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PRO Set Viability Tier List

By Aggs, Cyanirl, Jorogumo, and Pisforpenguin


Welcome to the Set Viability Tier List. This resources ranks the common sets for each of the Pokémon found currently on the VR Thread. Please note these are not the only sets each of these Pokémon may run, however this can be considered a guide for new players helping them find useful sets for certain mons. Also take in consideration that the best set for every mon will not be the best for every team, for example if you just pull the best ranked set for the 6 mons you want to play you may not end up with a functional team. You may also find yourself in places when teambuilding where you need a set that is not listed on our rankings and that is also perfectly fine, do not feel pressured to use only ranked set. We encourage feedback from the community and if you feel any important sets are missing please feel free to mention them in this thread.



S Rank:


S Rank


Magic Guard Calm Mind: S 

Stealth Rock: S

Unaware Calm Mind: A+

Unaware Cleric: A+

Offensive: A


:landorus-therian: Landorus-T

Choice Scarf: S

Defensive Stealth Rock: S

Offensive Stealth Rock: S

Dual Dance: A

Suicide Lead: A


A Rank:


A+ Rank

681Icon.png Aegislash

Offensive: A+

Sub Toxic: A

Swords Dance: A-


428-m.png Lopunny-Mega

Offensive: A+


303-m.png Mawile-Mega

Swords Dance: A+

All-Out Attacker: A

SubPunch: B+


646Icon.png Kyurem

SubRoost: A+

Choice Specs: A


497Icon.png Serperior

Substitute: A+

Utility: A+

Choice Scarf: A-

Screens: B+


:tornadus-therian: Tornadus-T

Assault Vest: A+

Z-move: A+

Rocky Helmet: A

Offensive: A-


:zapdos: Zapdos

Physically Defensive: A+

Offensive: A

Specially Defensive: B+


A Rank

625.png Bisharp

Eviolite: A

Black Glasses: B+

Pursuit: B+


719-m.png Diancie-Mega

All-Out Attacker: A

Offensive Stealth Rock: A

Substitute Endeavor: B+



Flynium Z Dragon Dance: A

Choice Band: B+


:Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn

Utility: A


:garchomp: Garchomp

Offensive: A

Offensive Stealth Rock: A

Physically Defensive: A

Choice Scarf: B+


:heatran: Heatran

Offensive: A

Specially Defensive: A

Choice Scarf: B+


:keldeo: Keldeo

Choice Specs: A

Choice Scarf: A-

Calm Mind: B+


:kyurem-black: Kyurem-B

Icium Z: A

Choice Scarf: B+

Choice Band B

Offensive: B


metagross-mega.png.m.1733184959 Metagross-Mega

All-Out Attacker: A

Offensive Stealth Rock: A-

Rock Polish: B+


:tangrowth: Tangrowth

Physically Defensive: A

Specially Defensive: A


A- Rank

alakazam-mega.png.m.1733184959 Alakazam-Mega

Offensive: A-


979Icon.png Annihilape

Bulk Up: A-

Choice Scarf: B


:Azumarill: Azumarill

Assault Vest: A-

Choice Band: A-

Z-Belly Drum: B+

Perish Trapper: B-


charizard-mega-y.png.m.1733184959 Charizard-Mega-Y

Offensive: A-


:excadrill: Excadrill

Z-Move Sand Rush: A-

Suicide Lead: B+

Choice Scarf: B

Specially Defensive: B


:gliscor: Gliscor

Stallbreaker: A-

Utility: B


720-u.png Hoopa-U

Choice Band: A-

Choice Specs: B+

Nasty Plot: B+

Assault Vest: B

Choice Scarf: B


:Manaphy: Manaphy

Waterium Z: A-

Rain Dance: B+


38AIcon.png Ninetales-Alola

Aurora Veil: A-


479AIcon.png Rotom-Wash

Physically Defensive: A-

Offensive: B


scizor-mega.png.m.1733184959 Scizor-Mega

Defensive: A-

Offensive: B+

Defog: B


:slowbro: Slowbro

Utility: A-

Calm Mind: B+



Specially Defensive: A-


:thundurus: Thundurus

Offensive: A-

Utility: B+



Choice Band: A-

Choice Scarf: A-

Z-Celebrate: B+


:volcarona: Volcarona

Offensive: A-

Swarm: A-

Defensive: B


B Rank:


B+ Rank


Defensive: B+

Assault Vest: B-



Choice Scarf: B+

Choice Specs: B

Calm Mind: B-


:breloom: Breloom

Offensive: B

Poison Heal: C+



Utility: B+


charizard-mega-x.png.m.1733184959 Charizard-Mega-X

Offensive: B+

Defensive: B


658Icon.png Greninja

Choice Scarf: B+

Z-Move: B+

Suicide Lead: B-



Choice Scarf: B+

Specially Defensive: B

Z-Happy Hour: B-


784Icon.png Kommo-o

Kommonium Z: B+

Belly Drum: B

Specially Defensive: B

Dragon Dance: B-


:latias: Latias

Offensive: B+

Choice Scarf: B


latias-mega.png.m.1733184959 Latias-Mega

Utility: B+

Calm Mind: B


:Latios: Latios

Choice Scarf: B+

Choice Specs: B+

Offensive: B+


:magnezone: Magnezone

Choice Scarf: B+

Choice Specs: B+

Z-Move: B-


302-m.png Sableye-Mega

Utility: B+

Calm Mind: B-



Choice Band: B+

Assault Vest: B

Choice Scarf: B

Utility: B-



Choice Band: B+

Swords Dance: B-


B Rank


Defensive: B


gyarados-mega.png.m.1733184959 Gyarados-Mega

Offensive: B


:hippowdon: Hippowdon

Defensive: B


:hydreigon: Hydreigon

Choice Scarf: B

Choice Specs: B

Offensive: B


latios-mega.png.m.1733184959 Latios-Mega

Offensive: B


medicham-mega.png.m.1733184959 Medicham-Mega

Offensive: B



Stallbreaker: B

Utility: B-

Offensive: C+

Suicide Lead: C+


pinsir-mega.png.m.1733184959 Pinsir-Mega

Offensive: B



Physically Defensive: B


:Suicune: Suicune

Substitute Calm Mind: B

Defensive: B-


:Thundurus-Therian: Thundurus-T

Agility: B

Nasty Plot: B

Dual Dance: B-


tyranitar-mega.png.m.1733184959 Tyranitar-Mega

Offensive: B

Utility: B-


venusaur-mega.png.m.1733184959 Venusaur-Mega

Defensive: B

Offensive: B-


:Volcanion: Volcanion

Choice Specs: B

Defensive Utility: B

Choice Scarf: B-


B- Rank


Physically Defensive: B-

Physically Offensive: C+

Utility: C+

Specially Offensive: C


:crawdaunt: Crawdaunt

Choice Band: B-

Offensive: C



Specially Defensive: B-


39-png.93321 Heracross-Mega

Offensive: B-


474Icon.png Porygon-Z

Z-Conversion: B-


:reuniclus: Reuniclus

Calm Mind: B-

Dual Dance: C

Trick Room: C


743.png Ribombee

Sticky Web: B-


C Rank:


C+ Rank

:alakazam: Alakazam

Focus Sash: C+

Offensive: C


:cresselia: Cresselia

Trick Room: C+

Utility: C


660.png Diggersby

Offensive: C+

Choice Band: C

Choice Scarf: C



Choice Scarf: C+


gallade-mega.png.m.1733184959 Gallade-Mega

Offensive: C+

Defensive: C


gengar.png.m.1733184959 Gengar

Offensive: C+

Choice Scarf: C-


:mamoswine: Mamowsine

Offensive: C+

Choice Band: C

Suicide Lead: C-


manectric-mega.png.m.1733184959 Manectric-Mega

Offensive: C+


279.png Pelipper

Defensive: C+

Choice Scarf: C

Choice Specs: C


233.png Porygon2

Defensive: C+

Trick Room: C


:quagsire: Quagsire

Physically Defensive: C+


:scizor: Scizor

Choice Band: C+

Offensive: C


swampert-mega.png.m.1733184959 Swampert-Mega

Offensive: C+

Offensive Stealth Rock: C+


:togekiss: Togekiss

Stallbreaker: C+

Choice Scarf: C-


480.png Uxie

Trick Room: C-


C Rank


Shell Smash: C


99.png Conkeldurr

Guts: C

Assault Vest: C-

Sheer Force: C-


gardevoir-mega.png.m.1733184959 Gardevoir-Mega

Offensive: C


:gyarados: Gyarados

Flynium Z: C


701.png Hawlucha

Offensive: C



Choice Specs: C


105-a.png Marowak-Alola

Offensive: C


778.png Mimikyu

Offensive: C


slowbro-mega.png.m.1733184959 Slowbro-Mega

Calm Mind: C

Physically Defensive: C



Physically Defensive: C


003.png Venusaur

Offensive: C


C- Rank

aerodactyl-mega.png.m.1733184959 Aerodactyl-Mega

Offensive: C-

Pursuit: C-


:azelf: Azelf

Suicide Lead: C-


242.png Blissey

Calm Mind: C-

Defensive: C-


:cofagrigus: Cofagrigus

Physically Defensive: C-

Trick Room: C-


garchomp-mega.png.m.1733184959 Garchomp-Mega

All-Out Attacker: C-

Swords Dance: C-


392.png Infernape

Suicide Lead: C-



Physically Defensive: C-



Screens: C-

Specially Defensive: C-


226.png Mantine

Defensive: C-


089-a.png Muk-Alola

Assault Vest: C-


:nidoking: Nidoking

Offensive: C-


pidgeot-mega.png.m.1733184959 Pidgeot-Mega

Offensive: C-

Stallbreaker: C-


:seismitoad: Seismitoad

Defensive: C-


:starmie: Starmie

Offensive: C-

Defensive: C-



Defensive: C-

Edited by Pisforpenguin
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I'm not sure about the usefulness of this topic in its current form. Like, it is for sure useful in some way, but I wonder if the effort was worth it if is stays like this.
Especially since you mention new players as a audience. I currently see it as a tier list where PvP affine people can philosophize with each other about which set may be a tiny better than a other.


This may sound harsher than it is meant to be, I just want to sctrictly point that out because you also have nowhere mentioned that this topic is not finished/in work and I personally am worried about the future of this topic in the way it is right now.


I try to show why I see it this way.

Do you like my S tier Magic Guard Calm Mind set?


Clefable @ Leftovers  
Ability: Magic Guard 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Calm Mind  
- Moonblast  
- Ice Beam  
- Flamethrower



For a beginner, most of the set details are not clear. The explanations are missing. The sets are not usefull if not build in the right surroundings, you mention that. But how do I know the right build for my Pokémon? If this is something every newbie should answer for themself, then the topic is needless in begin with. They would (have to) come to conclusions on their own anyway.


Perhaps someone could argue the same way at the viability list, but I think that one is at least more 'general' and can be excused in this way.


I'd wish for set details with examples like in the Smogon dex. Maybe also a hint for the nature of the Pokémon, like "Bold prefered" or "Common natures: Bold"



In this way you know at least which exact sets are meant, and have a more fundemental base to think about what the weaknesses of this set/s may be and why you'd prefer move A over move B in the same All-out Attacker set.








I think the most common set in PRO is:


Diancie-Mega @ Diancite  
Ability: Magic Bounce  
- Protect  
- Stealth Rock  
- Diamond Storm  
- Moonblast


and should be added.

I think you mean a different set with 'All out', do you?




  • Like 2



14 minutes ago, Bash said:

I'd wish for set details with examples like in the Smogon dex. Maybe also a hint for the nature of the Pokémon, like "Bold prefered" or "Common natures: Bold"

Thank you for the suggestions, Bash. Your feedback is appreciated.


This thread is in its final form, but we will discuss adding missing sets like the Mega Diancie one you mention or Stealth Rock Mega Metagross. We may need to rename some of the sets to clarify what we mean and avoid any potential confusion. I will just add that usage does not necessarily dictate viability; the most used sets may not automatically be deemed the most viable ones, so we reserve the right to rank all options accordingly while remaining open to changes and additions posted by players in this very thread.


We wanted to get the viability rankings and set viability rankings out first as indicative resources while we continue working on the rest. One of the projects would be a detailed list of sets including Abilities, Natures, items, moves, and EV spreads in alignment with what you propose. However, that one would understandably take time and would also link back to this one. Ideally, clicking on each recommended set would take the user to the corresponding set details, but that may not be possible, and we may need to settle for a direct link to the other thread instead. Set explanations would take even longer and are not currently being considered because the time investment would not be worth their limited utility.


  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/1/2025 at 4:40 AM, Bash said:

I'm not sure about the usefulness of this topic in its current form. Like, it is for sure useful in some way, but I wonder if the effort was worth it if is stays like this.
Especially since you mention new players as a audience. I currently see it as a tier list where PvP affine people can philosophize with each other about which set may be a tiny better than a other.

I get your point but realistically, a set library or a team-building guide would both need their own independent thread. Newer players will get less benefit from this thread right away but that doesn't make this type of list useless

On 2/1/2025 at 4:40 AM, Bash said:




Diancie-Mega @ Diancite  
Ability: Magic Bounce  
- Protect  
- Stealth Rock  
- Diamond Storm  
- Moonblast

This set is more of an alternative to the set they mentioned rather than its own set. But I agree 'all-out attacker' was the wrong choice of name (smogon uses 'Offensive' instead).

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The rankings in this thread reflect those in the other VR thread, so please use that one to make nominations instead. If you believe that a currently unranked Pokémon deserves to be ranked, provide your reasoning, and we will look into the nomination and consider its validity. If you wish to recommend a new set for a Pokémon already on the list, you may use this thread to keep nominations organized accordingly.


The label "Offensive Stealth Rock" has already been discussed as an option for Mega Diancie, Mega Metagross, and Mega Swampert. Even though it is a variation of an overall offensive set, we figured it would still be useful to separate an all-out attacker set from one with a utility move, at least until a more detailed list of sets, including moves, is produced.


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