:


For guild, i feel like we need something too, but your ideas on 10% more P$ and exp on pokes are... well it wo'nt be pro..

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