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Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}


<r><QUOTE author="BDFahim"><s>

  BDFahim said:
</s><POST content="324667"><s></s>324667<e></e></POST> Yes but my age is 15 (this is the problem)<e>

My sincere apologies, but most of the topics discussed on our discord is not suitable for youngsters, hence why we have this rule <E>:Shy:</E> <br/>

Thanks for applying, though. <E>:Smile:</E> <br/>


On the other note, welcome to <I><s></s>Deadpool<e></e></I> and <I><s></s>Roboteddy<e></e></I>!<br/>


/ Added event log to our guild thread<br/>


<QUOTE author="t0bi"><s>

  t0bi said:
</s><POST content="161514"><s></s>161514<e></e></POST> -GUILD MEMBER OF THE MONTH [NOVEMBER]: envymeister - rewarded with epic lairon and 25C<br/>

-GUILD MEMBER OF THE MONTH [DECEMBER]: - soon to be rewarded with ms medallion<br/>

-CHRISTMAS RAFFLE GIVEAWAY [$1,000,000]: BladerMagician<br/>



Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}


<r><QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s>

  Deidara7 said:
</s><POST content="324997"><s></s>324997<e></e></POST> My sincere apologies, but most of the topics discussed on our discord is not suitable for youngsters, hence why we have this rule <e>

I understand

<QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s>

  Deidara7 said:
</s><POST content="324997"><s></s>324997<e></e></POST> On the other note, welcome to Deadpool and Roboteddy!<br/>


/ Added event log to our guild thread<br/>


t0bi wrote:<br/>

Source of the post -GUILD MEMBER OF THE MONTH [NOVEMBER]: envymeister - rewarded with epic lairon and 25C<br/>

-GUILD MEMBER OF THE MONTH [DECEMBER]: - soon to be rewarded with ms medallion<br/>

-CHRISTMAS RAFFLE GIVEAWAY [$1,000,000]: BladerMagician<br/>



but I can't understand what you want to say (you accept my application or not)</r>

Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}


<r><QUOTE author="BDFahim"><s>

  BDFahim said:
</s><POST content="325114"><s></s>325114<e></e></POST> but I can't understand what you want to say (you accept my application or not)



I regret to inform you that it's a decline.</r>


Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}


<r><QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s>

  Deidara7 said:
</s><POST content="325155"><s></s>325155<e></e></POST> BDFahim wrote:<br/>

Source of the post but I can't understand what you want to say (you accept my application or not)<br/>


I regret to inform you that it's a decline.<e>


No problem <E>:Angel:</E> <br/>


Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}


<r>Happy to announce our new addition to the guild, Enforcer <E>:Angel:</E> <br/>


Also another welcome to all of the new recruits of recent.<br/>


Looking forward to getting to know you more as you become a part of our guild, enjoy :p</r>


Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER}



</s><COLOR color="#FF0080"><s></s>About time for me to give a friendly bump to the Aka-whatevers! ~<e></e></COLOR> <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Smile:</E><e>


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