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Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<r><QUOTE author="MiyamotoKenshin"><s>

  MiyamotoKenshin said:
</s><POST content="234292"><s></s>234292<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ignas77"><s>
  ignas77 said:
</s><POST content="234263"><s></s>234263<e></e></POST> Waiting for ss<e>


Why are you so persistant? You know very well what you have done wrong. There is 0 incentive, motivation or need to shame you publicly on the forums for what you have done.<br/>


On top of that, the topics you made today about giving away your account because you want to quit this game don't speak very positively about you as a person, as well.<br/>


So, i will give you one more chance to leave this topic alone on your own.<e>



"You know very well what you have done wrong"<br/>


No I don't<br/>


But people sayd froam your guild that they have ss which proofs that I did something wrong<br/>


2 days after no one showed me ss <br/>


Uhmm I just see 1 thing that you guys know what are you doing wrong you are lying in your forum that you have proof against me that I'm doing something wrong<br/>


Oh hell no <br/>



+ This is reason why I'm leaving PRO I don't want to be like you watching all days anime sitting in your own piss<br/>


And working in restaurant washing dishes<br/>


Nice life Goals</r>







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Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<t>And btw if I'm leaving this game it means I'm bad persong I'm leaving but I'm giving away my account <br/>

Its not bad thing to give<br/>

Maybe someone gives something to me<br/>


*Karma is Karma*</t>







Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<t>hey :) indica told me to check you guys out and maybe try to join, well i do like the name of the guild :) and you guys seem friendly on the forum :)<br/>

so i got 249 hours ingame<br/>

all regions done<br/>

and i love helping people i do it on a daily base :)</t>

Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<r><QUOTE author="ignas77"><s>

  ignas77 said:
</s><POST content="234367"><s></s>234367<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="MiyamotoKenshin"><s>
  MiyamotoKenshin said:
</s><POST content="234292"><s></s>234292<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ignas77"><s>
  ignas77 said:
</s><POST content="234263"><s></s>234263<e></e></POST> Waiting for ss<e>


Why are you so persistant? You know very well what you have done wrong. There is 0 incentive, motivation or need to shame you publicly on the forums for what you have done.<br/>


On top of that, the topics you made today about giving away your account because you want to quit this game don't speak very positively about you as a person, as well.<br/>


So, i will give you one more chance to leave this topic alone on your own.<e>



"You know very well what you have done wrong"<br/>


No I don't<br/>


But people sayd froam your guild that they have ss which proofs that I did something wrong<br/>


2 days after no one showed me ss <br/>


Uhmm I just see 1 thing that you guys know what are you doing wrong you are lying in your forum that you have proof against me that I'm doing something wrong<br/>


Oh hell no <br/>



+ This is reason why I'm leaving PRO I don't want to be like you watching all days anime sitting in your own [Censored]<br/>


And working in restaurant washing dishes<br/>


Nice life Goals<e>


Yet your still here XD</r>


Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<r><QUOTE author="Trancer"><s>

  Trancer said:
</s><POST content="234392"><s></s>234392<e></e></POST> hey :) indica told me to check you guys out and maybe try to join, well i do like the name of the guild :) and you guys seem friendly on the forum :)<br/>

so i got 249 hours ingame<br/>

all regions done<br/>

and i love helping people i do it on a daily base :)<e>


Hey trancer pm me on here when your online and ill invite you to our discord and go from there ^_^</r>


Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated*


<r><QUOTE author="DarkStephen"><s>

  DarkStephen said:
</s><POST content="234861"><s></s>234861<e></e></POST> Senpai didnt notice me :((<e>

A pm was sent to you. We'll go from there ^_^</r>

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