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Zaugr's OFFICIAL Introduction

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So I'm not completely new, I mean I started playing the game two weeks ago now, but I think it's time to stop silently lurking around here and start interacting more with the community. (One of the best things about this game I think :D). I play on the RED server right now (as if I'd ever be on the dirty, peasant blue server!) and I mostly lurk around in the help chat asking the REAL questions.

Well, I'm there or I'm trying to sell my cheap, dirty trash in the trade chat for 5k. :Cry:


So anyway... a bit about me then! GEN 1 is my favourite gen obviously :Proud: all other gens are LAME and UNIMAGINATIVE in-comparison, facts(!), and my PROFESSIONAL team in Pokemon usually consists of 2-3 Darkrai's with Dark Void (very underrated and strategic move may I say) and the rest maybe the god of all pokemon Mewtoo, the green pixie/fairy thing and the fat one. (I got these on 3DS on wondertrade hehe. Can't believe all I had to do is catch a few crappy magikarps for a chance at these gems!!!!)

(oh and if any1 knows where i can get Darkrai in this game pls tell me. no one wnts to sell me it on help chat and like, battles r just unfair without him)


Oh, and here's my fav poke, the majestic loch ness monster:



So yeah. That's me guys! Looking forward to playing with you all. Oh, and if there's any evil guilds out there looking for new members, I'm interested. :devil:


okay, i'm not being entirely srs here, pls dont kill me or ban me :c



just wanted to liven things up y'know


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181735 I highly doubt that we, players, will be able to have Darkrai in our posession, unless it is given as a prize of an official event held by the staff.

Nevertheless, welcome to PRO.


Tha'ts laame! How am I meant to win pokebattles now?!?1 :Shocked:

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I highly doubt that we, players, will be able to have Darkrai in our posession, unless it is given as a prize of an official event held by the staff.

Nevertheless, welcome to PRO.

Darkrai has the base stat 600 total and one of the most popular face of sinnoh.

So, it being catchable is a distinct possibility.

Anyways welcome to PRO bro. (lol i rhymed for once)

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