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Glitches & Freezes



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164387 There should be questions to demonstrate you understand what beta means before you can download the client.


As for the "will always be beta", regardless, there's a fair amount missing or broken and active work to add/correct, meaning that for now at least it's still a proper beta with the bugs and issues that brings.


You still report problems in Beta, especially ones that were non-existent a few days ago. So regardless of the permanent or transient nature of this beta, I see nothing wrong with reporting the problems. No need to be condescending.

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164389 You still report problems in Beta, especially ones that were non-existent a few days ago. So regardless of the permanent or transient nature of this beta, I see nothing wrong with reporting the problems. No need to be condescending.


Yeah, you're supposed to report on issues during beta, but you check first, if it's already known and reported you can add on there, so that devs see 100 people have this issue and 50 have a different one, not 150 people have issues all in seperate posts.

Yes it came across harsher than intended, but it's a known issue and more seperate posts about the same thing will only make it harder for other issues to be noticed.


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164387 There should be questions to demonstrate you understand what beta means before you can download the client.


Thers is no reason to get mean, hun. :confused: :)

Sure, ppl get upset by not getting a reward at end of Boss, but this is the Bug Resolution Center right? And what do we need to do to resolve Bugs? Right, we have to tell the staff about it!

So pls stop with these Beta-stuff, we all know that. :Heart:


I started the thread, that these kinda stuff get noticed by the devs and give them more information about it so they could fix it better.




Btt, to elucidate the problem a bit further:


Sometimes u get a few trees/digspots done, sometimes u freeze every 2nd tree/spot. It usually happens in the interaction where u


- gonna get asked which pokemon should headbutt/dig ---> stuck freeze

- For bossfights it happenes after u beat last pokemon of him and he should start talking to u ---> stuck freeze

- At pokecenter it happens in the moment, where joy is start healing pokes ---> stuck freeze

- after u fight usual NPC, he should talk to u but ---> stuck freeze


I hope it helps and i hope this thread get noticed. Ty :Heart:

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There's already posts about the freezing, it seems to be when the server lags too much, apart from Red who seems to cause it a lot, bugs should be kept together if they're the same, helps judge size of issues and see other issues.


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the most gayest thing happend to me I bought 2 revives to vs against the third gym leader i never managed to beat him until i bought the revives but when i beat him the game froze and I had to sign out and sign back in but when i did I didnt have my revives and most of my pokemon were dead and it said i didnt beat him they seriously need to fix this problem.

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i have the same problem, in last three days i went to safari zone to get that goddamn surf and just as i reach it when i try to take it game freezes and if i log out i lose that day for farming in safari zone and 5k P$

It is realy frustrating and i tried both 64bit and 32bit version, reinstalled game like 4 times. Any other sugestions?

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