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Problem eevee again


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I finally obteined eevee,but when he was evolving in espeon I unvolutary refused.There is a way my eevee can evolves in espeon again please.I didn't want to refuse :(

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yes, just level it up once more


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it will try to evolve every level, depending on what time of day, it will either be espeon or umbroen


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it will try to evolve every level, depending on what time of day, it will either be espeon or umbroen


No, it should it want to evolve after each battle, if it's happiness is at 255.

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175595 PRO Username:

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?



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I finally obteined eevee,but when he was evolving in espeon I unvolutary refused.There is a way my eevee can evolves in espeon again please.I didn't want to refuse :(

Espeon, you can try to evolved it by battle with wild poke (when you have 255 happy) at 10 am + (day time)

Hope it help you.

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