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Rare Candy Hunting


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165566 About Route 12 rare candy, i don't know how much time it takes to respawn, i confirm i had 3 of them from there, but after more than 7 days, it haven't respawn yet

Hmm, i just try the rare candy in route 12. I might be wrong about respawn time, i just notice that i couldn't see the rare candy, but i still got it (Wich is weird, because i remember the second and third time i came to take that RC, pokeball was there, and now i couldn't see it but was there)

Chronos true guild leader :3

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165566 About Route 12 rare candy, i don't know how much time it takes to respawn, i confirm i had 3 of them from there, but after more than 7 days, it haven't respawn yet

Hmm, i just try the rare candy in route 12. I might be wrong about respawn time, i just notice that i couldn't see the rare candy, but i still got it (Wich is weird, because i remember the second and third time i came to take that RC, pokeball was there, and now i couldn't see it but was there)


yep happend to me too.

I think someone said that it would respawn every 4 days

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You're welcome. All thanks to you guys, really.

If you find any more, please report them here whether it's a new location or confirmation.


& @Despotaa,

Just a poke ball? If I recall correctly, I had that too. I will need to revise that location.

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So my friends, I've found 4 Rare Candy's on Sevii Island 5:


- Lost Cave B12F

- On an Island in the water labyrinth (next to fisherman Ikan)

- 2 from Mr. Kakek's friend after finishing the water labyrinth


BTW i can confirm the Pokeball with the 2 rare candies someone mentioned before. Its on Island 6, in the Altering Cave.

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