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1) Auto-heal in Poke Center.

This will make healing much faster than having to go up to nurse joy and press space 5 times, considering the lag there currently is it's a waste of time which could be saved if we just got healed as we enter the poke center. I can't think of ANY situation where this wouldn't help someone.


2) Poke-center trading connectivity

I'm pretty sure this is already in the agenda but I feel it's something urgent. ALOT of trades break because the 2 parties are too far away.


3) Item Trading

Change the trading interface so that we don't have to send over a pokemon holding an item to trade the item.


4) Gym Leader Rematches

I'm not asking for instant rematches but maybe get a rematch once every week after we beat the respective region's elite 4. It honestly can't hurt.


5) Nerf the 4 badge requirement to trade in Johto

I can get why there is a 4 badge requirement in Kanto (prevents starter farming) but I don't get why there is one in Johto given that all accounts start in Kanto.


I hope you guys like these ideas, and if not please give me your feedback so we can come up with even better ideas to improve the game.



I think the inter connected trading is a good idea and should be implemented, I am not sold in the gym leader rematches. Unless they get increasingly difficult each time they seem kind of pointless besides exp grinding which I don't think they should be added for.

Allowing rematches for gym leaders gives players (A little) more to do. As of now, all I'm doing is grinding for E4 and waiting for cooldown. I COULD farm pokes for good EV/IV and make money but that's very boring(for me). There are plenty of things that could make this game more enjoyable when you're not stuck behind a time/progression wall, hopefully many more features will be implemented.

First of all I want to thank everyone for the feedback both positive and negative.


Now to a few answers:

I don't see what's the problem with making her useless inside a pokemon center (coz she still appears in places like Rock Tunnel or Pokemon Tower). If you somehow enjoy interacting with nurse joy I suppose there's no reason why you can't walk up to her and talk to her anyway.


With regards to the gym leader rematch i think it's more a fun thing than a grind thing (at least in my idea) coz once a week rematch isn't very efficient grinding. Either way thanks for the negative fee


5th proposition might have been made from my current ignorance on the subject (I'm currently on Kanto)



+1 to healing in boxes.

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