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Lv100 EV Trained (ONLY) An1ma's Shop


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230 & deal, if u want that u can add me in game: an1ma or pm me here on forum

Yeah sure but u have to wait a lil, cuz im currently trade banned


ok, for how long?

i dont know cuz they haven't answer my petition on the forum, but i think that it will dissapear in less than 1 week

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177649 Rules:

1. Make an offer. If the offer is what I want it to be ill contact you, if you make an offer and I don't reply after a week (max) it's probably because I don't wanna sell it to your price.

2. I'll write (b.o (number)) if I feel it's a fair price, but not enough to buy it out instantly, if your offer remain the highest after some time then I'll sell it to you.

3. I'll report you if you make a fake offer. Make sure the Pokemon has the right stats/ability/nature before you make an offer on it!

4. I can accept MS-Medallion's and Rare Candies too. MS counts for 250k, Rare Candies counts for 10k.


It's possible to lend the poke for a little while to see if they fit your team, add and pm me when online and we can talk about the price!

You can also see a lot of the pokemon in this shop in action on my YouTube vids!:


$ Crobat



Crobat 100k

[glow=black]He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]

Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses[/glow]



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