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2 hours ago, Vangogsan said:

"The price has not dropped because the economy is good, but because the vast majority of the active player base already has these items " - its something that will happen at some point with anything here . And yes, some items you have higher price but you still can buy them with pvp - pve coins,so you can save money from it .

"About the bosses, Bccs and "profitable" activities (but which you spend money to do them kkakakak) "-  you cant catch psyduck, diglet, magnemite, after story you can get pancham and cottone and find one clampearl, then you need to do them and invest a bit for moves . If that task is much for a new player - idk what he is doing in grind based game .... Oh btw i bet if you do it yourself the total price will be like 400k investment ( less price that 90% of the players give to wear cosmetics ) and gane be returned in 1-2 boss runs .

"About events and services.... Massive grind, and put massiveness into it! I, Jhonvga, have already done several shiny hunts for rare Pokemon and I guarantee you that it is not healthy and hunting gets frustrating " - i hunt 80% of my time in game, sometimes i dont end with anything, but i dont look what other gets , i dont get frustrated cuz i dotn have any expectations, im here to have fun. Hunting require to not be greedy and wanting all good stuffs for yourself, but to select some area and put some time. ( cuz we are here to waste it anyway ). With this kind of logic you can end irl the same way and get depressed . (btw also something that every player can pick )

"Regarding everything else, you seem quite satisfied with the current situation of the game, you turn around and say that it's normal for a boss-only farm to give you 3m in 3-4m, it's just a joke.... it seems like a joke and a bit crazy read this. Regarding consistent pvp teams, I would like you to show me a competitive pokemon team with prints of the pokemons if you can really assemble them with 3m, I think you are wrong. If you are really going to do this, show the efficiency of this team in practice. "- im happy that at least something in this game ( situation make it good for you, that will stops the crying about everything in the game that you dont like , cuz clearly we saw you dont like to do bosses because you see them less profit able, lvl and ev service, pvp and dungeons cuz you said you dont like them) . Now about for well working team that is accessable for everyone . You can replace zapdos with rotom or skamory https://pokepast.es/208480248c1fe227 and garchopm with hippo. To make and use good team you need to have idea how to build good team and spend some time hunthing them . Im not good example of good team builder but i can name 5 people who can do the job and can make cool and well working teams .

"The economy is bad YES, and apparently I'm the only one who has the guts in this game to come and tell some truths, since most of the time the complaints are either ignored or answered with "go play another game" "no one forces you to play " That's why the player base is small, some people (not all), if you want, they'll take the trouble to help new players, but that's a topic for another time. But in short, the community itself has great responsibility for the current situation of the game, we are all part of this."- the economy looks as its should be of this etap of the game. And if you cant understand that every aspect matter and build it ( large number  decent pokemons and pvp items , 60% of the players who dont pvp because they have no idea or 0 interest in it and care only for forms and shiny , rich and poor people , people that save cash and those who spend everything on useles things ) your topic looks just like crying how everything here is hard and unfair . Btw i bet that is not mentioned - many players were banned cuz they used bots or they cheat in pvp , so to talk for player base and how many stayed here you  should think about that too.

"Now about the last topic pvp and money. Seriously, I don't think you bother to read the answer in other posts, but in short the PvP may not be very good, but it's already improved a lot! Regarding money management, any player (in my opinion) must have the power to do what they want with their money in game, knowing that they can earn it quickly at any time! In the pro it's not like that, it's almost like managing real money, if you spend it, you run out and you can only buy something next month, that's ridiculous... and I don't have any problem with money in game, the real problem is how quickly the money leaves our account and how slow and painful it is to recover this amount! "- i will mention it for last time, if player spend their money stupid , its their problem, thats why here we have pokemons that worth millions and pokemons that worth as they should atm, every player want something better that will works in next 2-5 years , so they are ready to spend what they think is fair . And those who spend all look from side. 

You have many guides for story , mega stones , legendary quest that can give you info about how to make them without to buy service or any. If you hunt and dont sell your sruffs your money wont vanish and you will have less to spend for. Every dungeon give you chance for rr so even to make usable legend cost less. Its all strtegy and how people play their game. 

About the last part - every player can think what they want, but to say something is good or bad you have to put all the things that matters and here first matter what they do and how they do . If you try to open a door with your head you will brake it , if you just pull it you will pass easly . 

