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Perfect antibot solution


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My first thought: A picture of a common poke with three different answer possibilities, or pictures of its evolution as answers for non-english speaking players and a 2 min time frame to answer.

GMs are humans and haw flaws. They cant find every botter.


It would be nice and fun !


I don't like saw someone with million and million without see him one time in the trade channel...

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This would be most retarded thing ever, do yo realize, that modern neural network based image recognition software is capable of achieving very high percentage of successful captcha solving? sometimes even higher than people.

There is no solid permanent solution versus bots, server based pattern based antibot was successful in PathOfExile and battlefield (they use it for anticheat tho).

One problem is that code of the game in written in non-native programming language, making it really easy to reverse, but it is still not an excuse that the bot (at least main) is packet-based, it is kind of telling about amateur level of development, at least of some part of the game (yes guys, witch hunting is not really, a good solution). This is weak idea, because scale of the game and people playing is only going to grow, and recent pokemon-related releases is only going to boost this.


The ONLY reason why game master witch hunt is working is because game is not really represented in any in-game currency markets, real botters are not interested yet, just kids. But this will change, when game will be (if) more popular, when obvious things will force devs to make world session based system (10 servers with que's is not an good idea). The real deal is at least two things - asymmetric packet encryption to at least fix packet based bots, ban waves. Trust me, solo bans is bad idea because you can almost always determine the reason of ban. (come on guys, look at blizzard at least). Right now, even i'm couple of days in, it does feel like a little private server of some big game, stuff/gm's are way to involved in gameplay, just does not looks serious enough in some ways.

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Barney, thanks for supporting my plan. That really cheer me up :)


Well, captcha dont have to be that bad as you think. It is not an advertise, it is not something that would be too annoying to make people stop playing this game.

Already you have queues reaching 1200 people. Banning and kicking bots didn't helped in many games which names i wont say because of reasons, but if you really want an examples i can give some.


Well designed captcha system would prevent people from mindlesly bot hunting/lvling. This destroy game for those who dont use bots - you ask how? Well, simply because botting people can spend more time in game to catch pokemons or lvl them up.


Captcha is the only thing that bot can't handle. With proper explaination and putting it in reasonable amounts of times, this is the best solution so far to prevent people from botting. I'm truly interested why there is no proper bot solution so far when project PRO is having quite a bit of time.


This was only a suggestion, but if you want me to tell you which games bots ruined a game, i can say several examples.


Kicking and banning bot accounts in free-to-play game will never stop people from botting.


Also even if there are bots that catch captcha, many bot programms can't so you would highly decrease amount of botting people anyway.


The only one thing against anti bot system is:

Usually short-term popular games want from people to cheat, because when people cheat, they want to play this game - there was many many games popular for one or two years just because many many people had an access to cheats/bots. This is old trick, but it is not good for long term projects. Bots should be destroyed.

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207290 There is already a perfect solution against botters, two in fact :

1 - Banhammer

2- Game Masters


The most unavoidable obstacle to code around is detection. Even the most randomized movements have patterns that can be detected.


I see a lot of botters, actually. But, I don't see them for long. They are baited by the relative simplicity of creating one/finding one for PRO, without taking into consideration how blatantly obvious it is to see. In fact, a captcha would probably make it more difficult to ban them because their bot would shut down in intervals where they are away--limiting "suspicious behavior" reported by the community.

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


Pearl's Guitar SHop- My Trade Thread (Blue server)


[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

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I support this, unknown people who buy things for 5m insta and then things for 20m (not naming) is really depressing... how do they get this money? WHO are they? Why are they ruining the economy, most likely, due to botting. I know there are botters and just having them in this game just ruins it more than having a simple captcha. I :y: your suggestion Sernik.



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207136 Since you noticed that servers are much more empty after crash/restarts, that would suggest that many people are just botting here.

That's not the main reason at all, after a crash restart people who were already logged in probably went to do something else and when the server comes back up not everyone notices at the same time ^^

207136 "bots" problem can be solved pretty easily by adding randomly popping up captcha into game

I agree with Thor on this one, a solution involving every player, multiple times per day potentially is for sure a decrease in the quality of the gameplay offered. A solution involving a bot detector client sided would be much more preferable :)




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Economy involve all players business. And lack of bot prevention leads to inflation/ more unknown people whith good pokemons.

If not captcha, then i suggest to find any other way - but captcha is the best one so far.


You might lose a bit of popularity by doing this system, but from other hand, only people who are really playing will stay, another ones will go to earn easy money on games where it is easier to bot.

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207390 Economy involve all players business. And lack of bot prevention leads to inflation/ more unknown people whith good pokemons.

If not captcha, then i suggest to find any other way - but captcha is the best one so far.


You might lose a bit of popularity by doing this system, but from other hand, only people who are really playing will stay, another ones will go to earn easy money on games where it is easier to bot.

I suggest you to search for something like "bot captcha solver" on google.

You can even pay people 0.5$ to solve 1000 captcha for you.


Yeah captcha were good long ago, now they are getting more useless over time and just annoy real players.

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207481 so what about player with random number writting to you to answer a question??


more difficulties less bots. simple.


also, there are already "gold in game " offers on internet, so this problem already started, and it will get worse.

What about a full mathematics exam + essay on current political situation in your country? If you don't both in less than 10 mins then you're kicked.

More difficulties = Less bots. Simple?

You're not considering the pain inflicted to the vast majority of the players, I really don't like the idea of filling up captchas every hour or so when I'm playing a game, GMs + Report center + Banhammer are designed to prevent any decrease in the player gaming experience and to hit only botters.

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