Cattybandit Posted July 23, 2024 Share Posted July 23, 2024 (edited) Thanks for visiting the shop. I will try and update the shop whenever I can. All rules will of course apply here. False offers will be reported. Pokemon may be sold already and may not have been updated correctly, due to the sheer volume. I apologies in advance if i do forgot to update and it affects you. Accepted Payments Coin Capsule :450k Iv reroll: 500k Nat reroll: 250k Contact information Discord: cattybandit IGNs: Cattybandit/Gothilga Timezone: Gmt+0 Availability : Usually 1800-0000 (approximately, in Gmt +0) Note: My preferred contact method is through discord. I also recommend to post here, on this forum page about what pokemon you would like to purchase before contacting me on discord. Also the following pokemon will be grouped alphabetically, such as A, B, C, etc. A Spoiler Absol 2 - 450k Absol 4- 180k Absol 5- 180k Absol 6- 200k Absol 7- 200k Absol 8- 210k Absol 9- 320k Absol 10- 250k Absol 11- 190k Absol 12- 245k Aegislash 2- 350k Aggron 1- 200k Aggron 2- 120k Alakazam 1- 260k Alakazam 2- 225k Alakazam 4- 270k Alakazam 5- 285k Altaria 7- 190k Ampharos 2- 200k Ampharos 3- 115k Ampharos 4- 240k Ampharos 5- 250k Ampharos 6- 230k Ampharos 8- 270k Azumarill 3- 180k Azumarill 4- 230k Azumarill 6- 225k Azumarill 7- 45k B Spoiler Barbaracle 1- 150k Bisharp 1- 170k Bisharp 2- 300k Bisharp 3- 245k Bisharp 4- 400k Bisharp 5- 230k Blastoise 2- 160k Blastoise 3- 190k Blastoise 4- 145k Blastoise 5- 300k Blastoise 6- 175k Blastoise 7- 185k Blastoise 8- 185k C Spoiler Chandelure 3- 240k Charizard 3- 250k Charizard 4- 450k Charizard 7- 180k Cofagrigus 1- 200k Crawdaunt 1- 200k Crawdaunt 4- 240k D Spoiler Darmanitan 1- 180k Darmanitan 2- 150k Doublade 1 125k Doublade 2- 250k Doublade 3- 140k Dragonite 3- 650k (epic tank dnite) Drapion 1- 250k Durant 1- 160k E Spoiler Eelektross 1- 120k Eevee 1-370k Eevee 2-340k Eevee 3-250k Eevee 4-500k Eevee 5-230k Eevee 6- 550k Eevee 9-90k Eevee 10-330k Eevee 11-400k Eevee 12-675k Eevee 13-450k Eevee 14 470k Eevee 15- 360k Eevee 16- 375k Eevee 17- 450k Eevee 18- 350k Eevee 19- 350k Eevee 21- 250k Eevee 22- 470k Eevee 23- 190k Eevee 24- 230k Eevee 25- 590k Eevee 26- 290k Eevee 27- 410k Eevee 28-300k Eevee 29-235k Eevee 30-535k Eevee 31-240k Eevee 32-880k Eevee 33-400k Eevee 34-370k Eevee 35-530k Eevee 36-230k Eevee 37- 1m 26+ Eevee 38-420k Eevee 39-365k Eevee 40-400k Eevee 41-300k Eevee 42-265k Eevee 43-385k Eevee 44-235k Eevee 45-390k Eevee 47-300k Eevee 48-485k Eevee 49-250k Eevee 50-315k Eevee 51-315k Eevee 53-330k Eevee 54-350k Eevee 55-370k Eevee 56-270k Eevee 57-420k Eevee 58-580k Eevee 60-430k Eevee 62-340k Eevee 63-290k Eevee 64-355k Eevee 65-500k Eevee 66-420k Eevee 67-600k Eevee 69 H.a 1m3 Eevee 70-650k Eevee 72-425k Eevee 73-300k Eevee 74 -360k Eevee 75-290k Eevee 76-300k Eevee 77-290k Eevee 78-350k Eevee 79-320k Eevee 80-375k Eevee 81-400k Eevee 82-430k Eevee 83-350k Eevee 84-240k Eevee 85-390k Eevee 86-385k Eevee 87-600k 30/30 hp fire jolteon Eevee 88-500k 31 31 Eevee 89 540k Eevee 90-285k Eevee 91-390k Eevee 92-345k Eevee 93-335k Eevee 94-370k Eevee 95-300k Eevee 98-280k Eevee 99-340k Eevee 100-375k Eevee 