I tried to help many players giving them cash , pokemons and everything needed, and my observations are that all want everything with less effort . And even if they make money they still dont run them smart and buy stupid things that have no use further . You cant blame the game because you play it stupid . Im here enough long to say that.

Last because i wont answer further on this topic because i hate to argue with people who look always the negative on the game,  i will repeat myself - if you want the game to be cool for you- make it
Run guild, do events ,help the people to be better ,become staff and do the things that are delayed , but dont complain how the game is bad or how is unfair and you feel frustration. With small talk you wont change anything . Im not able to be part of the staff team cuz simply i dont find myself good for that and i dont have the time, but i do what i can to help those who work for it ( as try my best to guide and help my guild mates and donate cash to exist the game ). 

I was there when servers last 15 mins and i had to wait 2-3 houts to play the game in the old red, blue and later yellow servers , before every mega evolution , before z crystals, before dungeons and every event that you play and wait. Before rr to be 500k . 

Peace !!!

Good afternoon, about the first paragraph, it really happens at any time and even in several mmo games not only in PRO, regarding PVP the base of players who play PVP is lower than the others who play PvP, with PvE it is frustrating make a boss with these rewards that are really bad, if you think they are good or that there is no need for improvements, that's fine! Your opinion and I respect it, but it is a fact that the ways to get money in the game are bad, poorly paid and very lucrative.


Regarding this, I agree that the vast majority of players new to the game spend on cosmetics or trash counterparts just to "have" or "show off", but do you know why maybe they do that? You can check all the latest announcements, the vast majority were skins, mounts, cosmetics and the like and system updates and improvements never arrive or arrive bugged.... Frustrating, but you have a great point and I don't blame the number of players who spend all their savings on cosmetics/skins, after all, the PRO mirror is basically just that.


Regarding the grind, Pokemon Hunting Simulator Revolution Online, I referred to myself but I'm sure many players know and feel what I'm saying, but I agree with what was said! But believe me, of all the grinds I've done in different MMOs, the PRO one is the one that rewards you the least!


"stop crying" "doesn't like making bosses", I'm not crying I'm pointing out very serious defects in this game that it seems like you still haven't understood the purpose of it all! I still do my bosses, my bcc... but with minimal frequency because it's not rewarding, doing bosses in PRO is like going to a low-paying job, we go because we need money! Regarding teams, I also know people who are capable of putting together beautiful 100% original teams, but the whole process of assembling/buying a team is frustrating, if you have money you can set it up quickly and start your matches, otherwise you will spend hours just with hunt for decent pokemons, as well as a good amount of money in Mv7, so in the end you see that you made wrong choices of pokemons or the IVs are not good enough and have to repeat this process again...


I say and repeat and will continue to say, the economy is broken, horrible, rubbish! Prove me wrong instead of saying I'm "crying", saving or spending on futile things, players can do whatever they want with their money but in PRO it's simple, MORE MONEY LEAVES YOUR ACCOUNT THAN COMES IN! You spend more than the revenue you generate and this is INEVITABLE, and despite bans from Bots and PvP, you can be sure that I even contributed in some cases with video evidence so don't worry about that either.


About the end of your speech, you talked, talked, talked and as you say I'm crying, you just talked and talked and defended the game tooth and nail, simply brushing aside ALL THE FACTS I MENTIONED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TOPIC ! The game is full of problems and the intention is NOT TO OFFEND OR DIMINISH ANY ENTITY LINKED TO THIS GAME, if you are feeling repressed, sad, offended by the posts I am sorry. I may not be very clear in my ideas, we have a barrier that is our different languages, but if you look carefully at each point I touched on, you will see that it is a FACT, and that it needs to be improved urgently and believe me, I have been playing PRO ME SIMPLY for a long time I WAS A CHILD when I started playing! You and a lot of other people just comment here to shed some light on the current situation of the game, few people have the nerve to agree or actually mention the defects, or if your case is to help you could respond by giving a solution to some of these problems, if you want I can I even bring some solutions that I have in mind, but you come here and write that at the end of it all you just wiped the whole situation without wanting to give a "why" why it's not bad or the "why" it's better! 

