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172016 Chat channels to be kept relevant

All- for anything

Trade- for trading

Battle- Battle related, including pkmn rates, stats and natures since they're more for PVP and high level battles

Help- Issues or stuck.


Questions about the other server, don't belong.

Would I allowed for suggestion?

"Please use rate/good/bad nature in battle , price check/worth in all chat, sell/buy in trade"

Break it = mute 1 day :devil:

It was probably a player idea to start this but using the word "epic" when selling a Pokemon should actually have meaning. I see people in trade chat all the time say they are selling epic Pokemon and when I click on it the only good thing about it is the correct nature. Epic should have a definition of ivs and nature and then punishable if used outside of that definition. The rule could be called something like "false advertising", which also allows the rule to go even further on rules that I have not touched upon that I can not think of right now.


My own opnion is! Specialy for the new players there should be something were you ask your rating about pokemon in a nice and quite way without bothering other players with it. But rating are important for new players because the lack the expercience and knowlegde to rate there own pokemon! It's a messed up feeling when you have some doubts about your pokemon but you wanna make it sure if its a bad or good pokemon!

Rule 13: Any posts complaining about upcoming content, or server crashes to admins/gms/ccs/trademods results in a 1 hour/recurring ban, this makes me extremely frustrated to see admins stressed out and constantly harassed by users even though they're trying their best, #KeepAdminsInOurPrayers <3

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


172016 Chat channels to be kept relevant

All- for anything

Trade- for trading

Battle- Battle related, including pkmn rates, stats and natures since they're more for PVP and high level battles

Help- Issues or stuck.


Questions about the other server, don't belong.


First i dont use any of the channels, maybe trade sometimes, but as i see the biggest problem with the rates etc is that noone answers in battle chat and a new player what will think? I need help with this so the help chat is pretty accurate. Use the battle chat and help them so you can keep them away from the help chat thats a pretty simple solution.

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