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Hunt for latios and latias!


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191242 Postby

You checked all those ones ?

- Hoenn safari in the house

- Meteor falls

- Route 103 (on water)

- Weather station

- Lilycove Department Store Roof

- Abandoned ship

- Power plant

- Mt.Pyre exterior

- Starting truck (inside)

- Shoal cave (ice path)

- Victory hoenn road (cave)

- Starting truck (inside)

- Granite Cave 1F2

- Petalburg maze

- Sky pillar

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Guys we need more brainstorming power >.<

If no one has certain data, go with ideas, I thought of petalburg maze as first place for latios / latias to spawn, there must be some other places fit to be a spawn...


So far:

- Sky Pillar

- Shoal cave - ice room

- Petalburg maze


are all places where you go once usually and then never go back there.

A good one could be somewhere where you can access only by diving, so the zone around soot / lilycove / mossdeep

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