I'm not rude in my words, I just speak firmly and affirm everything that is being written here! The Pro is BAD, IT URGENTLY NEEDS UPDATES THAT WILL MAKE NEW PLAYERS AND OLD PLAYERS STAY IN THE GAME!


There is no real need to return to this topic if you are not going to add solutions and brush over the current situation of the game, anyone who has been in the game for years knows very well the activities there are to do in addition to written walkthroughs and videos on the internet! If you have to respond to all of this with "yes, you're crying" or saying the OBVIOUS, don't even try for me. If you are going to respond, say your sincere opinion about this whole situation that the game is going through, thank you in advance, have a good afternoon!

2 hours ago, Emilio1711 said:

i do agree mostly. Also the pvp is terrible and unfair for newer players. Its rediculous overpowerd that someone can mega evole and use a z-move for example. 

or even you dedicated hours to putting together a team, your score is 0 and simply the game instead of leveling your rating with the skill level of other players starting, simply by playing you against the 300+ RT class, they are not impossible to beat, but for a new and inexperienced player it is really very difficult to start playing, not counting the mega EVO and Z moves. Your criticism is very valid but influential people in the game will ignore your comment because for them everything is perfect and the problem will always be you. The end is sad my friend! XD Thank you for your comment, it helped me A LOT.

2 hours ago, Nxtaryan said:

absolute-cinema.png.c4b21e5e49b2401e19a85b0e7058c1fa.png btw @Vangogsan is right 

Thanks for the feedback, I imagine you're another person who doesn't see any problem with the game dying due to negligence on the part of players and those responsible for the game <3. 

Now that's cinema, from its peak to its fall. Or maybe Milhao goes bankrupt.... This film could have several names, don't you think? XD

14 minutes ago, Jhonvga said:

Thanks for the feedback, I imagine you're another person who doesn't see any problem with the game dying due to negligence on the part of players and those responsible for the game <3. 

Now that's cinema, from its peak to its fall. Or maybe Milhao goes bankrupt.... This film could have several names, don't you think? XD

what if the name?
The Rise

  • Like 1

To open such topic you have to understand the few things about it : 

As few times was explained to you this is fun game made. To bring something new that have any impact in the game people must have time to make it, since there are not many people you see the process is a bit slower but people who love this game can take that . Next words i will speak are as neutral side so you dont get this personal or offended. 
I told you some history here and some facts that you still reject so i will point few things to backup my words . 

First this game is called pokemon revolution online not money revolution online . Thats because its obvioly the point of the game is to collect pokemons - not cash , and those pokemons to end up used in PvP. So we hunt ( grind ) for it day and night to get the best possible . So here we have 2 options : to do it by ourselfs or to buy them. Because 70% of the players are busy irl, dont like that aspect of the game and etc they want to buy them and we start one of the aspects of using money. 
The second one is obviosly to prepare your pokemons for use- lvl , ev and move set witch need cash too. So cash is just instrument that goals to be acheeved. Ofc they added shiny and forms to atract those that grind for them just to brag with it- we have planty of them. 

This is the main circle - so your game play here is to grind and use them for pvp . And is mentioned to be the game passed some periods , we got new generations of pokemons , new legendary pokemons , mega stones, z crystals and so on.  This process lead to few things :

1 - market lvl become high - you hardly can find better than what you have into your pc and , so every epic pokemon worth more money 
2 - money become less, because i mentioned before people spend it stupidly buying bad pokemons , forms , or clothes 
3 - many things become cheaper because players have lot of them as orbs , choice items and so on

We had some stuffs to help preparing pokemons for PvP to be easy . 

Rewards at bcc fc helps to collect rare candies so you dont need to spend money , also for top 1-15 you can get pretty usable things and save money from preparation. 

Dundeons came with easy way to get rr because you had to wait someone to sell or just collect pvp coins and get it alone . So at some point they nerf them and make them locked, because the main reason was to help preparing legendarys , but people start sold them and that affects their price, the price of prestige mounth and everything that can be bouth with pvp coins .
Many new events that main reason was to give all the best way to get some meta pokemons cheap . 

That part here is the half of what leads to your topic and the problems in game ( there are some, but not awful as you think )

The second half are the players - most complaining why they get bad luck , rng , less money , less fun. 

