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A balanced IV Changer? What's your thought?


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Hey, i have this thought.


Since we cannot breed(which i approve of)there is alot of RNG and tedious farming to getting the poke you want for competitive play.

There is no way other than luck that you could actually get an all around competitive pokemon.


Now, i asked the community and there was some concerns, mostly that people likes the 'randomness', and i adressed this, and solutions below.

I'm hoping to get alot of feedback on this, let's get a discussion going and what does everybody think?


So here's what i thought, what if we had an IV changer? Now, hear me out before you brush this off.


Let's say this IV changer could change a single of your stats to 25, for a high price, might even be gated behind a weekly lockout? For a single stat weekly.

Maybe you would have to go through a series of different questlines weekly to unlock it, maybe you would have to beat a different boss, or even multiple to get an item that would then allow you to pick a stat, and change the IV to 25.


Now, 25 is not gamebreaking but it is pretty baseline for what a competitive pokemon should pretty much have. If you'd want 6x25 that'd take you 1.5 months or 6 weeks, that's a long time that could be spend catching randoms instead for maybe even a better chance of several 31's.

My point being that it would not be gamebreaking, and would not defeat the purpose of not having breeding or catching pokemon in the wild for hours to get the stats you want, say you want a physical sweeper, you'd still have to grab your adamant sync, farm for the ability you want, go hunt till you get 31atk/31speed or whatever you want, since 31 in your main stat is needed anyway, so you cant just grab any random pokemon with the right nature and change all the IV's to 25, that would be pointless and a waste of time, getting a full team of 6x25 this way would take you 36weeks or 9 months, and i think we can all agree that it would not be worth it for a 25 IV stat.


EXAMPLE - You finally caught that Adamant Rattata with 31ATK/Speed but the rest of the IV's are horrible and leave it open to getting oneshot by any priority attack(still making it useless for pvp regardless of having max atk/speed), you could, over the course of 3 weeks(in this example) change the IV's of it's defence, sp.def and HP to 25 and make it an all around balanced pokemon. Now, the chance of catching a Pokemon with 5x31 and then with the nature and ability you want are almost impossible. Now in this example used here, we would assume we have used a decent amount of time to even get 2 stats that we want with 31 IV's, and also the nature, we would still have to spend 3 weeks to get our defences and HP to just 25, making it a balanced pokemon. Doing this with a whole team, would take a serious amount of time, and buying the service off of others would be very expensive. Also, i do not believe that more wealthy players would then have a bigger advantage over less wealthy players than they already have, afterall the stats do not mean everything, but under 10stats in defences are rarely reliable and i would not bring that to a tournament.


Like i mentioned, there is still loads of RNG/luck/grinding involved, and it would not break the basic prinicples of this game, and i certainly believe that it would fit the mmo aspect, for competitive play 1 stat in either HP or speed will mean alot and can decide the match, who gets the first attack resulting in a K.O/Sleep/Flinch whatever, hence why it would still be worth it to go farm for that 31 stat that you need. Also, this would also help to bring shinies into competitive play, what doesnt suck more than finally finding a shiny and it has poor ivs all-around or not just good iv's in the stat you need? Well, this could solve that, and like i said 25 is still not better than 31, and those really serious about pvp would still go farming for 31, as would many others for atleast 1 or 2 stats.



How could this be pulled of in a non-broken way? I have a few suggestions myself.

I do believe that it should be weekly gated atleast, for one stat a week, and only for one pokemon, yes, this might lead to people selling 25 IV service, but it would be overly expensive still, and not gamebreaking.


1. There could be a weekly quest to win 10 PVP matches, and each win would reward you with a certain item maybe, that you could turn in and then get your stat of choice boosted to 25.

2. There could be a boss, or multiple that you would have to beat each week, to get an item(or items) that would then allow you to get your stat of choice boosted to 25.

3. It could be gated behind a massive price, say 500k once a week, would allow you to get your stat of choice boosted to 25.

4. I don't really like this, but it would add to the RNG. You could, once a week, be asked by an NPC to go catch a pokemon with maybe 2x25 or 3x25 to then, get an item, that would allow you to get your stat of choice boosted to 25.



I myself, would volunteer to write/script the quests. (I promise they will be as fun and replayable as possible)


:thanks: for reading through my wall of text, and i hope you'll think it through and provide constructive feedback! Is there anything i've missed? Any cons i have not thought of? Let's hear em! See you ingame


- Azeo

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202075 OT required and reroll ONE stat instead of auto 25--MAYBE. Even then, I don't think this is needed


That's a really good idea, but again, i think rerolling one stat at random behind a weekly lockout would defeat the purpose of lowering the rng abit. Maybe if it was a daily cooldown, this could work.


The OT required is a really good idea tho, and it would stop people from selling the service, and also completely stop more wealthy players from having an advantage over less wealthy players, and still include alot of farming.


One of my biggest reasons for posting this is that shinies rarely have any value besides collection since the chance that it will have a useful nature/iv's/ability is so extremely low that it's just not gonna happen. Also people that wants to focus on pvp should have the chance to do so, this would allow it but still be gated behind a massive farm.


I really appreciate your feedback, thanks.

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Okay so the concept of 6x25 stat is not same as breed with 6x31? It not about 25 or 31, it just the other way to guarantee your pokemon have high IV stat (same concept with breed).

One more thing, lol 6x25 stat+ called epic already. So guarantee epic pokemon is not different with breed?