101- 725k Eevee 102- 750k Eevee 103- 720k Eevee 104- 320k Eevee 106- 440k Eevee 107- 230k Eevee 108-380k Eevee 110- 870k Eevee 111- 640k Eevee 112- 500k Eevee 113- 290k Eevee 114- 310k Eevee 115- 370k Eevee 116- 310k Eevee 117- 490k Eevee 118-510k Eevee 119-300k Eevee 120-350k Eevee 121-390k Eevee 122-430k Eevee 123- 420k Eevee 124- 370k Eevee 125- 320k Eevee 126-360k Eevee 127-400k Eevee 128-290k Escavalier 1- 175k Excadrill 1- 225k Excadrill 2- 225k F Spoiler Ferrothorn 2- 275k Flygon 1- 135k Flygon 2- 400k Flygon 4- 235k G Spoiler Garchomp 3- 425k Garchomp 4- 320k Garchomp 5- 350k Gliscor 5- 420k Gliscor 6- 300k Goodra 1 - 160k Goodra 2- 275k Goodra 6- 165k Goodra 8-225k Gourgeist 1- 90k Greninja 1- 200k- spike setter H Spoiler Hawlucha 1- 410k Hawlucha 2- 290k Hawlucha 3- 130k Haxorus 1- 250k Haxorus 2- 160k Haxorus 3- 550k Haxorus 5- 245k Haxorus 6- 300k Haxorus 7- 500k Haxorus 8- 225k Haxorus 9- 260k Haxorus 10- 330k Haxorus 11- 255k Haxorus 12- 315k Haxorus 13- 390k Haxorus 14- 300k Haxorus 15- 300k Haxorus 16- 385k Haxorus 17- 385k Haxorus 18- 350k Haxorus 19- 215k Haxorus 20- 550k Haxorus 21= 180k Haxorus 22- 350k Haxorus 23- 470k Haxorus 24- 260k Haxorus 25- 290k Haxorus 27- 330k Haxorus 28- 300k Haxorus 30- 400k Haxorus 31- 265k Haxorus 32-220k Haxorus 33- 500k Haxorus 35- 310k Haxorus 36- 125k Haxorus 37- 200k Heracross 1- 240k Heracross 2- 170k Heracross 3- 290k Heracross 4- 200k Heracross 5- 400k Heracross 7- 320k Heracross 9- 200k h.a Heracross 10 250k troom Hippowdon 4 250k Hippowdon 5 200k Hitmontop 1- 140k Houndoom 1- 100k Houndoom 2- 190k Hydreigon 2- 190k Hydreigon 3- 270k Hydreigon 5- 640k Hydreigon 9- 250k Hydreigon 10- 290k mixed I Spoiler Infernape 1- 140k J Spoiler Jellicent 1- 740k Jellicent 2- 120k K Spoiler Kabutops 2- 190k Kommo-o 1- 350k Kommo-o 4- 165k Kommo-o 5- 290k Kommo-o 6- 235k Kommo-o 7 235k Kommo-o 8- 260k Kommo-o 9- 380k Kommo-o 10- 275k Krookodile 2- 250k Krookodile 4- 190k L Spoiler Lopunny 2- 220k Lopunny 3- 130k Lopunny 4-250k Lopunny 6- 220k Lopunny 8- 240k Lucario 1- 340k Lucario 2- 200k Lucario 3- 340k Lucario 5- 240k Lucario 6- 125k M Spoiler Manectric 2- 200k Mawile 1- 150k Mawile 2- 150k Mawile 4-110k Mawile 5-200k Mawile 7-140k Mawile 8-110k Mawile 9-220k Mawile 10-300k Mawile 11-150k Mawile 12-170k Mawile 13- 400k Mawile 14-160k Mawile 15-150k Mawile 16-130k Mawile 17-270k Mawile 18-190k Mawile 21-390k Mawile 22-550k troom Mawile 23-450k Mawile 26-260k Mawile 27-500k troom Mawile 29-300k Mawile 30-200k Mawile 31-320k Mawile 32-140k Mawile 33-320k Mawile 34-300k Mawile 35- 500 brave troom Mawile 36- 340k Mawile 37-200k Mawile 39-500k troom Mawile 40- 450k Mawile 41-250k Mawile 42-250k Mawile 44-250k Mawile 45-350k Mawile 46-500k Mawile 47- 750k troom Mawile 48- 400k Mawile 50- 300k Mawile 52-200k Mawile 53-300k Mawile 54-300k Mawile 55-250k Mawile 56-350k Mawile 57-240k Mawile 58-400k Mawile 59-240k Mawile 60-400k Mawile 61-260k Mawile 62-330k Mawile 63-350k Mawile 65-425k Mawile 66-450k Mawile 67-400k Mawile 68-250k Mawile 69-190k Mawile 70-500k Mawile 71-140k Mawile 72-500k Medicham 1- 100k Mimikyu 1-300k N Spoiler Nidoking 1- 120k Noivern 1- 100k O (Empty) Spoiler