Almost 60% of the new players beg, because is easy to just get free cash instead of doing whats its must - play and grind .
For the guy that coplained avout mega and z crystals and similar to him i will tell few things : all can be get if you have any intention to use it , every new player have the same outcome with pvp if he dont know what he is doing there ( my first season was 1 win and 99 loses ). 80 % of the new players are lazy to read, find ,listnen or search for any answer why they lost his games - did they lack of pvp info, is his team weak, what mistakes they did. 70% want someone to guide them while they are playing because they want to "learn" pvp . Sadly that is not working and they quit because is too hard. This kind of mentality is similar to those who hunt , they look what the others get and they end up unhappy with what they got . 

So gathering all you have the current situation ( good for the new players ofc ) - cheap pokemons , cheap rr, many forms , cheap rare candies, ways with some gring to get what you need. 

Those as you that probably have enough are not satisfited because hardly get any new. 

Those that are new have many things to learn and get from the game, but many quit because its needed to spend some time and effort. 

Thats why i call them crying , because whatever you have is not enough. Because all want to get it the easy way , fast and to be good . Sadly the game is not working that way. 

About the solution - how to get out of this :
-upcoming pvp update to get fresh new things for sell or collecting
-new regions and pokemons trully will help those who feel the market is stuck to rock it up, but at the end we will end in the same situation, simply because the game is suppose to be that way. But ofc that require money and people to be done.
-i posted some suggestions in the forum , so you can check them.
- new tournaments of pvp that may come at some point too.

And last - i call it crying cuz many love to complain - less to work for it. The coin always have 2 sides- you are the opposite that i look. For those that want something easy, maybe this game is not for them. For those who wants to face challange , you came at the right place. After all the game have to be played little smart, so you can do your stuffs and have fun, the odds are 50-50 if you dont give up. If you push enough long you will get what you want . 

Its like irl - you will recive what you made it yourself . If you spend reclessly your money , everything will be cheap, if you play it smart you will have all that you need . You pointed everything that the game is duying or how less money people play, and i enjoy doing all here because simply im here just to kill time, be competative and get good OT pokemons , and talk with very good people that i met here. End 

The topic started okay, you invested much time in your post, were respectful and tried to explain your point of view in order to improve the game. I think thats something very respectable.

I think you were proven wrong in most of your claims, not saying that some stuff might be true. 

The more replies you add here, the more ridiculous it becomes tho.

You claim something, without any argument or prove, you get proven wrong with a solid argumentation and you reply with "Yes, you may be right, but x, y and z" again without any prove and rather weak argumentation on x, y and z.


If you want to be taken serious, please spend some time in proving your argumentation and make some valid points. The way you do it right now is pointless. You not only waste your time and the time off people who actually try to take everything you say serious and aim for an actuall conversation, you also kinda spit them in the face by saying they should prove you wrong while you dont prove much of what you say in first place.



Lets take your PvP paragraph as example to prove my point. I know it was already replied to by different people, but I wanna show you what people wish to hear when they get feedback.




Pvp in pro is all about Stall, copied teams, and people playing for other people/helping.

How do you come to this conclusion on every single of this points?



When looking for matches you never find someone with a skill level equal to yours, it will always be someone who is in the top 50 or a starter who is just learning, it's rare that I take advantage and play good matches, regardless of the victory!

At least you have something to argue here with, you come to this conclusion out of your own experience and feelings.



It lacks many items, it lacks many pokemons to balance the game, it could have pvp types such as OU, NU, UU, UBERS...

Why does it lack of items? And which ones? Just because there exist more items does not necessarily mean they are missing, does it?


Same to the Pokemon topic, you say 1. the PvP meta is unbalanced by saying 2. it needs many Pokemon in order to balance it.

It would be interesting to know why the meta game is unbalanced and which Pokemon need to be added and why they would fix the meta game.


There could be other PvP types as those you mentioned. Why do you think would it be good to add them? Are there any points against adding them?




Hud and Log need to improve a lot, I don't see any reason why hazards can't be seen in the game. screen, important information that doesn't make sense to have... Not displaying the damage suffered in % is very harmful, forcing you to use Damage Calc to be able to play, since in game the information is vague, incomplete and sometimes even wrong/bugged!

You want to have improvements in the Log and Hud. You name two things that are already implemented, being able to see hazards and the damage taken.