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But you're not seeing the point.. Seriously, who is gonna wait 9 months to get a team of 6x25 only to see the meta change? Also, if you want to wait 6weeks to get a 6x25 Poke, you've basically already put in alot of effort.. And like the first poster said, it could be a requirement that you must be the OT of the pokemon, prohibiting sales of the service. This is not comparable to breeding, and 25 in atk stat is not good enough for a sweeper in comp play. However this could fix the issue of 9/10 Shinies being useless, and also save you ABIT of time. If you read the post, you'll come to understand that you will still have to put in a substantial amount of time to get 31 in the stat you need, for example atk/sp.atk for a sweeper. 31 iv's in speed is crucial for a sweeper, it can decide a game, this is not the optimal way to farm your team but rather a way to 'buff up' a pokemon you might have been farming for hours.


An example, i've caught over 5 boxes of Poliwag and believe it or not, not a single was even decent. However, a few of them were adamant with 31 atk but the other stats was useless, but what i could have done was take one with the nature i want, 31 Atk/Speed, ev train it, slap on the moves i want and then over the course of 3 weeks i could've fixed the DEF/SP.DEF/HP to 25 making it an all around balanced pokemon. I believe at the moment, that it is way more gamebreaking that a lucky/wealthy player can actually go and buy extremely lucky finds that might have near perfect ivs, say 31atk, 31 spd, 28+ defences and hp andd the right nature and ability, for a crazy amount. This has nothing to do with farming, but rather will force players to buy their team or seriously farm for years if you want a balanced team. Like i said, the poster who said the requirement could be that you are the OT is an extremely good idea, this is not at all even closely related to breeding, and is in no way gamebreaking, and does not take away from the purpose of grinding pokemon in the wild for hours, like i said, if you've actually ever done comp battles before you would know that for example, 31 speed for a sweeper is crucial as it can make the difference over who gets to attack first, who gets to flinch first, who gets to priority first, in the case both uses a priority, and blabla i could keep going. I've thought of all this before posting and it is adressed above. You are not going to get the weekly 25 Stat for free, you are gonna have to work for it.

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202104 Technically, it just the other way of breed....


Yeah, I agree with this. Having a guaranteed way to change/increase your IVs is basically breeding, even if you add the time restriction/cooldown onto it.


Personally I don't see this as gamebreaking so much as pointless. As someone who enjoys hunting epic 25+ IV Pokemon with my OT, introducing a feature like this would take away all the fun I find in farming. I know you pointed out that the IV-changing method you've suggested still requires farming, but half the joy of farming/hunting epics comes from the very unpredictability of the outcome/RNG. What keeps me going even after 7+ weeks of Togepi-hunting is the thought that "maybe the next Togepi is going to be the epic one I've been looking for!" It's like the thrill of gambling, in a way. But a guaranteed IV changer makes that accomplishment much less meaningful. Hunting Pokemon may be very tedious if RNG doesn't favor you, but the flip side of that is how rewarding it is when you finally find what you've been looking for after so long.


Moreover, if hunting for epics isn't your cup of tea, you can still get an epic PvP Pokemon just by buying one on forums or through Trade Chat. I disagree that it's gamebreaking for a wealthy player to buy their PvP teams. This is an MMO, there's an economy for a reason - it's not hard to make money by merching or even simply grinding for cash at Dragon's Den/Cerulean Cave. It's true you still need patience with the suggested IV-changing method, but why would you bother waiting 4-6 weeks to get a Pokemon PvP ready when you could grind enough money to buy PvP team members in 2-3 weeks? :p

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Its the same as breeding, people would buy the service giving a serious advantage to the already big ones 6x25 or 6x31 it would be the same... even worse, people would make alts just to have shorter periods of time of waiting

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That's the point, you don't wait. This is not supposed to be a method to rely on to get your team ready, but rather a method to get a proper pokemon without farming for weeks. I've been farming 4 hours today at Dragon's Den and not a single Dragonair/Dratini, what you are refering to, farming 7+ hours for your togepi, you will still have to do that.. But don't tell me it's fun to farm 7+ hours, finally get something epic but the HP stat of 04 just makes it useless for comp/tourney play.. You guys are looking at this as a method to rely on to build your team, which it's not supposed to be, hence the gating. This is a way to fix pokemon, specificaly shinies. How this compares to breeding i do not see, breeding is a surefire way to make a 6x31 pokemon, there is a significant difference in having 25ivs in a stat and 31. I don't think it's very fun to walk around in a square, spending 7+ hours to farm for a togepi, or any other pokemon for that matter. You are looking at it the wrong way, and the methods i have provided for the IV reroll are just ideas, not necessarily the way it would be implemented.


The purpose of this post was to get everybodys thoughts on it, ways it could be implemented, but it's not everyone that has the time on their hands to farm 7+ hours for a togepi. The way i presented this, it wouldn't change anything in regards to farming, BUT it would provide a method to fix a broken shiny, or an almost godlike pokemon that you've earned after several hours of farming. Don't think of it as the mainstream method to build your team, heck, you could even gate it as one IV change per Pokemon, i think this should be implemented in SOME WAY, walking around in a square for 10 hours farming for the same thing is not fun.


Yes, i do agree that i also share the thrill of " ok, just one more encounter, i hope it's the shiny/nature/epic iv's im looking for", and this wouldn't change that farm, or shorten it much, it just has to be implemented in the right way, i just presented my thought on it, not necessarily the way it has to be.


However, the massive amounts of RNG is not fun for everyone, and this is an MMO like you said, the majority of us are PvP players, and we want competitive teams, shouldnt have to farm for a year to godlike Pokemon, thats not fun.

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