Administrator Shinohara Posted July 27, 2024 Administrator Share Posted July 27, 2024 Combining Search Terms Easily find the exact Pokemon you need by combining search terms. Search Example for a Specific Pokemon: lvl=30 shiny Rattata Finds all shiny Rattata's at level 30. Search for High-Level Pokemon: lvl>70 Charizard Finds all Charizards above level 70. Search for Pokemon by Type and Region: type=Water region=Hoenn Finds all Water-type Pokemon caught in the Hoenn region. Search for Specific Stats: ATK>=28 SPD>=28 Garchomp Finds all Garchomp's with both Attack and Speed IV stats at or above 28. Replace the Pokemon Name, edit the level, to suit your search needs. Supported Comparers Equality and Inequality: = or ==: Finds exact matches (e.g., lvl=30 finds Pokemon exactly at level 30). != or <>: Finds all that do not match (e.g., lvl!=30 finds Pokemon not at level 30). Greater and Lesser: >: Greater than (e.g., lvl>30 finds Pokemon above level 30). <: Lesser than (e.g., lvl<30 finds Pokemon below level 30). >=: Greater than or equal to (e.g., lvl>=30 finds Pokemon at level 30 and above). <=: Lesser than or equal to ,(e.g., lvl<=30 finds Pokemon at level 30 and below). Detailed Filter Options Below are the filter options you can use to narrow your search results, along with their aliases and how to use them: Filters Usable Without a Comparer shiny (shiny, s) - Filter for shiny Pokemon. form (form, f) - Filter for themed Pokemon. Pokemon Name (name, pokemon, poke) - Filter by the name of the Pokemon. Pokedex ID (dex, d)- Filter by the Pokedex identification number. Borrower Name (borrower, b) - Filter by the name of the Borrower. Basic Filters UID (uid, u) - Unique identifier of a Pokemon. Example: uid=53256 OT - Name of the person who caught the Pokemon. Example: OT=Username Level (level, lvl, lv) - The level of the Pokemon. Example: lvl=100 Ability (ability, a) - The ability of the Pokemon. Example: a=Protean Nature (nature, n) - The nature of the Pokemon. Example: n=Timid Gender (gender, g, sex) - The gender of the Pokemon. Examples: g=m, g=f, g=none Type (type, t) - Type of the Pokemon, such as Fire or Water. Example: t=Fire Region (region, r) - The region where the Pokemon was caught. Example: r=Kanto Hidden Power (hiddenpower, hi) - The hidden power type the Pokemon has. Example: hi=Ground move (move, m, skill) - The move of the Pokemon. Example: m=Tackle Stats Filters ATK (atk, attack) - ATK IV of the Pokemon. Example: ATK>=28 DEF (def, defense, defence) - DEF IV of the Pokemon. Example: DEF>19 SPD (spd, speed) - SPD IV of the Pokemon. Example SPD=31 SPATK (spatk, specialattack) - SPATK IV of the Pokemon. Example: SPATK>=28 SPDEF (spdef, specialdefense, specialdefence) - SPDEF IV of the Pokemon. Example: SPDEF>=20 HP (hp, hitpoints) - HP IV of the Pokemon. Example: HP=31 ATKEV (atkev, attackev) - ATK EV of the Pokemon. Example: ATKEV=252 DEFEV (defev, defenseev, defenceev) - DEF EV of the Pokemon. Example: DEFEV=0 SPDEV (spdev, speedev) - SPD EV of the Pokemon. Example SPDEV=252 SPATKEV (spatkev, specialattackev) - SPATK EV of the Pokemon. Example: SPATKEV>=140 SPDEFEV (spdefev, specialdefenseev, specialdefenceev) - SPDEF EV of the Pokemon. Example: SPDEFEV>=100 HPEV (hpev, hitpointsev) - HP EV of the Pokemon. Example: HPEV=6 Expiration Time for Borrowed Pokemon Expiration (expiration, expires, expire, e) - Remaining time before a borrowed Pokemon will automatically return. Units: days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds (s). Examples: e<1d1h1m1s, e<1d3h, e>40s 8 Please do not contact staff members for private support Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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