Not being able to see the percentage an attack did to your Pokémon does indeed requires math skills of the user, but you have the total information, nothing is missing in order for you to calculate.

Which game information is vague, incomplete and sometimes wrong/bugged?



Furthermore, nothing to say, the rewards are good and very exclusive to people who do PvP.

I think it is good to get PvP rewards by playing PvP. There is also a lot stuff you can not get by playing PvP.



And in the end of all that, there may still be people who see things different.

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  • Administrator

If you’re reading this without having read my previous section, please make sure to read that first for context. 


On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

You can check all the latest announcements, the vast majority were skins, mounts, cosmetics and the like and system updates and improvements never arrive or arrive bugged....


If you take a moment to check the Update Logs on our forum, you’ll see that we release major updates almost every month. Each update includes a a huge amount of content, all thoroughly documented for anyone to review.


Not every update is something you can see visually or graphically. For example, the 4238,743382 coded moves take an enormous amount of work to implement. But because they aren’t flashy or visible, it’s much easier to notice a new cosmetic than a newly coded move, despite both being equally present and requiring significant effort.


Walross and Cames are not artists, and artists are not developers. While artists focus on creating cosmetics/tiles/npc/mounts/etc, Walross and Cames work on the coding side.
Both groups (artist and developers) work simultaneously but on totally different departments, each contributing to the game's development in different ways.


On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

perhaps you have never done a farming route like the one you say, because I have done it and it is extremely massive! I don't think you even play the game much. But really the points you mentioned can earn that kind of money in the game, but massive and repetitive, in short, more of the same with different names, excavation hasn't been updated for a long time, fishing and insect contests, more of the same for years, everything deserves it too improvements, besides that you are right and coherent, but it seems to me that you don't play the game because it seems easy when you say 1.5m every 7 days, but for me and for people who farm without selling items, you know that Add 1.5m doing what You said it's very difficult.


now part 2 XD




I’ve done that farming route several times during my time on PRO. While I may not have run it as often as most of the players, my words comes from both my personal experience and feedback from many players who have been running that very route (along with other activities) daily for years.


I’m not saying it’s super mega easy, and I completely understand that the content doesn’t play itself alone; effort from the player is required.
However, you must remember that PRO is an MMO. It’s designed to reward players who put some effort in the game activites, and it’s reasonable to expect players to invest some time to earn resources like money, items, and Pokémon.

That said, the amount of time required to run those Routes is much less than you think, if you approach it correctly.


For example, bosses alone generate around 600,000 Pokédollars weekly, and if you know what you’re doing, you can clear all the bosses in about two hours. There are countless guides available to help players optimize their boss runs (e.g., Bhimoso’s guide).

Combining this with other money-farming methods, reaching 1.5m in a week is something achievable by the average player.


Certainly, I do agree with your point that certain aspects of the game could benefit from updates to keep the content 'fresh'. However, even with their current state, they remain viable and efficient methods for generating consistent income.


On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

the trade chat is very bad to use, it's really bad, it really needs attention, perhaps it already solves major problems with exchanging items and pokemons within the game. About the pokedolls you explained everything, but I suggest that when you recover, create an account, play from the beginning and do the entire campaign and just by playing you will feel the weight of the economy without wanting to buy anything from any player, and this test will do So much for the post above that you said it is possible to farm 1.5m in 7 days (it really is possible).


Saying 'The Trade Chat is Bad!' without argumenting and motivating your opinion is quite useless, as it does not add anything to the topic.

From my personal experience, when it comes to the Trade Chat, most of the complaints revolve around three things:

  • Resellers (Buy X Good at 50, resell at 100);
    • There's nothing inherently wrong with them, as they exist in every game and don't harm the economy. Some players prefer selling quickly at a lower price, while others choose to sell at a higher price, putting in more effort and time for a potentially greater return.
  • Scammers (Buy X Good for an extremely small amount of its real value, exploiting the ignorance of the seller);
    • While this behavior is undeniably awful, some might even call it disgusting, the term scammer is incorrectly used, as this is not a real scam.
    • We strongly disapprove of behavior where players, especially new ones, are targeted and pressured into selling rare forms or Shinies for a fraction of their worth, but there is nothing we can do about it for few reasons:
      • There is no official price for items in the game; values are determined by the player-driven economy. 
      • Players are entitled to sell their goods at any price they choose, even if it’s far below the market average.
      • Setting strict rules about pricing would require us to dictate the value of every item, which would undermine the core principles of a player-driven economy.
    • The best way to address this issue is through community-driven efforts. Whether as part of a guild or individual players, the community can share knowledge about item values and fair trading practices, as well as fostering a supportive environment.
  • Human Interactions (PMs, Trade Agreements)
    • Not much to say. If people break rules, report them and they get a ban.


