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i Get destroied i got following

-Gengar 55 Dark Pulse, Shadowball, Psychic

-Pica thunderbold,surf

-Nidoking 55 horn drill, poison, dont remember rest

-Snorlax 60 rest ,sleepin talk, giga impact, crunch

-Poliwrath 60 the third evolution

-scyther 23/graveler 43/ Hitmonlee 5


Can you tell me what pokemon to use? and in waht lvl to train them? and move set? i dont want to spam revives etc only a few

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208787 i Get destroied i got following

-Gengar 55 Dark Pulse, Shadowball, Psychic

-Pica thunderbold,surf

-Nidoking 55 horn drill, poison, dont remember rest

-Snorlax 60 rest ,sleepin talk, giga impact, crunch

-Poliwrath 60 the third evolution

-scyther 23/graveler 43/ Hitmonlee 5


Can you tell me what pokemon to use? and in waht lvl to train them? and move set? i dont want to spam revives etc only a few

Here is guide for you https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=24239

Your pokemon so low, it need at least level 80 for beat E4.


--moved to proper place--

Honestly, if you sold off your entire team you could probably purchase a full EV trained level 100 Gengar/Gyarados (Moxie can help). Those two alone can essentially duo the E4 if you have a few Sturdy's in your team to revive/potion either fallen - with the correct moveset, of course; described in Windy's guide.

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