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Ban Mega Sableye


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Mega-Sableye is probably the most cancerous poke of the game right now. 🤣


The few times that i kill it i'm happy,Clefable is obviously good against him even if it's hard,don't give up,if you don't like something,counter it.

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i am a noob in pvp.and play few matches.so i still don't see mega sableye team in my opponent.So i can't say 
how dangerous this is.



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I think Mega Sableye can be destroyed by Choice item Pokemon I mean Band or Specs. Keldeo do huge damage for example. But i agree, should be banned, not healthy for meta.

Edited by Ekel1717
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And yeah,just because you get stomped by a poke often doesn't means that it deserves to be banned,because if we think like that,80-90% of pokes will be banned.

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PRO had a balanced meta before mega mawile and mega sableye banned. But after it got unbanned it was unbalanced meta like Mega Mawile solos 80% of the pokemons. Same thing with sableye only few pokemons can defeat It.

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