In short, the only real problem is "Scammers", but this is not a problem of the Trade Chat, but actually a problem of the human race, and there is nothing we can do about it.

I strongly disagree with the claim that the Trade Chat is bad. You haven’t provided any arguments or reasoning to support your opinion and simply stated, "it's bad." so there may be something I missed. In that case, please elaborate.



On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

The feeling you will get is that you are playing a speed run and not playing for fun. PRO is the only game I know where you sell CHEAP things and buy EXPENSIVE things,


No offense, but is this your first video game?

There's nothing wrong with selling cheaper items to buy more expensive ones. This is how economies work, both in the real world and in every game.


There are a very huge amount of ways to make money in the game, and some methods might generate higher income than others. However, not a single method will guarantee that you only get high-value/expensive items or Pokémon.

The game is designed to provide various ways to generate an income, and as you progress you'll naturally come across both smaller and larger opportunities, therefore sometimes you'll gain more than other.


For example, it's unrealistic to expect to only catch 3x31 Pokémon, or Shinies/Rare Forms, worth millions every time.
As you progress, you'll naturally encounter lower-IV/worse Pokémon that however you can still sell to other players as they may need them, and that's perfectly normal and fine.

There are people selling Pokémon for 20k, which might seem like a small amount. However, if you sell 5, you’ll already have 100k.


When it comes to speedrunning, there’s really no need for it. Why rush? There’s no pressure or time limit, and how you play is entirely up to you. It’s a game—take your time and enjoy the experience. Whether you get a Shiny Charizard after one month or six months, it doesn’t matter as long as you're having fun.

It’s all about seeing the bigger picture, something you're not doing. Working smarter and more efficiently usually leads to results that are just as good, if not way better, than working harder.



On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

I also know people who are capable of putting together beautiful 100% original teams, but the whole process of assembling/buying a team is frustrating, if you have money you can set it up quickly and start your matches, otherwise you will spend hours just with hunt for decent pokemons, as well as a good amount of money in Mv7, so in the end you see that you made wrong choices of pokemons or the IVs are not good enough and have to repeat this process again...



The biggest flaw in your argument, common among many PvP players, is the belief that only the most "giga-mega-epic" Pokémon are viable in PvP. This simply isn’t true.


You don’t need to spend excessively to build a PvP-viable team. Skill plays a much bigger role than stats, and over time, it’s rewarded far more.

For instance, if I gave a 6x20 IV team to a player like C0mp (to mention a recent tournament winner) and a 6x31 IV team to you, I’m confident you’d still lose.


Pretending that only 9x31 PVP pokemon are viable is like those COD player that buy $400 chair, $300 keyboard/mouse, $600 headphones and then get killed 30 seconds after the match start by the very first random player they find and that have a $30 setup.

Skill and strategy always outweigh perfect stats.

Sure, having better IV is preferred, but that's something you will get in the long run. You can't get everything and immediately without actually working and placing some effort into that.



On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

Regarding topics 1 and 2, yes, it continues to exist despite having DRASTICALLY reduced the number, what bothers is players influencing new players to play like this, mainly because And about stall matches, you must be saying that the match I witnessed lasted almost 1 hour and 20 minutes, I don't need to mention nicknames but it was stall x stall, that is, both players had plenty of time to play this match.


Let me stop you right there. I have replied you here already, so I will not repeat myself. 


I would like to add, however, that it’s not banned, so people are still free to use it. That said, the number of players using it right now is ridiculously low, and it doesn't have any noticeable negative impact on the PVP aspect of the game.

At the moment, other playstyles are simply better, and it's bound to get worse eventually.


As for Stall in Gen 9 ... have you spent some time to document yourself? 

