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Wild Legendaries?


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How are we going to be all equal with such low chances of obtaining them?

On the course of a month maybe it appear 10 times, from wich many will be to noobs who cannot beat a lvl 100 wild,have not a pokemon able to counter roar move as first, off balls...


They can still be used as reward cause such rarety should cost 20m+ that if not just Zapdos,moltres,articulo,entei,suicune,raikou wild and all left as special reward (wich seems unfair)


Any chance of encounter as low as it can get, creates hope in new players = $


they are litteraly trophy pokemon just like current shiny...useless for pvp.

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159881 [Censored] guys how is this a bad suggestion?


A suicune has already been gifted to a player and no one else can obtain it, what creates more envy than that? Pretty good evs it had. So he IS on adventage, but for the wild ones...nerf base stats to make it useless for pvp.


Low encounter rate, hard to catch, uses roar at start...


Thats how Legendaries should be, the essence of being a Legendary is gone if hundreds of player has it, only 1 of a kind of Legendary should be in each server, and it should be own by best of the best trainer, just like what they did in the official tournament, in this way if you dont have enough determination/technique to be on top of the food chain, then you dont deserve to have a Legendary,

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159895 How are we going to be all equal with such low chances of obtaining them?

On the course of a month maybe it appear 10 times, from wich many will be to noobs who cannot beat a lvl 100 wild,have not a pokemon able to counter roar move as first, off balls...


They can still be used as reward cause such rarety should cost 20m+ that if not just Zapdos,moltres,articulo,entei,suicune,raikou wild and all left as special reward (wich seems unfair)


Any chance of encounter as low as it can get, creates hope in new players = $


they are litteraly trophy pokemon just like current shiny...useless for pvp.


I wouldnt say useless. Far from it in fact.


My Lugia can sweep whole teams.


We have already decided how we want to distribute legendaries. Ones above 600 base stats will not be distributed unless in extreme circumstances, and only then 1 in the entire server. For example, there is a Lugia, Giratina and a Mewtwo in Red server, and im pretty sure a Lugia in Blue too.


You have to be incredibly skilled to get one, or win a major tornament with one being a prize.


We allow the <600 ones to be caught, because it gives players something to strive for.

Furthermore, legends arent tradeable anyway. So they have 0 value


And for fuck sake why do people keep asking to nerf stuff. We arent PWO, if you like nerf mechanics, go there.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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