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WTB the following pokemons:


Crustle: Sturdy / Adamant / 28+ Atk / 25+ Speed / 15+ rest

Cloyster: Skill Link / Adamant / 28+ Atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Ludicolo: Swift Swim / Modest / 28+ Sp.atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Salamence: Moxie / Adamant / 28+ Atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Gardevoir: Trace / Timid/ 28+ Sp.atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Lycanroc-Dusk: Tough Claws/ Jolly/ 25+ Atk / 20+ Speed / 15+ rest

Vaniluxe: Snow Warning / Modest / 28+ Sp.atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Zangoose: Toxic Boost / Jolly/ 28+ Atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Swellow: Scrappy/ Timid/ 28+ Sp.atk and Speed / 15+ rest

Slurpuff: Unburden/ Adamant / 28+ Atk and Speed / 15+ rest


If you have anything listed above, pre-evolutions feel free to contact me for negotiations. I would prefer EPIC ones, and I do have the budget for them, just let me know if you are willing to negotiate.

If you are from SILVER please contact me as well as I can transfer servers.


Contact me here, ingame or on discord


Ingame: eNvymeister

Discord: eNvyle100

Edited by Envymeister


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