Nightjay Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 Hi all. I decided to compile this list of Pokemon rarity classifications based off Admin Red's rarity spawn dump. It's basically just all catchable land/water spawn Pokemon listed alongside their most common spawn tier, so as to ensure easier Ctrl + F searching. :) There are 10 total rarity tiers (though only the first 9 are used in this guide): ABUNDANT COMMON UNCOMMON MEAGRE OCCASIONAL SCARCE SPARSE RARE EXTREMELY RARE LIMITED From what I understand, there seem to be certain maps where a Pokemon is more likely to spawn, as Red's post shows some Pokemon having various rarity tiers listed (e.g. #11 Metapod has lines with both "Common" and "Uncommon," implying its spawn rate differs depending on the map). However, this will require further testing, since I'm not sure which lines of rarity correspond to which maps the Pokemon appears on. Asterisks next to the Pokemon's name indicate that it's listed under multiple rarity tiers on Red's post. If there are multiple rarity tiers listed for one Pokemon, I'll defer to the lowest/least rare spawn tier it's listed under. If you see an asterisk next to the Pokemon you're searching for, you should still cross-reference it with Red's post, though - there are some Pokemon listed as "scarce* " that may also be "extremely rare" on other maps, for example. Land spawn Pokemon:</U><i></i> 1 - Bulbasaur - EXTREMELY RARE 4 - Charmander - EXTREMELY RARE 10 - Caterpie - ABUNDANT* 11 - Metapod - COMMON* 12 - Butterfree - MEAGRE* 13 - Weedle - ABUNDANT* 14 - Kakuna - COMMON* 15 - Beedrill - MEAGRE* 16 - Pidgey - ABUNDANT 17 - Pidgeotto - ABUNDANT* 19 - Rattata - ABUNDANT 20 - Raticate - ABUNDANT* 21 - Spearow - ABUNDANT 22 - Fearow - ABUNDANT* 23 - Ekans - ABUNDANT* 24 - Arbok - ABUNDANT* 25 - Pikachu - OCCASIONAL 26 - Raichu - OCCASIONAL 27 - Sandshrew - ABUNDANT* 28 - Sandslash - ABUNDANT* 29 - Nidoran F - ABUNDANT* 30 - Nidorina - ABUNDANT* 32 - Nidoran M - ABUNDANT* 33 - Nidorino - ABUNDANT* 35 - Clefairy - UNCOMMON* 36 - Clefable - SPARSE 37 - Vulpix - UNCOMMON* 39 - Jigglypuff - ABUNDANT* 40 - Wigglytuff - MEAGRE* 41 - Zubat - ABUNDANT* 42 - Golbat - ABUNDANT* 43 - Oddish - ABUNDANT* 44 - Gloom - ABUNDANT* 45 - Vileplume - COMMON* 46 - Paras - ABUNDANT* 47 - Parasect - ABUNDANT* 48 - Venonat - ABUNDANT 49 - Venomoth - ABUNDANT* 50 - Diglett - ABUNDANT 51 - Dugtrio - UNCOMMON* 52 - Meowth - ABUNDANT* 53 - Persian - COMMON* 54 - Psyduck - ABUNDANT* 55 - Golduck - ABUNDANT* 56 - Mankey - ABUNDANT* 57 - Primeape - COMMON* 58 - Growlithe - MEAGRE* 60 - Poliwag - ABUNDANT* 61 - Poliwhirl - MEAGRE 62 - Poliwrath - OCCASIONAL 63 - Abra - OCCASIONAL* 64 - Kadabra - MEAGRE* 66 - Machop - ABUNDANT* 67 - Machoke - ABUNDANT* 69 - Bellsprout - ABUNDANT 70 - Weepinbell - ABUNDANT* 71 - Victreebel - UNCOMMON 74 - Geodude - ABUNDANT 75 - Graveler - ABUNDANT* 77 - Ponyta - COMMON* 78 - Rapidash - OCCASIONAL* 79 - Slowpoke - COMMON 80 - Slowbro - ABUNDANT* 81 - Magnemite - ABUNDANT* 82 - Magneton - COMMON* 83 - Farfetch'd - UNCOMMON* 84 - Doduo - ABUNDANT* 85 - Dodrio - ABUNDANT* 86 - Seel - ABUNDANT* 87 - Dewgong - COMMON* 88 - Grimer - ABUNDANT* 89 - Muk - UNCOMMON* 92 - Gastly - UNCOMMON* 93 - Haunter - MEAGRE* 95 - Onix - COMMON* 96 - Drowzee - ABUNDANT* 97 - Hypno - COMMON* 98 - Krabby - ABUNDANT* 99 - Kingler - COMMON* 100 - Voltorb - ABUNDANT 101 - Electrode - COMMON* 102 - Exeggcute - MEAGRE 104 - Cubone - SPARSE 105 - Marowak - SPARSE* 108 - Lickitung - OCCASIONAL 109 - Koffing - COMMON* 110 - Weezing - OCCASIONAL 111 - Rhyhorn - MEAGRE* 112 - Rhydon - OCCASIONAL 113 - Chansey - SPARSE* 114 - Tangela - COMMON 115 - Kangaskhan - RARE 122 - Mr. Mime - RARE 123 - Scyther - SPARSE 124 - Jynx - SCARSE* 125 - Electabuzz - EXTREMELY RARE 126 - Magmar - SPARSE* 127 - Pinsir - SPARSE* 128 - Tauros - OCCASIONAL* 129 - Magikarp - ABUNDANT 132 - Ditto - SPARSE* 133 - Eevee - EXTREMELY RARE 143 - Snorlax - EXTREMELY RARE 152 - Chikorita - EXTREMELY RARE 155 - Cyndaquil - EXTREMELY RARE 161 - Sentret - ABUNDANT* 162 - Furret - COMMON* 163 - Hoothoot - ABUNDANT* 164 - Noctowl - ABUNDANT* 165 - Ledyba - ABUNDANT* 166 - Ledian - UNCOMMON 167 - Spinarak - ABUNDANT* 168 - Ariados - COMMON* 169 - Crobat - OCCASIONAL* 172 - Pichu - SCARCE* 173 - Cleffa - MEAGRE* 174 - Igglybuff - MEAGRE* 175 - Togepi - RARE* 177 - Natu - ABUNDANT* 179 - Mareep - COMMON 180 - Flaaffy - COMMON 181 - Ampharos - OCCASIONAL 182 - Bellossom - COMMON* 183 - Marill - MEAGRE* 184 - Azumarill - OCCASIONAL 185 - Sudowoodo - EXTREMELY RARE 186 - Politoed - SPARSE 187 - Hoppip - ABUNDANT* 188 - Skiploom - ABUNDANT* 189 - Jumpluff - COMMON 190 - Aipom - SCARCE* 191 - Sunkern - ABUNDANT 193 - Yanma - MEAGRE 194 - Wooper - ABUNDANT* 195 - Quagsire - ABUNDANT* 197 - Umbreon - RARE 198 - Murkrow - SPARSE 200 - Misdreavus - MEAGRE* 201 - Unown - ABUNDANT* 202 - Wobbuffet - SPARSE* 203 - Girafarig - ABUNDANT* 204 - Pineco - SPARSE* 206 - Dunsparce - COMMON* 207 - Gligar - SPARSE* 208 - Steelix - SCARCE* 209 - Snubbull - COMMON* 213 - Shuckle - SPARSE* 214 - Heracross - RARE* 215 - Sneasel - OCCASIONAL* 216 - Teddiursa - COMMON* 217 - Ursaring - UNCOMMON* 218 - Slugma - COMMON* 219 - Magcargo - OCCASIONAL 220 - Swinub - ABUNDANT* 225 - Delibird - ABUNDANT* 227 - Skarmory - RARE* 228 - Houndour - RARE* 231 - Phanpy - MEAGRE* 232 - Donphan - OCCASIONAL* 234 - Stantler - COMMON* 235 - Smeargle - SPARSE* 236 - Tyrogue - OCCASIONAL* 238 - Smoochum - SPARSE 240 - Magby - EXTREMELY RARE 241 - Miltank - SCARCE 246 - Larvitar - EXTREMELY RARE 252 - Treecko - EXTREMELY RARE 255 - Torchic - EXTREMELY RARE 261 - Poochyena - COMMON* 262 - Mightyena - MEAGRE 263 - Zigzagoon - ABUNDANT* 264 - Linoone - COMMON* 265 - Wurmple - ABUNDANT* 266 - Silcoon - COMMON 268 - Cascoon - COMMON 270 - Lotad - OCCASIONAL* 271 - Lombre - RARE 273 - Seedot - MEAGRE* 274 - Nuzleaf - SPARSE 276 - Taillow - COMMON* 277 - Swellow - OCCASIONAL 278 - Wingull - ABUNDANT* 280 - Ralts - SPARSE* 283 - Surskit - MEAGRE* 285 - Shroomish - SCARCE 287 - Slakoth - EXTREMELY RARE 290 - Nincada - RARE 293 - Whismur - ABUNDANT* 294 - Loudred - UNCOMMON* 296 - Makuhita - COMMON* 297 - Hariyama - MEAGRE* 299 - Nosepass - SCARCE* 300 - Skitty - OCCASIONAL 302 - Sableye - EXTREMELY RARE 303 - Mawile - RARE* 304 - Aron - SPARSE* 305 - Lairon - EXTREMELY RARE 307 - Meditite - SCARCE* 308 - Medicham - RARE 309 - Electrike - SCARCE* 310 - Manectric - RARE 311 - Plusle - SPARSE* 312 - Minun - SPARSE* 313 - Volbeat - SCARCE 314 - Illumise - SCARCE 315 - Roselia - OCCASIONAL 316 - Gulpin - SCARCE* 322 - Numel - MEAGRE* 324 - Torkoal - SCARCE* 325 - Spoink - RARE* 327 - Spinda - UNCOMMON* 328 - Trapinch - EXTREMELY RARE 331 - Cacnea - SCARCE 333 - Swablu - EXTREMELY RARE 334 - Altaria - EXTREMELY RARE 335 - Zangoose - RARE* 336 - Seviper - SCARCE 337 - Lunatone - SCARCE* 338 - Solrock - SCARCE* 341 - Corphish - EXTREMELY RARE 343 - Baltoy - OCCASIONAL 344 - Claydol - RARE 352 - Kecleon - MEAGRE* 353 - Shuppet - MEAGRE* 354 - Banette - RARE 355 - Duskull - SCARCE* 356 - Dusclops - EXTREMELY RARE 357 - Tropius - RARE* 358 - Chimecho - OCCASIONAL 359 - Absol - EXTREMELY RARE 360 - Wynaut - SCARCE* 361 - Snorunt - UNCOMMON* 363 - Spheal - MEAGRE* 364 - Sealeo - SPARSE* 371 - Bagon - EXTREMELY RARE 374 - Beldum - EXTREMELY RARE 396 - Starly - SPARSE* 399 - Bidoof - MEAGRE 403 - Shinx - RARE* 406 - Budew - OCCASIONAL* 412 - Burmy - EXTREMELY RARE 415 - Combee - OCCASIONAL 417 - Pachirisu - EXTREMELY RARE 420 - Cherubi - OCCASIONAL 427 - Buneary - EXTREMELY RARE 431 - Glameow - EXTREMELY RARE 433 - Chingling - SCARCE* 436 - Bronzor - UNCOMMON* 440 - Happiny - OCCASIONAL 441 - Chatot - EXTREMELY RARE 442 - Spiritomb - EXTREMELY RARE 443 - Gible - EXTREMELY RARE 447 - Riolu - EXTREMELY RARE 449 - Hippopotas - EXTREMELY RARE 451 - Skorupi - EXTREMELY RARE 455 - Carnivine - EXTREMELY RARE 504 - Patrat - ABUNDANT* 505 - Watchog - ABUNDANT* 524 - Roggenrola - EXTREMELY RARE 527 - Woobat - RARE* 529 - Drilbur - EXTREMELY RARE 532 - Timburr - EXTREMELY RARE 535 - Tympole - RARE* 539 - Sawk - RARE 540 - Sewaddle - SPARSE* 546 - Cottonee - RARE 551 - Sandile - EXTREMELY RARE 562 - Yamask - EXTREMELY RARE 568 - Trubbish - EXTREMELY RARE 574 - Gothita - EXTREMELY RARE 580 - Ducklett - OCCASIONAL* 582 - Vanillite - EXTREMELY RARE 585 - Deerling - UNCOMMON 595 - Joltik - EXTREMELY RARE 597 - Ferroseed - EXTREMELY RARE 602 - Tynamo - EXTREMELY RARE 605 - Elgyem - EXTREMELY RARE 607 - Litwick - EXTREMELY RARE 610 - Axew - EXTREMELY RARE 613 - Cubchoo - RARE* 621 - Druddigon - EXTREMELY RARE 626 - Bouffalant - EXTREMELY RARE 629 - Vullaby - EXTREMELY RARE 632 - Durant - EXTREMELY RARE 633 - Deino - EXTREMELY RARE 667 - Litleo - EXTREMELY RARE 669 - Flabebe - EXTREMELY RARE 702 - Dedenne - EXTREMELY RARE 703 - Carbink - EXTREMELY RARE 704 - Goomy - EXTREMELY RARE 707 - Klefki - EXTREMELY RARE <U>Water spawn Pokemon: 7 - Squirtle - EXTREMELY RARE 41 - Zubat - ABUNDANT* 42 - Golbat - ABUNDANT* 54 - Psyduck - ABUNDANT* 55 - Golduck - COMMON* 60 - Poliwag - ABUNDANT* 61 - Poliwhirl - COMMON* 62 - Poliwrath - SPARSE 72 - Tentacool - ABUNDANT 73 - Tentacruel - ABUNDANT* 79 - Slowpoke - ABUNDANT* 80 - Slowbro - COMMON* 86 - Seel - ABUNDANT* 87 - Dewgong - COMMON* 88 - Grimer - ABUNDANT 89 - Muk - UNCOMMON 90 - Shellder - SPARSE* 91 - Cloyster - SPARSE 98 - Krabby - ABUNDANT* 99 - Kingler - COMMON* 109 - Koffing - ABUNDANT 116 - Horsea - COMMON* 117 - Seadra - UNCOMMON* 118 - Goldeen - ABUNDANT* 119 - Seaking - COMMON* 120 - Staryu - SCARCE* 129 - Magikarp - ABUNDANT* 130 - Gyarados - ABUNDANT* 131 - Lapras - EXTREMELY RARE 147 - Dratini - EXTREMELY RARE 148 - Dragonair - EXTREMELY RARE 158 - Totodile - EXTREMELY RARE 170 - Chinchou - ABUNDANT* 171 - Lanturn - UNCOMMON* 183 - Marill - OCCASIONAL* 184 - Azumarill - SCARCE* 186 - Politoed - SCARCE* 187 - Hoppip - ABUNDANT* 194 - Wooper - ABUNDANT* 195 - Quagsire - ABUNDANT* 209 - Snubbull - UNCOMMON* 211 - Qwilfish - SCARCE 213 - Shuckle - RARE 222 - Corsola - UNCOMMON* 223 - Remoraid - SPARSE* 224 - Octillery - EXTREMELY RARE 226 - Mantine - SPARSE* 230 - Kingdra - OCCASIONAL 258 - Mudkip - EXTREMELY RARE 270 - Lotad - OCCASIONAL* 278 - Wingull - ABUNDANT* 279 - Pelipper - MEAGRE* 283 - Surskit - UNCOMMON* 284 - Masquerain - SPARSE* 298 - Azurill - MEAGRE* 318 - Carvanha - OCCASIONAL* 319 - Sharpedo - SPARSE* 320 - Wailmer - RARE* 321 - Wailord - EXTREMELY RARE 337 - Lunatone - SPARSE 338 - Solrock - SPARSE 339 - Barboach - SCARCE* 340 - Whiscash - SPARSE 341 - Corphish - SCARCE* 342 - Crawdaunt - RARE* 349 - Feebas - EXTREMELY RARE 350 - Milotic - EXTREMELY RARE 363 - Spheal - SCARCE* 366 - Clamperl - SCARCE* 369 - Relicanth - EXTREMELY RARE 370 - Luvdisc - SCARCE* 393 - Piplup - EXTREMELY RARE 418 - Buizel - SPARSE* 422 - Shellos - EXTREMELY RARE 449 - Hippopotas - EXTREMELY RARE 456 - Finneon - SCARCE* 458 - Mantyke - RARE* 564 - Tirtouga - EXTREMELY RARE 580 - Ducklett - OCCASIONAL* 592 - Frillish - RARE* 594 - Alomomola - EXTREMELY RARE 690 - Skrelp - EXTREMELY RARE 692 - Clauncher - EXTREMELY RARE 714 - Noibat - EXTREMELY RARE 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathan Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 Nice guide, easy to follow. An updated guide like this has been needed for a while now, :thanks: Check out PRO's Official Discord: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violalion Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 Nice one Jay it looks great and it was really needed ! :Heart: :Smile: [glow=red]"I will never grow older, At least not in my mind" ~[/glow] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuroiryuu Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 Nice work Jay. :y: About pokemons that have multiple rarity, I think Red's post is corresponding to the ingame Pokedex, which means, for example, Caterpie is Common on Route 2 and Abundant on the other places. Just my