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Boss respawn timer too long?


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rewards are random anyway.


guess you're new to MMOs. Most raid bosses have random chance to give u both something good, and something bad.


I have played many MMOs with this structure, and it works well, hence why i made bosses the way they are, and i highly doubt they will be changed just because someone is calling a waahhhmbulance over 'bad prizes, or server crashes'


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175050 rewards are random anyway.


guess you're new to MMOs. Most raid bosses have random chance to give u both something good, and something bad.


I have played many MMOs with this structure, and it works well, hence why i made bosses the way they are, and i highly doubt they will be changed just because someone is calling a waahhhmbulance over 'bad prizes, or server crashes'


When it comes to the other MMO's in most of them the PVE resets in one week not two. Not mention that you can do most of the activities in 2-3 difficulity so you have something to do for the week till they are reset. In PWO i can do all of the bosses in 1 day, and after that since i'm not into PVP i have literally nothing to do beside hunt and lvl an another poke. I don't have problems with the reward, even if it can be nothing but 2 week as a cd is way too much until we get some other PVE thing to do.

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174970 2 weeks for me is ok..

You have something a little brown on your nose, you should really try wiping it off.


Personally, I'm on the fence when it comes to the cooldown for bosses. I love when I get a Riolu or something like that and I'll just think okay this was totally worth waiting for, but then when you pick up a Charcoal or something from Oak three times in a row...


I wouldn't mind if the cooldowns shifted depending on the prize you get. If it's something like I mentioned then maybe you could battle Oak again in 1 week, but if it's a Pokemon then it'll stick to the 14 day timer.


People can have opinions of there own and there is nothing wrong with that. The Pokemon you get are rare because of the two week cooldown and it wouldn't make sense to ruin it by pretty much doubling the chances of getting those Pokemon.


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Don't forget that this is a MMO. Things are not supposed to be obtained easily.

2 weeks had been implemented for a simple reason. Those bosses were (or maybe ARE, in a foreseeable future) willing to reward you with Mega-stones, very rare and limited rewards, hence the longer cooldown. Players are not supposed to have like tons mega stones, as it would ruin economy (no clue if they're actually tradeable) and definitely imbalance PvP.

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In my opinion 2 weeks is perfectly fine, since there are many bosses and they can drop exclusive Pokemon like pawniard, rotom or timbur. If we would lower the timer these Pokemon would become less special. Furthermore it should still remain as something very special to fight these bosses since its an MMO. If you compare that to other MMO's, there you would have to compete with others even to have a chance to fight the boss at all. No need to change it in my opinion

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You forget that a whole other regions worth of content is on its way. I can say that at minimum, there will be 6+ new bosses with hoenns release.


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Hoenn release? I thought it was just a legend.


On a more serious note, Arnie the problem I find with 2 weeks waiting for bosses is that boss are not fun or have anything worth waiting, exept the rewards.


In world of warcraft we wait 1 week for raids, but they're fun, time taking, they need strategy, "teamplay". At least you wait for something else than rewards only.

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175081 You forget that a whole other regions worth of content is on its way. I can say that at minimum, there will be 6+ new bosses with hoenns release.


Is on it's way the key is in that, now theres no PVE content to do, just the 4 hour every 2 week to defeat every boss. But i get the point that this game is a PVP game and the PVE content is just a little plus to help the PVP with some poke.


And to the guys who says if the cd is 1 week the poke reward wont be so special, i have to say the poke rewaards arent so special at all. Too many player farms the bosses with 4 account, you can get every reward poke for like 0 price, it was special when they made the bosses available and maybe 1-2 months after that but now, it's far from special. A good togekiss costs far more than any of the reward pokes even if they good, and togepi can be farmed not like the boss rewards.

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