  • Stalling in NatDex is quite bad.
  • Want to play Stall? Gambit & Gholdengo entering the room:



  1. Regarding cosmetics and skins, I reaffirm and reaffirm as much as necessary and you can check it yourself in the logs or announcements, every update (especially events) includes dozens of cosmetics and skins and the game's problems are still there, 
  2. the event maps and some PRO places are huge, but EMPTY, there's no point in a gigantic map (areas) with a small player base,
  3. the hw/xmas map has a serious problem of not having a TP between PCs, something simple


I really can't begin to understand why you think artists are responsible for fixing bugs, coding new features, or adjusting content prices. What’s next, are mappers going to handle trade auction bans, or moderators going to be in charge of mapping new areas? It seems like you have not a clear understanding of what each role does.


In reality, artists could release 1,300 cosmetics every month, and it would not slow down or interfere at all with the development of other parts of the game, like content creation, mapping, or bug fixing. These aspects are handled separately, and out of the 20+ artists we have, none of them deal with the issues you're talking about in this thread.


When it comes to map size, there's little connection to player base size. Maps are designed to enhance immersion, exploration, and to provide an adventure-like experience. I understand that some might prefer a simpler 3x3 square map, or teleports to make 20 meters, but that approach would ultimately feel horrible and would not fit a Pokemon Game.


Talking about Teleports, you call this a serious problem, but I call it serious lazyness from your end.
In Event Maps we offer two methods to teleport:

  • The Halloween map has dig spot tunnels connecting different areas;
  • The Christmas maps has the Sailor and Chair Lift (and dig spot too iirc)

These teleports are meant to help you skip the majority of the route. However, we can't just place teleports inside PokéCenters because there are lazy people who refuse to walk even for just 5 seconds.
Calling the absence of teleports in every single Pokécenter on Event Maps a serious problem is utterly ridiculous.



On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

"instead of complaining" "a problem that we are not aware of", I do have the right to complain and it is only with complaints that things improve and scores too, and how come you are not aware of something you did? That's a bit comical, isn't it? But I make a point of making a post with some items that have the wrong or incomplete description (the vast majority are incomplete)


Please listen carefully. I'll be more respectful than I probably should with you after what you just wrote.


The game’s been around for 10 years with probably 5,000 items, so yeah, some descriptions are outdated or incorrect. We’re not denying that.

However, there are important items that need quick updates because they affect gameplay and/or are game-changing, and then there are the less important ones that don’t need urgent fixes.
For example, if we’re still using the Nugget description from Gen 4, don’t expect us to drop everything we are working on and prioritize that.
We focus on the items that have a higher impact on the game and on the players gameplay.
Players honestly don’t give a fuck if the Nugget description is from Gen 4 or Legends Arceus because it won't change their gameplay.
It’ll get updated, but it’s not something we lose sleep over, since there are more important projects (new regions, Gen 7, 8, 9, new game modes, new system, etc).


You mentioned having the right to complain, which is fair, but please think about it.
Saying "item descriptions are wrong" without specifying what’s wrong doesn’t help us in any way. What’s faster for us, searching through 20,000 items to find errors, or you pointing out what’s wrong?

You talk about delays, but would you prefer we delay updates to go through 5,000 items instead of reporting specific issues?


You think it’s comical that we’re not aware of that, but the only comical thing here is what you just wrote.
The game wasn’t created by the current developers or Staff Members. Some older items might have incorrect descriptions.
Do you really expect a developer, or Staff Member, to know the description of every single item added 5 years before they joined the project? 


As I said previously, please help us by reporting any error you find, and we'll deal with it as soon as possible, thank you.




On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

Regarding the translation, I believe you didn't even read the other publications from other players in this topic, it was a mistake on my part 50%, but big YouTubes promoted your game, made thousands of views with your game and you know where they are from ? From Brazil, and do you know what they are playing? anything but PRO!

If you hit the button SAYING THAT THERE WILL NEVER BE A TRANSLATION TO OTHER LANGUAGES, sorry, what I'm about to say is very sad and it sucks to read. I never mentioned that the staff should dedicate their precious time to translating the game but rather allow players to translate their own game, simple. And the translation, as has already been said in response to some people, the BR community already has one ready, our country faces a very serious education problem where many actually don't know even the basics of English. But I respect this decision, you must have reached an agreement.... I believe that there was no BR staff in that discussion that day, but that's okay!