thought. :Cool: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obliternade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 Thanks for the updated guide, good job buddy. :thanks: :Smile: Back again ~ I swear its the last time. [MEDIA=imgur]a/VddScya[/MEDIA] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightjay Posted July 9, 2016 Author Share Posted July 9, 2016 Thanks y'all! :Heart: 203867 Nice work Jay. :y: About pokemons that have multiple rarity, I think Red's post is corresponding to the ingame Pokedex, which means, for example, Caterpie is Common on Route 2 and Abundant on the other places. Just my thought. :Cool: Yeah, that was my original thought too, but I got confused because when I was cross-checking it, Tyrogue (#236) is listed five times under Red's spawn dump, whereas it has only four locations listed in the in-game Pokedex. And Ralts (#280) is listed as "Rare" on its first line and then "Sparse" on its second - but its Pokedex entry shows Route 102 first and Love Island second, and I would assume that Ralts would be more common at its Hoenn location rather than Love Island, considering the recent revamp on rare Hoenn Pokemon spawns. So I'm a bit confused about it. I'm glad someone else had the same idea, though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuroiryuu Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 203871 Yeah, that was my original thought too, but I got confused because when I was cross-checking it, Tyrogue (#236) is listed five times under Red's spawn dump, whereas it has only four locations listed in the in-game Pokedex. And Ralts (#280) is listed as "Rare" on its first line and then "Sparse" on its second - but its Pokedex entry shows Route 102 first and Love Island second, and I would assume that Ralts would be more common at its Hoenn location rather than Love Island, considering the recent revamp on rare Hoenn Pokemon spawns. So I'm a bit confused about it. I'm glad someone else had the same idea, though! Hope that we can get an answer from Red. If he let us use the spawn dump I think he would gladly give us some explaination about it :Ambivalent: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simond Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 :Heart: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charismo Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 Bookmarked. :Grin: Thanks for your work. :Heart: [CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daihucovei Posted July 31, 2016 Share Posted July 31, 2016 Is it possible to add the spawn times? Most places I visit are outdated. For example, lapras spawns during the morning/day while the guide I visited says it spawns at night in love island. Also, while trying to get a Finneon in love island, I got 3 or 4 lapras during one morning/day. I have yet to get a Finneon. T_T EDIT: I had to say something.... it spawned like 3min after writing this. Still it took a lot of time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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