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Hi! Yystri here.

I'm a virgo. I enjoy long moonlit walks on the beach. I like pokemon and raging at stupid things on forums.


Take a few seconds of my day to search MMOs, take a few minutes to download the game. Wait half an hour trying to get into the server, great start.


That aside since I've dealt with queues before, WHAT in the bloody nin- Just what are you all trying to do? It's a game well made, yes. It's even sort of fun. That doesn't stop the peppering of terrible ideas implemented, and I haven't even been playing two days to find out you're doing them.

I mean, artificial difficulty on gym battles by disabling level view. A slight annoyance, albeit a stupid one, but that's all.


Limiting the legends available. Righty-o. We think they're too strong or should be rare, so no one can touch them. Uguu hurr hurr. You're going to sell them or throw them out in events later to generate money/interest, right? Terrible. The line of logic that legends should be legendary is a flimsy excuse tacked on.

Am I mad about this? Obviously. Legends were only really rare in the singleplayers and that was just for fluff not anything super mechanical since sooo many exist. GTS destroyed any difficulty getting them, but you still had to raise and pick well to get good use.

You can even use the same it shuld b raer logic on a fair number of pokemon, so I'm off this train before it wrecks.


> Raising level 80 Rattata to get into a region.

I swear to god, I hope this is a joke. A joke taken seriously on the forum. I don't have to explain how stupid this is do I? Even using it as a flow control for players is stupid. You're literally just wasting people's time hoping to earn more play from them, since that's ALL it can accomplish. OH, that and making some people ragequit.


Are there more terribly bad ideas thrown in? I can be assured there is, since even my pitiful amount of time on here led me to these. Your skill in making a game outmatches your ability in managing one. Enjoy making your next game after Nintendo shuts this one down when they decide it's fanbase is too large, maybe you won't drop the ball into a meat grinder.




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First of all, from what I see you are not gamer. A gamer can meet all difficulties .. What difficulties; I guess that the reason to not see the level is to a degree of difficulty in the game and to look for it. That the game is still trial version,i think you knew it..To know that the legendary pokemons not have come out another first who have the will is very loud. there is no reason to enter. Also from what you say I played the game two days; how can you have an opinion about that; not even you know the basics nor. This is where approximately three months and many things not know thee .. The game I'm very good DESIGNED MADE Mr. of course we have still work but all will be progressively.


P.S if you want something easier Tetris play what you think? . Goodbye

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