I totally understand that my answer might have disappointed you, but you're completely misunderstanding the scale of work involved in translations and how it's structured.


If translating the game were as easy as you think, so just handing it over to Brazilian players to help, we would have done it by now.

Translating a game like Pokemon as big as PRO (way, way, way bigger than a single GameFreak game) for one single language would take years.

Translating is not as easy as you think. You need to to figure out the best way to translate, develop systems for players to switch languages, and adapt translations to the context of Pokemon. There are 432472474467 different NPCs.

Then, you have to go into the server/client, find where each file is, and add translations for each item.


Now, imagine doing this for 5+ languages. Brazilian isn’t more important than Vietnamese, Chinese, Greek, or any other language.


We're a fanmade Pokémon game run by a team of volunteers. Even professional games that costs $60 and with multimillion-dollar budgets don't always have full translations. Many popular games only offer English or at most 2-3 languages, despite having paid teams and large budgets.



On 1/22/2025 at 5:15 AM, Jhonvga said:

 as you don't play the game and don't bother spending a few days playing to see how the game itself is in its entirety. !


You showed a bunch of screenshots, if you really don't play, look and think that a lot of people are playing, from this large number on both servers I can say that there is a relevant amount of bost! according to "500 people on silver" you can freely walk around the map and the feeling you will have is that you are playing with a maximum of 30 people or even solo depending on the region and honestly I need to explain to you why the spike in players in xmas ? or at events? Is it really serious? BOTS FRIEND, lots of BOTS and that's sad, not counting the alts too of course. enter the game's all chat, if you count 100 different nicknames in 1 hour it will be an almost impossible task, maybe count 10-20... trade chat then sometimes even less than that.


I really may have made a mistake in one line or another, but I admit my mistakes and correct them, and I think you need to play the game because being present for 6 years and playing during that period are totally different things! and you need to be online in game to start noticing all the problems I mentioned!



You started with numbers by mentioning that the average amount of players during Xmas was 450,, so it’s only natural that I’d respond the same way. However, the difference here is that I backed up my claims about activity with concrete evidence, while you haven’t provided any (not for activity or any other epoint).


Let’s set aside the “you don’t play!”, it’s a lazy argument used to dismiss valid points when you can't counter-argue. My statements aren’t based on personal opinion but on hard evidence (amount of players that register and log every day, for example), and I always verify my claims with our Staff Members.

It shouldn't matter, however, since you measure credibility by “I play more than you,” it’s worth noting that a lot of them have far more playtime than you do.


As for bots, it’s true that bots exist in the game, just like they do in nearly every other online game. However, you’re making a mistake if you think that the number of bots connected at the same time is significantly high to the point of making the player-online-count unreliable. The reality is far different.
Also, do not confuse macro with bots, they are two very dinstinct things.


Regarding the Chat, using chat as a benchmark for active players is an inaccurate method. Many players don’t use general chat; they prefer guild chats or Discord for communication.

So, suggesting that the number of active players can be gauged by the number of people talking in the game’s public chat is simply wrong.

Players are still active and engaged, but they may not necessarily be using the game’s public chat.




Overall, this thread is honestly just useless, and I hate to say that because I genuinely care a lot about the opinion and the feedback of our community, regardless if positive or negative. Constructive feedback is essential for the game’s growth and improvement.


That said, this discussion has been frustrating from the start.
You’ve consistently refused to inform yourself about the topics you’re discussing. Instead, you’ve chosen to make assumptions, write baseless claims, and insist, 'I SAID ALL FACTS,' when in reality, those are just opinions.


If you want to contribute meaningfully, take the time to understand the topics before making claims.

Constructive criticism, backed by proper reasoning or evidence, is always welcome. But throwing out uninformed opinions and labeling them as 'facts' does nothing to help the game or the community.


In the future, if you want your feedback to truly make an impact, present your arguments thoughtfully and back them with evidence.
hat’s how we can work together to improve the game. But this kind of baseless ranting achieves nothing and wastes time for everyone involved. 


Given this, I will now lock the thread.
Have a great day.


Special thanks to @Vangogsan for helping with explaining few things I may have missed and that may be useful for other players.




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