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If there is a factor that keeps people addicted to a certain game, it is sense of progress, wich is something that PRO could benefit more from:


Your character himself should be able to get experience and gain level as he defeats pokemons and trainers.


Having its maximum level being unlimited, where as at lvl 120, his walking speed will then equal mount's, and from there on, start to surpass it slowly but progresively.


So if a players has been playing for 7 months, he should be able to walk as fast as the mount if not faster.


This will both give a feeling of progression and lock the players to their current accounts, because currently its too easy to transfer all your possesions to a new account like changing clothes to a mannequin.


Lvl benefit may vary.


Let me know your thoughts.

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Your Pokemon defeats another Pokemon, not you, hencewhy it gets the experince while you get the wins on your trainer card.


Walking as fast as mounts - Bad idea, you use mount because you can't walk as the mount plus they need the money from the mounts to run the server.


This will both give a feeling of progression and lock the players to their current accounts, because currently its too easy to transfer all your possesions to a new account like changing clothes to a mannequin.


I haven't seen much of what you describe except scammers/botters doing things like that and as far as I have observed most people don't like to transfer due to the name they want already being taken, too attachted to their account or they don't want to complete Kanto and Johto again.


Inferno BlaZe Join Us!

I feel you're "sense of progress" thing, but not the idea you're thinking, actually PRO has already this "sense of progress" thing you are looking for, its the Legendary Mew and Celedi (and hopefully more to come), aside from the quest they also both need certain play time to be acquired.


My idea is in every certain game play time (probably start in 500hours then 650h then 850h etc.) there should be a quest with reward like cloth/headgear (and of course its NOT tradable) in this way we can simply show our progress to others.

we have sense of progress already, it just not work as your ideas

Personally, walking same speed as bike/mount is really bad idea. It make bike and mounts become useless.

I will recommend you read this for make strong idea after https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16416

Thinking advantages and disavantages, reliability and validality always conduct your agrument :)


P/s: thinking about bond with account is really good point, but will need to adjust for suitable.

We might have a system where you will earn specific titles for the actions you've done in the future. Aside from that, leveling up your characters "stats (?)" is not something that can be done in Pokemon in general.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

157998 Someone played too much Tibia xD

Big nope from me


Hahaha THIS, many of my suggestion are to tibaize PRO.


Well mount are not going away since you must get them anyway because by the time you reach mount's speed you could have easily played 1300 hours ( or X ) so people will buy mount early on anyway. This will also allow worthy ones to walk fast inside buildings, wich is a good motivation to play.


Also about titles, i dont care, they dont affect gameplay, many people will, but surely many will not.


Also mew and historyline, no really sense of progress, since sense of progress ends as you catch it, same with story mode and you can also rush it btw ( specially jotho )


So the only sense of progress we have left is the money earned, wich again is borefull to farm, thats why i suggested earning it in a more fun way, that is also mixed up with sense of progress:



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