P Spoiler Pidgeot 1- 40k Pinsir 2- 300k Pinsir 4- 240k Pinsir 5- 290k Pinsir 7-500k Pinsir 8-300k Pinsir 9- 400k Q Spoiler R Spoiler Reuniclus 7- 325k troom Reuniclus 8- 170k Rotom3 - 520k Rotom 5- 220k Rotom 6- 300k Rotom 7- 135k Rotom 8- 175k Rotom 9- 125k Rotom 10- 110k Rotom 13- 120k Rotom 14- 500k Rotom 16-125k S Spoiler Salamence 3- mixed 450k Salamence 4- 160k Salamence 5- 200k Salamence 6- 265k Salamence 9- 200k Salamence 10- 160k Salamence 11- 130k Scizor 3- 350k Scizor 4 - 300k Scizor 5- 300k Scizor 6- 270k Scizor 8- 170k Scizor 9- 240k Scizor 10- 300k Scizor 11- 600k Scizor 12- 700k Scizor 14- 250k Scizor 15- 400k Scizor 17- 250k Scrafty 1- 160k Snorlax 1- 160k Snorlax 2- 250k Swampert 3- 180k Swampert 4- 100k T Spoiler Throh 1 -100k Togekiss 2- 190k Torterra 1- 210k Torterra 2- 300k Tyranitar 1- 400k Tyranitar 3- 180k Tyranitar 4- 250k Tyranitar 6 - 170k Tyranitar 7- 190k Tyranitar 10- 345k Tyranitar 11- 180k Tyranitar 13- 330k Tyranitar 15- 400k Tyranitar 16- 270k Tyranitar 17- 245k Tyranitar 18- 280k Tyranitar 20- 200k Tyranitar 23- 330k Tyranitar 24- 370k Tyranitar 26- 400k Tyranitar 27- 200k Tyranitar 28- 500k Tyranitar 29- 500k Tyranitar 30- 300k Tyranitar 31- 300k Tyranitar 32- 320k Tyranitar 33- 500k Tyranitar 35- 260k Tyranitar 36- 300k Tyranitar 38- 270k Tyranitar 39- 390k Tyranitar 41- 200k Tyranitar 43- 200k U (Empty) Spoiler V Spoiler W Spoiler Weavile 2- 150k X (Empty) Spoiler Y (Empty) Spoiler Z (Empty) Spoiler Edited 21 hours ago by Cattybandit 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiroo78 Posted July 23, 2024 Share Posted July 23, 2024 Pm on discord ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiroo78 Posted July 24, 2024 Share Posted July 24, 2024 Pm discord again (+ bump ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen1king Posted July 24, 2024 Share Posted July 24, 2024 Bro this is the best and the most hardcore shop i have ever seen in PRO. congrats ! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norex Posted July 24, 2024 Share Posted July 24, 2024 22 hours ago, Cattybandit said: Eevee 20 Hey, I would like to buy that Eevee. I will contact you on discord about it 1 My Pokemon Shop My Lending Shop My Pokemon Wishlist Ascension Guild Page Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mattepalla93 Posted July 25, 2024 Share Posted July 25, 2024 I would buy these poke: Absol 3 Altaria 2 Azumarill 9 Darmanitan 4 Infernape 2 Mantine 1 Rotom 1 Tangrowth 3 I will contact on discord 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inustur Posted July 25, 2024 Share Posted July 25, 2024 Buying Clone Impish Charizard and Slowbro 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caennethi Posted July 25, 2024 Share Posted July 25, 2024 wtb Profile Picture and Signature by Gzma - Check out the Gallery Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiroo78 Posted July 25, 2024 Share Posted July 25, 2024 wtb pm discord ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cattybandit Posted July 25, 2024 Author Share Posted July 25, 2024 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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